Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management
Global Trust Certification Ltd.
Rivercourt Centre
Co. Louth
Tel: + 353 42 9320912
Fax: + 353 42 9386864
Application for Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management (Iceland RFM)
Chain of Custody Certification
The information submitted on this form remains confidential between Global Trust Certification Ltd and the Applicant.
The purpose of this form is to provide Global Trust with all the necessary information to enable us to:
1. Identify the scope of chain of custody assessment.
2. Match the competence of our assessors to the needs of the assessment.
3. Develop an Assessment Plan.
4. Determine how much time will be required to carry out the assessment.
Please provide as much detail as possible enclosing additional information if deemed relevant.
1. Company contact details.
Company Name:Contact Person:
Postal Code: / Phone / Fax
2. Legal entity and main activity.
Legal Entity e.g. Private limited company, INC., PLC, soul trader, producer group.
Main Activity e.g. Fishing Association, Sales Agency, Distributor, stand alone trader/wholesaler/processor/distributor, group-wide processor/distributor/ cooperative/independent retailer/multiple branch retailer/single food service/ multiple branch food service/ fish counter/monger.
Legal Entity:
Main Activity:
Number of Employees:
Number of Sites:
Type of Certified Product bought in:
Estimated Volume of Certified Product bought in :
Type of Certified Product produced:
Estimated Volume of Certified Product produced:
3. Will you take legal ownership of the Iceland RFM Certified fishery product?
(N.B answer yes, even if ownership only takes place on certain occasions)
4. From which Iceland RFM certified fishery (ies) will product be sourced?
Please list species common and Latin names, geographic location and certificate number. If this is a fishery pending certification decision, please state (certificate pending).
5. Organizational Structure. Stand alone or *Group Certification
Are you applying on behalf of:
1. A single site stand alone operation,
2. A number of separate independent sites or operations,
3. A large multiple site operation.
(Please specify below)
*Group certification, where clearly defined Group-wide systems are applied in a uniform and consistent manner across a group or chain and there is a single, central point of control and a legally binding relationship between the group members and the group’s point of control group certification may apply.
6. Fishery Supply Chain.
To help in defining the appropriate type of assessment please describe the entities and links in the chain from fish landing to market, itemizing where your organization fits in the chain. (e.g. names and activity of organizations, their location and steps involved in moving the Iceland Certified seafood from fishery to market. Indicate which steps in the chain you are legally responsible for. (N.B this can be by flow diagram). Please attach additional sheets where necessary.
Activity / Description1
7. Organizational Structure and Management.
Please provide a brief overview of the organization.
e.g. years in operation, scale, number of sites, existing volumes and types of products, forecast for Icelandic RFM certified product volumes, management systems, staff resources, market type and location.
8. Management System in operation.
Please provide a brief overview of the Management System in operation.
(Management team and responsibilities, degree of management centralization, control and reporting over remote and third party sites, level of documentation/record keeping and traceability system (paper based/electronic).
9. Group Application.
Where this is a multiple site operation managed by a single entity (termed a Group Application) please provide further details of the management entity, the number of sites, their geographic location, the range and difference in activities that are undertaken from site to site.
Global Trust will contact you on receipt of the Application and will most likely seek further information to determine eligibility for Group Certification.
10. Declaration of Sub-contracting parties.
Please declare and provide names and addresses and the specifics of the service they provide of any sub-contracted activities (e.g. processing, transformation, transportation, distribution and storage companies or facilities) that are used in handling the products (to be covered by the Iceland RFM Certificate).
Name of Sub-contractor / Address (or vessel e.g. for at sea processing) / Activity(ies) undertaken / Do they hold an existing Iceland RFM CoC Certificate? / Have they had an Iceland RFM CoC Certificate revoked?Please add additional pages where necessary. Please state N/A and strike through the table where sub-contracting parties are not used.
11. Other Third Party Certification.
Do you hold any existing third party accredited certification?
In each case, please list the certification and the certifying body
12. Have you ever had any Third Party Certificate suspended, withdrawn or refused by a Certification Body? (If yes, please give details)
13. Timeframe for Certification.
Please indicate the timeframe in which you will require certification to the Iceland RFM CoC Standard.
1 Month / 3 Months / 6 Months / +6 monthsPlease note:
Applicants who are (purchasing from applicant fisheries) and who wish to avail of the Iceland certified RFM logo, retrospectively for supplies that are purchased from the date of fishery eligibility and prior to the fishery certification decision, first must be audited for Iceland RFM Chain of Custody standard for the product to be eligible for identification as originating from an Iceland RFM certified fishery.
I confirm that all information is correct at the time of application.
I agree to provide site access during normal working hours to authorized assessors of Global Trust Certification for the purpose of carrying out inspections of product and premises in order to establish compliance to the Iceland RFM Chain of Custody Standard.
I acknowledge that failure to comply with the requirements of the Scheme will result in withdrawal of Certification and all entitlements and references to the Iceland RFM certified claim.
On completion, please sign and return to: Global Trust Certification Ltd. Rivercourt Centre, Riverlane, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland. And E Mail to:
Form 2a Page 3 of 9 Issue No: 2 Feb 2011