Advice for Residential Weekend Committee:

(based on the Park PlaceVenue )


  • Convenor
  • Administrator (maybe shared)
  • Programme Coordinator
  • Facilitator Coordinator
  • Children Coordinator + publicity
  • Someone else, if necessary, to look after overseas visitors (this might mean arranging transport, home hosting etc) – wouldn’t have to be on committee

Residential Committee Member

Role Description - Convenor

Before the event:

  • Clerk committee
  • Make decisions of date/venue with reference to AM and Treasurer (needs to be in budget)
  • Book and send deposit
  • Liaise with Sister Agnes at PP
  • Prepare budget
  • Initial and final letters to participants including emergency mobile numbers
  • Arrange with PP for piano to be tuned, hire extra tables, equipment
  • Room allocation
  • Send list of names, rooms, diets to PP (a fortnight before start)
  • Check menus/diets with PP
  • Arrange for epilogues, elders for MfW (+QF&P)
  • Arrange compeer for Q factor
  • Arrange for other Friends to help on reception (Fri evening, Sat morning and evening, Sun morning?)
  • Evaluation form
  • Process evaluations
  • Report and recommendation to AM

At event:

  • Reception
  • Friday evening introduction
  • Room set up for Epilogue etc
  • Silence at meals (bell useful)
  • Arrange for group photo
  • Biscuits (2 small packets for main house, two large for kitchen spots in Asissi house,
  • 2x2 for kitchen by conservatory and Newman kitchen) – delegate
  • Look after the key
  • Pastoral care?
  • Easy jigsaw was appreciated
  • Check all the other jobs are being done!

Duration of commitment:3 Years

Residential Committee Member

Role Description - Administrator

  • Send out Brochure and Booking Form to all meetings
  • Liaise with participants (by email where possible)
  • Acknowledge booking forms and deposits
  • Pay in cheques from participants (paying in book form AM treasurer) and inform AM treasurer
  • Create spreadsheet with all information from booking forms
  • Take action on requests for help with transport
  • Reminders when final cheques are due
  • Send out programme, option forms, letters
  • Send out list of participants and choices
  • At event:
  • Reception
  • Badge labels (from membership clerk)
  • Plans of accommodation
  • Spare copies of programme

After the event:

Meet with the committee to evaluate the event

Duration of commitment:3 Years

Residential Committee Member

Role Description - Programme Coordinator

Before the event:

  • Attend committee meetings
  • Provide ideas for programme/speakers – with committee
  • Produce a balanced programme - taking room availability into account
  • advise 4 options per session with only one needing data projector
  • one needs to be next to children if at PP + max 15 in conservatory
  • Arrange Saturday free time activities and leaders – with committee
  • Produce Option sheet and Choice form (descriptions and max numbers from facilitators)
  • Collate and send out choices

At event:

  • Reception
  • Option lists to be pinned up
  • Sign up lists for Sat pm and Q factor
  • Friday evening introductory session

After the event:

  • Meet with the committee to evaluate the event

Duration of commitment:3 Years

Residential Committee Member

Role Description - Facilitator Coordinator

Before the event:

  • Attend committee meetings
  • Contact suggested speakers/facilitators to see if available.
  • Send out request form and collate information
  • Chase up replies
  • Send out brochure when available (so they know venue)
  • Send out detailed programme to facilitators so they can check their wording and see how it all fits in
  • Contact again nearer event to thank them for being prepared to come and recheck what equipment they need/will bring (don’t assume this will stay the same!), and meal offer
  • Ask for invoices to be sent in so that cheques can be given out at event
  • Send expense claim forms to Friend facilitators
  • Give meal numbers to convenor
  • Give max numbers to Programme coordinator
  • Let facilitators know approx numbers
  • Ask a Friend to host each option – (meeting), introducing, timekeeping and thanking at end.
  • Arrange for equipment to be provided
  • Write and thank facilitators after event

At event:

  • Reception
  • Check rooms are set up with enough chairs
  • Check on equipment being provided
  • Meet outside facilitators – or arrange for hosting Friends to do so
  • Give out cheques
  • Have expenses forms available

After the event:

  • Meet with the committee to evaluate the event

Duration of commitment:3 Years

Residential Committee Member

Role Description - Children coordinator (+ publicity)

Before the event

  • Attend committee meetings
  • Publicise event – posters and article for News and Views
  • Send information as available to LMs, AM website, Friendly events, Prime Group (Southampton) etc
  • AM children’s committee
  • Prepare ideas for children’s programme (primary age) perhaps relating to the adult programme
  • Arrange all-age session within MfW
  • Arrange a meeting (June) with those who have offered to help to finalise children’s programme
  • Arrange who is to lead each session (including during MfW) and who is helping
  • Send out programme and medical forms to participating families
  • Prepare sign in sheets for each session.
  • If secondary age children are present make sure there are suitable adult sessions they can attend or where they may need to join younger children
  • Check on who is bringing equipment etc - plastic sheet necessary for messy activities, parachute from Southampton meeting, games etc for free time.

At event:

  • Meet with parents on first evening, collect in medical forms, explain sign up procedure
  • For each session check that leaders/helpers turn up and are prepared
  • For each session check that children turn up and are signed in.

After the event:

  • Meet with the committee to evaluate the event

Duration of commitment:3 Years

Residential Committee

Role Description – Overseas Visitor Hospitality – (where necessary).

Before the event:-

  • Respond to requests from the Residential Committee for support for overseas visitors
  • Arrange/assist with transport arrangements
  • Arrange/Assist with home hosting

During the event:-

  • Respond to Respond to requests from the Residential Committee for support for overseas visitors
  • Arrange/assist with transport arrangements
  • Arrange/Assist with home hosting

After the event:

  • Meet with the committee to evaluate the event

Duration of commitment:3 Years

March 2014