Greek Civilization

Name _Mrs. Alls__

The Culture of Ancient Greece

·  Poetry, Art, and Drama are from Greek culture and are still a part of our culture today.

·  Because the Greeks were polytheistic, their religion was based on mythology. What did they believe gods/goddesses controlled? nature


·  Who was the god of the underworld? Hades

·  Who was the goddess of the hunt and animals? Artemis

·  How are Zeus and Aphrodite related? Father/daughter

·  How are Zeus and Hera related? Brother/sister

·  Ares is the god of war.

·  Greek drama shapes our entertainment today (has been handed down from the ancient times).

·  Greek drama that may be sad but ends happy is called comedy.

·  The Greeks used Myths to teach a lesson or explain scientific happenings. What lesson does the myth Icarus and Daedalus teach? That young people should listen to the advice of their elders

·  What are the three types of columns in Greek architecture? Doric, Ionian, Corinthian


Greek Philosophy and History

·  The Greeks love of philosophy led to the study of history, politics, biology, and logic. Wisdom means the same a philosophy.

·  Greek Philosophies are used today.

o  Basic philosophies of the following:

§  Socrates – all real knowledge is inside each person

§  Plato – men and women should have equal education and chance for jobs

§  Aristotle – do nothing in excess, mixed gov’t is best, uses senses to make observations

·  Thucydides saw war and politics as the activities of human beings, not gods. Why did Thucydides say the following quote:

”Either I was present myself at the events which I have described or else I heard of them from eye-witnesses whose reports I have checked with as much thoroughness as possible.”

Because he stressed the importance of accurate facts

Alexander the Great

·  Who was responsible for uniting the Greeks? Philip II of Macedonia

·  Philip II wanted to unite the Greek city-states with his own kingdom. Who tried to warn the Athenians that Philip was a threat to Greek freedom? Demosthenes


·  Alexander the Great built cities with these features: an agora, a temple, a theater, and an university. Why did he design cities this way? Because he wanted the cities to be like Greek cities

·  Alexander the Great spread Greek culture throughout Southwest Asia.

·  How might Alexander the Great have described his approach to unifying his empire? “I am a great leader who has conquered the world.”

·  Hellenistic scientists made major discoveries in these areas: mathematics and astronomy

The Spread of Greek Culture

·  What Greek cities became centers of learning and culture? Hellenistic cities

·  Three major Greek contributions to Western Civilizations are architecture, theater, and astronomy.