IBSA Tenpin Bowling Singles World Championships
Competition Rules
1. General Rule
The current WTBA (World Tenpin Bowling Association) rules shall apply in all cases, except where additions and modifications shall be specified below.
2. Team Contingent
Each country shall register a maximum of 18 bowlers and 12 officials. There shall be less than or equal to 6 bowlers in the same classification of B1, B2, and B3 (including men and women) entered by each country.
3. Events
3.1 Categories
There are 6 categories.
Category A: B1 male
Category B: B1 female
Category C: B2 male
Category D: B2 female
Category E: B3 male
Category F: B3 female
*Up to 6 bowlers from 1 country can participate in any 1 category.
If there are less than or equal to 12 bowlers in 1 category, the 2 categories (Male and Female of the same classification) are conbined. In this case, up to 6 bowlers from 1 country can participate in the event.
In the above case, Female bowlers are given 10 points per game as a handicap.
3.2 Preminaries
Each bowler shall bowl total of 18 games, 6 games for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days.
3.3 Round Robin
Top 8 bowlers from the preminaries advance to a round robin match play with 20 bonus pins for a win and 10 bonus pins for a tie. The top 3 bowlers with the highest pinfall total (Preminaries and Finals) plus bonus pins advance to the step ladder finals.
3.4 Step Ladder Finals
A one-game match by 3 vs. 2 is played. The loser will earn a bronze medal. The winner advance to a one-game final match vs. 1 to determine gold and silver medals.
4. Equipment
4.1 Guide Rail
The official guide rail for the competition shall be as follows:
A. The American Blind Bowling Association Portable Aluminum rail
B. The Polish Portable Guiderail
C. Other guiderails specified in the entry form and approved by the IBSA Tenpin Bowling Technical Sub-Committee.
The organizer shall not provide a rail for B1 bowlers. Each B1 bowler should bring his/her guiderail.
4.2 Blindfold for B1 bowlers
B1 bowlers must bring and wear their own blindfold or blind sports goggles/eyeshades.
During the game, touching his/her blindfold or goggles/eyeshades by hands when facing bowling lanes is not allowed.
5. Style of play
5.1 Block of Games
A Block of games shall consist of three games for B1 and two games for B2/B3.
Each block of games shall be bowled on one lane for B1 and a pair of lanes for B2/B3.
5.2 Lane Assignment
Lane assignment for bowlers shall be as follows:
A. Preminaries: one B1 bowler on each pair of lanes, one/two B2/B3 bowlers on each lane
B. Round Robin and Step Ladder Finals: one B1 bowler on each pair of lanes, one B2/B3 bowler on each lane
*Note: Lane assignment may change due to number of lanes at the venue.
6. Assistance during games by pin spotters
Pin spotters shall be either neutral individuals appointed by the organizer or individuals appointed by the participating countries and registered with the organizer by completing the appropriate section on the entry form. Only one pin spotter is allowed for a lane. Pin spotters shall assist bowlers only at the bowlers' area in the following matters:
A. Native language support to the bowler
B. Locating the bowlers' ball on the ball return.
C. Informing the bowler directions of the ball after delivery, pins left standing, and scores
Pin spotters are not allowed to verbally or physically assist bowlers during a delivery.
7. Marshals and Referees
There are one lane marshal on every 2 lanes and one referees on every 4 lanes.
8. Scores
After every game, a lane marshal writes the score on score card. A bowler/team official has to sign on the score card to confirm. After each block of games, a lane marshal signs for verification.
After every game score card is collected for computer processing.