Closed Class Form – Spring 2018


SU Email ______Advisor______Major ______

Class Level __Freshman __Sophomore __Junior __Senior __Post-Bac


To submit the formby e-mail:download the form & fill it out, save the completed form, attach it to an e-mail and send to .

Allow up to 2 weeks for processing. E-mail any schedule changes .Forms must be submitted by 4pm onThursday, March 29th

Also, please keep in mind that you will not be registered for a class if you have not completed the required pre-requisite classes

Please explain why you need a particular course and section(s):

If needed to accommodate your request, indicate which course(s) you give us permission to drop:

Place an “X” in the boxes next to ALL COURSE SECTIONS THAT WILL WORK with your schedule.


*Biology courses require the same instructor for lecture & lab. If 2 courses are connected below, you are required to schedule both courses.*

BIOL 1200-01/02 LEC MWF McLean-Riggs 9:20AM-10:45AM
BIOL 1200-03/04 LEC MWF Morefield 2:05PM-3:30PM
BIOL 1620-01 LEC MWF Brown 12:30PM-1:40PM
BIOL 1621-01/02 LAB TH 1:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 1630-01 LEC MWF McLaughlin 8:00AM-9:10AM
BIOL 1631-03/04/09/10 LAB T Faculty 9:00AM-12:00PM
BIOL 1630-03 LEC MWF Rutherford 10:55AM-12:05PM
BIOL 1631-07/08 LAB W 2:05PM-5:05PM
BIOL 1630-04 LEC MWF Wotus 12:30PM-1:40PM
BIOL 1631-05/06 LAB T 1:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 1910-01 LEC TTH Pool 1:30PM-5:30PM
BIOL 2210-01/02 LLB MWF Cheng 8:00AM-9:10AM
W 2:05PM-5:05PM
BIOL 2520-01 LLB MWF Zanis 9:20AM-10:30AM
M 12:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 2520-02 LLB MWF Zanis 9:20AM-10:30AM
T 1:30PM-5:45PM
BIOL 2600-01 LLB TTH Whitlow 10:15AM-11:55AM
TH 1:30PM-5:30PM
BIOL 2700-01 LEC MWF Yasuda 10:55AM-12:20PM
BIOL 2750-01 LEC MWF Kaiser 12:30PM-1:40PM
BIOL 2751-01 LAB W 2:05PM-6:05PM
BIOL 3150-01 LLB MWF Stenbak 9:35AM-10:45AM
T 1:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 3650-01 LLB MWF Hultgren 10:55AM-12:05PM
W 12:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 3800-01 LLB TTH Wotus 10:15AM-11:55AM
TH 1:30PM-4:30PM
BIOL 4100-01 LEC TTH Smith 8:00AM-10:05AM
BIOL 4750-01 LLB MWF Faculty 10:55AM-12:05PM
BIOL 4751-01 M 2:05PM-6:05PM
BIOL 4750-02 LLB MWF Faculty 10:55AM-12:05PM
BIOL 4751-02 W 2:05PM-6:05PM

Summer 2018 Blakely Island Field Station

BIOL 3660 Conservation Biology Long (SPU) 06-11-06/22
BIOL 4640 Aquatic Ecology Whitlow 06/25-07/06
BIOL 4620 Marine Ecology Nelson (SPU) 07/09-07/20
BIOL 3890 Environmental Physiology Wall-Scheffler (SPU) 08/13-08/24
BIOL 1010 Environmental Science for Non-Majors Ferrer (SPU) 08/13-08/24
BIOL 3910 Wildlife Ecology Jordan 08/27-09/07


Course Number Day Instructor Time
CHEM 1510-01 LEC MWF Sorensen 10:55AM-12:05PM
CHEM 1510-02 LEC MWF Johnson 12:30PM-1:40PM
CHEM 1511-01 LAB T Sorensen 1:30PM-5:20PM
CHEM 1511-02 LAB W Sorensen 2:05PM-5:55PM
CHEM 1511-03 LAB TH Johnson 8:30AM-12:20PM
CHEM 1511-04 LAB T Sorensen 8:30AM-12:20PM
CHEM 1511-05 LAB TH Johnson 1:30PM-5:20PM
CHEM 1511-06 LAB M Johnson 2:05PM-5:55PM
CHEM 1520-01 LEC MWF Watson 8:00AM-9:10AM
CHEM 1520-02 LEC MWF Watson 9:20AM-10:30AM
CHEM 1520-03 LEC MWF McNally 10:55AM-12:05PM
CHEM 2510-01 LEC MWF Nadir 8:00AM-9:10AM
CHEM 2511-01 LAB TH Nadir 8:05AM-11:55AM
CHEM 2511-02 LAB TH Nadir 1:30PM-5:20PM
CHEM 2520-02 LEC MWF Nadir 10:55AM-11:45AM
CHEM 2521-02 LAB T McNally 9:05AM-11:55AM
CHEM 2521-03 LAB T McNally 1:30PM-4:20PM
CHEM 2700-01 LAB M Latch 5:00PM-7:00PM
CHEM 3520-01 LEC MWF Suydam 8:20AM-9:10AM
CHEM 3521-01 LAB TH Suydam 1:30PM-5:20PM
CHEM 3600-01 LEC MWF Loertscher 9:20AM-10:45AM
CHEM 3960-01 LLB F Suydam/Watson 9:00AM–6:00PM
CHEM 4000-01 LLB MW Latch 1:55PM-4:50PM
CHEM 4600-01 LLB TTH Frato 8:00AM-12:20PM
CHEM 4995-01 SEM F Latch 2:05PM-2:55PM


Course Number Day Instructor Time
MATH 1010-01 LEC MWF Siple 12:30PM-1:55PM
MATH 1021-01 LEC MWF MacLean 2:05PM-3:30PM
MATH 1022-02 LEC TTH Demetre 8:00AM-8:50AM
MATH 1130-01 LEC MWF Stewart 12:30PM-1:55PM
MATH 1130-02 LEC MWF Stewart 2:05PM-3:30PM
MATH 1210-01 LLB MWF Zhou 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 1230-01 LEC MWF Carter 9:20AM-10:45AM
MATH 1334-01 LLB MWF Demetre 9:20AM-10:45AM
MATH 1335-01 LLB MWF Ding 9:20AM-10:45AM
MATH 1335-02 LLB MWF Ding 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 1336-01 LEC MWF Yurasovskaya 7:45AM-9:10AM
MATH 1336-02 LEC MWF Yurasovskaya 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 1337-01 LEC MWF Yurasovskaya 7:45AM-9:10AM
MATH 1337-02 LEC MWF Yurasovskaya 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 2310-01 LLB MWF Sloughter 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 2310-02 LLB MWF Sloughter 12:30PM-1:55PM
MATH 2320-01 LLB MWF Boersema 9:40AM-10:45AM
MATH 2320-02 LLB MWF Boersema 2:05PM-3:10PM
MATH 2330-01 LEC TTH Zhou 8:25AM-10:05AM
MATH 2340-01 LEC MWF Oliveras 12:30PM-1:55PM
MATH 2340-02 LEC MWF Sylvester 2:05PM-3:30PM
MATH 3000-01 LEC MWF Klee 10:55AM-12:20PM
MATH 3001-01 LEC T Yurosovskaya 10:15AM-11:55AM
PHYS 1070-01 LEC MWF Andrews 8:00AM-9:10AM
PHYS 1071-01 LEC M Andrews 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1071-02 LAB M Andrews 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1071-03 LAB T Andrews 1:30PM-4:15PM
PHYS 1071-04 LAB T Andrews 1:30PM-4:15PM
PHYS 1210-01 LEC MWF Morgan 9:20AM-10:45AM
PHYS 1210-02 LEC MWF Faust 12:30PM-1:55PM
PHYS 1211-01 LAB W Morgan 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1211-02 LAB TH Morgan 1:30PM-4:15PM
PHYS 1211-03 LAB TH Varney 9:35AM-12:20PM
PHYS 1211-04 LAB F Varney 9:35AM-12:20PM
PHYS 1220-01 LEC MWF Fontana 9:20AM-10:45AM
PHYS 1220-02 LLB MWF Faust 10:55AM-12:20PM
PHYS 1221-01 LAB M Hariri 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1221-02 LAB M Hariri 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1221-03 LAB T Andrews 9:35AM-12:20PM
PHYS 1211-04 LAB T Andrews 9:35AM-12:20PM
PHYS 1221-05 LAB T Faust 1:30PM-4:15PM
PHYS 1221-06 LAB T Faust 1:30PM-4:15PM
PHYS 1221-07 LAB F Faust 2:05PM-4:50PM
PHYS 1221-08 LAB F Faust 2:05PM-4:50PM