2007 Chemeketan Climb SchoolRock Field Session Duty Roster – Saturday April 14
/ Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4 /Group 5
Pod Ldr / Mike Niemeyer / Jerry Croft / Gloria Petrie / Jennifer Truax / Tim SmithHelper-1 / Ryan Good / Debra Marsh / Tom Jolly / Eric Marley / Robyn Smith
Helper-2 / Cynde Stuart / Amy Palacios / Greg Phillips / Hans Tygeson / Jon Ellis
Helper-3 / Mike McHugh / John Coyier / Craig Siler / Brodie Franklin / Linda Bedard
Student 1 / Amy Foster / Rebecca Preston / David Thorsett / Joseph Bernert
Student 2 / Joel Bruhn / Michael Preston / Rick Slezak / Sarah Thorsett
Student 3 / Young Lorentz / Jeremy Sloan / Matthew Tryon / Susie Callahan / Bryon Snapp
Student 4 / Mike Koyama / Roger Monette / Rebecca Tryon / Dan Sewell / Tim Donovan
Student 5 / Brian Kier / Ronda Barrow / Paul Guthrie / Aura Beatty / Brian Pranghofer
Student 6 / Jay Howe / Phillip Gray / Ben Sigloh / Jeanette Ewald / Benjamin Wadnizak
Student 7 / Rick Retzman / Bob Sigloh / Jane Morris / Dale Blackburn
Student 8 / Mike Kirkpatrick / Matt Betts / Andrea Fitterer / Debbie Baker / Bill Langdon
Schedule / Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 /
Group 4
/ Group 58:30 am / Hike in and put on climbing gear.
9:00 am / Belay / Fixed Line / Friction Slab / Prusik / Rappel
9:45 am / Fixed Line / Friction Slab / Prusik / Rappel / Belay
10:30 am / Friction Slab / Prusik / Rappel / Belay / Fixed Line
11:10 am / Prusik / Rappel / Belay / Fixed Line / Friction Slab
11:50 am / Rappel / Belay / Fixed Line / Friction Slab / Prusik
12:30 pm / Lunch
1:00 pm / Exposure Traverse / Gorge Stations / Gorge Stations / Gorge Stations / Chimney
1:40 pm / Exposure Traverse / Chimney
2:20 pm / Chimney / Exposure Traverse / Gorge Stations
3:00 pm / Chimney / Exposure Traverse
3:40 pm / Gorge Stations / Chimney / Exposure Traverse
4:20 pm / Gorge Stations / Gorge Stations
5:00 pm / Hike out to road.
AM Stations / Lead(Assist)
Belay / Kirk Kraschel (Sue Nelson, Jess Palacios)
Fixed Line Traverse / Keith Hill
Friction Slab / John Petrie (Rick Barry)
Prusik / Bill Saur (Keith Garlinghouse)
Rappel / Jay Avery (Dunn, Scott Phillips)
Observers / Steve Dougherty
PM Stations / Lead(Assist)
Exposure Traverse / VanCampen (Rick Barry, Vincent Dunn)
Long Rappel / Bill Saur (Keith Garlinghouse)
Chimney / Herb Fecker (John Petrie, Sally Clark)
Rappel / Jay Avery ( Keith Hill)
Rock Routes / Mike Rudy (Phillips, Nelson, Palacios)
Student Belay / Kirk Kraschel
Photographer / Jim Rudy