Client Profile

Please note: only forms which are typed will be accepted as this information will be included in the Workbook. Please keep the information given as a word document and send it by email to

ICCA Iberian Chapter Member:

Name of the Company:
Sector:(please delete inappropriate answers) / Destination Marketing

Client Details: (Note: Please add to this form a photo of the client).

Representative name:
Job function within the Organisation: / Appointed until:
Association name:
Address of Organisation:
Telephone: / Fax:
Email: / Website:
Are you responsible for the conference you are representing?: / Yes/No
How is your association managed? (please delete inappropriate answers) / - Secretariat managed by volunteer leaders (no long-term paid staff, location of the Secretariat rotates according to the location of the volunteer leader)
- Permanent HQ/Secretariat managed by secretariat
- HQ/Secretariat managed by Association Management Company (AMC)
Name and address of AMC:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
If you are not based at the Organisation, please give your address, postcode, city and country:
Telephone: / Fax:
Email: / Website:
How were you appointed?
How were you appointed? (please delete inappropriate answers) / - Elected or volunteer leader for …….. years
- Permanent paid staff member directly employed by association
- Paid staff employed indirectly via Association Management Company (AMC)
- Paid staff employed indirectly viaProfessional Congress Organiser (PCO)
Name of AMC or PCO:…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Are you an Elected/volunteer leader? / If you are a elected leader, for how many years have you been elected?:………………………………………..


Event/congress title:
Congress Language: / Preferred month:
Frequency: / No of days:
No of Countries represented: / Open Year (first year without destination):
Preferred city/country/region: / Preferred venue:
Are there any other destinations you would like to see host this conference in the future?
Do youlook for anything specific when choosing a destination/venue? (please circle appropriate answers) / InternationalAirport / historic centre / coastal destination / city destination / resort destination/ climate / Other please specify: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
How is this event/congress organised? (please circle appropriate answers) / By volunteer leaders / By full time staff employed by association / By full time staff employed by an AMC / By a Core PCO / By a PCO with a multi-year contract / By a PCO selected independently for each major meeting
Name of AMC:…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name of PCO:…………………………………………………………………………………………….
When should the Bid for the event be sent? (please circle appropriate answers) / 6 months / 2 years / 3 years / 4 years before the firstopen date
Other please specify: …………………………………………………………………………………
Decision date:
Who is the Decision-Maker? (please circle appropriate answers) / Board / Members / Committee / National or Local contact
Other please specify: …………………………………………………………………………………
Who should be contacted? (please circle appropriate answers) / Association Head Office / National/Local contact
Other please specify: …………………………………………………………………………………
What is the procedure when a Bid is received? Are they discussed by theBoard/Committee/National or Local contact? Are the Bids then short listed or do site inspections take place first?
What factors are most important for your Association in a successful bid?
Part of the criteria for participating in this Workshop is that you must be a decision maker/influencer in the destination for future conferences. Can you please explain your role in the decision making process?
Are you personally listed on the website of the association? / Yes/No / Do you attend the site inspections? / Yes/No
Do you list your members by country on your website? / Yes/No / Do you mention your requirements & bid procedure on your website? / Yes/No

History of Event:

Year / Date / City & Country / No. of
Participants / No. of Accompany Persons / Total No. of

Next Venues:

Year / Date / City & Country / No. of
Participants / No. of Accompany Persons / Total No. of

Plenary Hall:

Theatre Style / Classroom Style

Meeting Rooms:

Number of rooms / Theatre Style (pax.) / Classroom Style (pax.)


Square Metres Gross / Square Metres Net / No. of Exhibitors

Poster Exhibition:

Number of Posters: / Running Metres:

Do you use the following companies:

Professional Congress Organiser (PCO): / Destination Management Company (DMC)
Exhibition Management Company: / Housing Services:
What is included in the Registration Fee for the Delegate:
Lunch: / Dinner
Coffee Breaks: / Gala Dinner
Are there additional things that are included? / Welcome Reception
Room Requirements: / 3 Star / 4 Star / 5 Star
Number of Single Rooms:
Number of Double Rooms:
Simultaneous interpretation:
in plenary meetings: Yes/No
in section meetings: Yes/No
Languages for Simultaneous Interpretation:
Other Facilities:

Please list any other events you are involved in:

Other Facilities:
Programme in short:
Additional information:
Date the form was completed:

Please email to as a word document before 20th.February 2017.