ICP PhD scholarships 2013 (sandwich scholarships for Asian, Latin-American and African nationals)
NGOZELA / Yasinta / University of Ghent / Sokoine Universityof Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania / Godelieve Gheysen, Ashura
Luzi-Kihupi / Characterization of plant parasitic nematodes and host resistance in rice production in Tanzania
YENGWE / Jones / University of Ghent / University of Zambia / Stefaan de Neve, Obed I. Lungu / The potential of Faidherbia Albida trees for improving soil quality and yield level of maize under dry land agriculture in Zambia
BARAKA / Vito / University of Antwerp / National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania / Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Deusdedith Ishengoma / Selection of Plasmodium falciparum Resistant phenotypes in relation to Gametocytes Carriage Dynamics following Artemisinin Combination Treatment in East and Central Africa
GABAZA / Molly / University of Ghent / University of Zimbabwe / Katleen Raes, Maud Muchuweti / Controlled fermentation strategies to improve the bio-accessibility of iron and zinc on cereal based porridges in Zimbabwe.
CLAVANO / Chelmarie Joy / University of Ghent / Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology, Philippines / Tom Moens, Marleen De Troch, Lea Angsinco-Jimenez / Effect of marine protected areas on biodiversity and trophodynamics in the southeastern part of The Philippines
NKEMNYI / Francis Mbunya / University of Antwerp / University of Buea, Cameroon / Tom Deherdt, Tom Vanwing, Chuyong Goerge / Making the environment-Development Nexus: the case of the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Cameroon
QUADER / Mohammad Abdul / Free University Brussels / Dhaka University, Bangladesh / Mathieu Kervyn, A M M Amanat Ullah Khan / Climate change related risk and adaption strategies in coastal area of Bangladesh
RUMISHA / Cyrus / Free University Brussels / Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania / Marc Kochzius, Marc Elskens, Robinson Mdegela / Trace metal pollution, accumulation a its influence on the pop.genetic structure of the mud crab Scylla serrata and the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon of the Tanzanian coastal waters
MUGENYI / Levicatus / Hasselt University / Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration (IDRC), Uganda / Niel Hens, Sarah Staedke / Estimating infectious disease parameters for the transmission of malaria in Ugandan Children
AKTER / Masuda / University of Ghent / Bangladesh Agricultural University / Steven Sleutel, Abdul Kader / Identification of abiotic controls on paddy soil NH4 release within a rice growing season to improve fertilizer efficiency in Bangladesh