ICDC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2012
Indiana Farm Bureau
7th Floor Conference Room
Directors Present:Rob Swain, Annie Watts, Vic Muller, Ellen Michel,
Jack Sheets, Kent Yeager,Jeff Quyle,Beth Archer,Jennifer Dennis
Directors Absent:Gina Sheets,Matt Tuohy,
Staff Present:Debbie Trocha, Executive Director
Bob White, Business Specialist, Contractor
President Swain welcomed the Board and opened the meeting at 10:05 am.
Annie Watts, Jennifer Dennis, and Beth Archerphoned into the meeting.
There were no additions to the agenda. Jack moved to accept the agenda, Vic seconded and the motion carried
The minutes were amended to state that Beth is the Treasurer and Rob should be called the President. Vic moved to approve the minutes as amended, Kent Seconded and the motion carried.
The Nominating Committee reported on their meeting (see attached report) and nominated the following slate of officers:
PresidentEllen Michel
Vice PresidentVic Muller
SecretaryJeff Quyle
TreasurerBeth Archer
Annie moved to accept the nominating committee slate of officers, Kent seconded and motion carried.
Past President Rob Swain thanked the Board for their dedication and working together over the past three years.
Ellen took over the meeting as President.
There was discussion regarding the balance of the nominating committee report regarding the addition of new board members and the development/expansion of the center.
After a great deal of discussion, the board decided that there will be three committees established: Advocacy / Education, Cooperative Summit and Development.
Annie moved the Board establish these three committees, Kent seconded and the motion carried.
Debbie will establish a spreadsheet with current board members terms and set up a stagger for election; and potential board members, initial contact, information letter sent out and possible commitment to the ICDC.
2012 Board Calendar
The following meeting dates were established:
Tuesday April 17 / retreat with Marilyn 10 to 3 possibly
Tuesday July 10th
Thursday October 4th
January 8, 2013
Indiana Cooperative Summit
November the 9th with backup as the 16th………
Jack moved to adjourn the meeting, Rob seconded and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am
Broke to get lunch
Working Lunch with discussion regarding the theme of the summit and what worked and what does not. Skill things, communications, social media,
Need a theme / international year of the coop / coop principles / democratic theme/ comments
from last year - wanted interaction with the audience / Gerry Dick - likely not invited this year does not add anything of value to the summit as a whole. Doesn’t do any homework before
john Ketzenberger / mike hicks from Ball state / impact of coops in Indiana / IFB is a sponsor of fiscal policy institute / perspective/ 3 yo study / waldon – CDS consulting……common cooperative fiscal statements /Waldon Swanson – economist – economics 101 for coops food coops and really focus on the economics and go outside of. Remc’s – membership…….commonalities with all coops / community /
themes in general – technology / regulatory- housing, remc, credit
success story of what about purchasing and marketing coops
creative solutions to hard times / need something that crosses over to all - common concern
farm bill questions / what about this / straw that stirs the drink /
Vic – talk to the developers as opposed to the coops already themselves.
Senior living……….cooperatives….MI – more equity buy-in……MI has 90+ and IN has 30…….back 40 years….lots of different housing models.
Creative Solutions……………..last year NCBA did the principles /
Kent – possibility / Chuck Conner / make the ask – likely do that.
Designer town in Broad Ripple………web designers
Coffee roasters coop in Wisconsin……different ownership model
Brewery in Texas / Blackstar Brewery…….
Creative Solutions or is it the changing face of cooperatives
Australia mom and pop car clinics………..government support is different.
International year of Coops ------the New Face of Coops……………
Purple Porch / South Bend------online grocery…..really cool thing / used the Oklahoma model
Brownsburg coop / office set up / vic will do some research on this.
Tell the story and then have some Q&A make time for tha!
Any small town that is losing some part of their “essential” stores or structure.
House cleaning coop / Health services at home coop /
Start at 900 with a keynote at 45 mion / break / 123 stories / Chuck / 123 stories / end at 230 end time
Post baby boom cooperatives 55 and up living / senior cooperative housing / all activities are organized by the people themselves.
Discussion ended at 1:45………………………………