Activity 3

Practicing Best Practice


The intent of this activity is for participants to try using best practice techniques to plan dialogic reading.


Participants will use multi-sensory techniques to better develop their dialogic reading skills.

Materials Required:

·  Carrot Soup book (or another chosen book)

·  Video Reflection handout with CROWD questions

·  Preschool Curriculum Framework (PCF)

·  Extra materials on back table (construction paper, markers, objects, instruments, etc.)

Time: 20 minutes


·  Have each group take a storybook from the middle of the table.

·  Ask groups to review the CROWD questions that they recorded earlier.

·  Thinking about the best practice suggestions from the PowerPoint, ask groups to brainstorm for at least 5 different ideas to enhance the dialogic reading experience.

·  After 5 minutes have passed, invite participants to choose one idea to fully develop. Let them know that they will be given 10 minutes to develop their ideas, after which they will share out with the entire group.

·  Guide participants to the back table where they can choose any extra materials that they would like to use.

·  After they have had 10 minutes to work on their idea, invite participants to regroup as a whole and begin sharing out.

·  After each group has shared out, debrief with the following focused conversation questions:

o  What ideas did you hear or see?

o  What was the most exciting idea?

o  Why was that idea particularly exciting to you?

o  How would you implement that idea?


If the group is too large, have table groups partner up and share out with each other.


Participants will create best practice ideas to support the dialogic reading of a familiar story, and will share those ideas with one another.

©2012 California Department of Education (CDE) with WestEd Center for Child Family Studies, California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN). Permission to copy with attribution to CDE and CPIN is hereby granted (5/21/2012).