ICGS Football Fact Sheet 2018
IC Football is rich in tradition. IC Grade School is proud to carry on the tradition of developing our student-athletesthrough the game of football.
ICGS Football is designed to emphasize the physical development of skills and the spiritual development of each student-athlete through practice and competitive games. Coaching/Teaching of ICGS Football is done in a safe, positive environment that emphasizes the Christian values of our school.
IC Football welcomes IC student-athletes.
I.Football Registration 2018
We are asking interested families to register for ICGS Football before May 1. SPL Football League requires schools to give accurate rosters before May for scheduling purposes. We ask ALL players to register on-line at @ THANK YOU.
*IC Football athletic fee is $225.00. **Football fee payment will not be requested until August 2018.
II.Season / Schedule
- Summer (July) Camp – ICGS offers an optional summer camp for both JV and Varsity Football.
**New this year,July camp includes a 7-on-7 non-contact games @ Nike Park.
*Although these camp dates are optional, coaches have found the July camphelps acclimate the boys to ICGS Football and makes the August transition much easier.
- August Practices - JV and Varsity practices begin on Monday, August 6.
**IHSA and SPFL rules dictate that every player must have completed 12 practices before their first game. Coaches will schedule @ 15 practices between 8/6 and the first game on 8/26. Practices will run M-F from 6-8pm until school begins and once school begins teams may only gather four times during the week (including games).
- Practices during the season will bemostly Tues-Wed-Thurs. (6-8pm) at Plunkett Field. Any changes to the schedules will be sent from the coaches.
**Each student must have a current physical on file to begin practices on August 6.
- Games – majority of SPFL games are played on Sundays. First game is on Sunday, August. 26h.
SPFL sets the game schedule for the season.
JV Games @ 10:00am / 11:30am.
Varsity Games @ 1:00pm / 2:30pm.
III.Safety – is the highest priority.
- Concussion Protocol -ICGS has in place a concussion policy which can be found on our ICGS Athletic website. ICGS follows both IESA and IHSA rules pertaining to concussions.
”The protocol requires that any player who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from a game or practice and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health care professional.”
- ImPact Testing Program– ICGS conducts concussion baseline testing to all student-athletes in grades 5-8. Although this test does not diagnose a concussion, it does assist in the recovering of concussions.
- Equipment –ICGS has all helmets reconditioned annually. All equipment, including helmets and shoulder pads, are certified with safety as our first priority.
- Each ICGS football player is given a helmet, should pads, practice pants and jersey, game pants and jerseys (home and away), knee and thigh pads. Said equipment is property of ICGS Athletics and must be returned at the end of each season.
- Any parent wishing to purchase their own equipment, typically supplied by ICGS including helmet or shoulder pads, must get the approval of the Athletic Director.
- Equipment will be handed out on Sunday, August 6 at Plunkett Field. Times TBD.
- Coach Training– All ICGS football coaches become certified through the new IESA coach certification program. This program covers updated teaching tactics as well as concussion training and prevention.
- Athletic Trainers – ICGS supplies an athletic trainer for every game. ICGS football players also have access to an athletic trainer at each football practice.
IV.SPFL League Rules – ICGS belongs to the Suburban Parochial Football League and abides by the SPFL rules and IHSA rules,
- Striper Rule - A striper may not advance the football and must play specific positions.
- JV striper is 105 libs. Varsity striper is 135 lbs.
- Weigh-ins – SPFL requires football players who fall within criteria set by theleague to attend league weigh-ins. They are held 3 times throughout the season. Any player required to attend weigh-in that does not so attend, will be classified as a striper until the next league weigh-in.
V.ICGS Football Volunteers – In an effort to make the football season special for our athletes, we ask ALL football families to contribute to our season and especially on ‘Game Days’.
- Game Day Volunteers –
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Field Set –up / Field Tear-Down
- Concessions / Grillers
- Chain Crew
- Announcers / Statisticians
- Team Gear Sales
- 8th Grade Day and Football Banquet Coordinators
VI.Special Dates – ICGS Football holds several special events per season.
- ICGS July FB Camp: includes a 7-on-7 non-contact games @ Nike Park. July camp dates: TBD
- Football Equipment Pick-up: Sunday, Aug. 5 @ Plunkett Field. Time TBD
- 1st Practice Date: Monday, August 6
- Pre-Season Scrimmage: Saturday, August 18 @ Plunkett Field
- Football AD-Parent Meeting: Saturday, August 18 @ Plunkett Field. Time TBD.
- Sunday, August 26: First game
- 8th Grade Recognition Day: typically the last home game of the regular season. We honor and introduce our 8th graders and their parents.
- Football Banquet: date TBD. Held for both JV and Varsity together to recognize all our football athletes.
JV Head Coaches: Troy Phillips, and Jeff Krautkramer,
VarsityHead Coach: Dan Devereux,