Digital Enablement in Business and Society

DEC 2016 Paper Title

Indicate Submission Type: Case Study/Extended Abstract/ Research-in-Progress


Include a brief summary of the paper in less than 150 words.


We ask that authors use this template when submitting to DEC 2016. The easiest way is to replace the content of this document with your content.

All submissions must be in Microsoft® Word .doc format, Microsoft® Word .docx format, or Adobe PDF format. Files that do not use the submission template or submitted in other formats will not be considered for review.


The submission must not exceed 5000 words.


Please ensure that your submission complies with the following:

·  A4 page size

·  Page margins of 1” (2.5 cm) around

·  Single line spacing (exactly 1.0)

·  All text is justified (NOT left aligned)

Non-compliance of these instructions may lead to rejection of your paper.

Normal or Body Text

11-point Arial, single spacing, justified


“Heading 1” style – 14-point Arial bold, justified


“Heading 2” style – 12-point Arial bold, justified


“Heading 3” style – 11-point Arial bold, justified

Figures, Tables & Captions

·  Number the figures and tables (e.g., Figure 1, Table 2), left-aligned and place beneath the figure or table.

·  Place figures and tables close to the relevant text (or where they are referenced in the text).

Figure 1. Conceptual model

Table Style

Table 1. A Sample Table
Treatment 1 / Treatment 2
Subject A / 11 / 22
Subject B / 22 / 13
Subject C / 55 / 33

Table 1. A Sample Table

Language, Style, and Content

·  You may use any dialect of English (e.g., British, Canadian, US, etc.) and do ensure it is done consistently

·  Avoid long sentences

·  Define the technical terms for the readers

·  When using acronyms for the first time in your submission, it must be spelled out


Your cooperation in adhering to the guideline of submission is much appreciated. We look forward to receiving a nice looking, camera-ready version.

Acknowledgements (optional)

Acknowledgements may be added afterward, if the paper is accepted.

References and Citations

Please ensure that every references cited in the text is present in the reference list. References should be formatted using the new MIS Quarterly style ( under MISQ References Format). Where applicable, last name and initials of all authors, volume, number, publisher, editors, page numbers etc. must be included. Do ensure that the references are ordered in alphabetic order.

Example of References

Saraf, N., Langdon, C.S., and Gosain, S. 2007. "Is Application Capabilities and Relational Value in Interfirm Partnerships," Information Systems Research (18:3), September 1, 2007, pp. 320-339.

Mason, J. 2002. Qualitative Researching. London: Sage Publications Limited.

Majchrzak, A., and Markus, M.L. 2013. "Technology Affordances and Constraints Theory (of Mis)," in: Encyclopedia of Management Theory, E. Kessler (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

van Osch, W., and Steinfield, C.W. 2013. "Boundary Spanning through Enterprise Social Software: An External Stakeholder Perspective," in: International Conference on Information Systems. Milan.

Digital Enablement Conference 2016, UNSW Sydney 2