BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 1 of 11
Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue
IAFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (2003-2004)
(Updated through 10/22/03)
- The bargaining agreement covers wages, hours, benefits, grievances, conditions of employment, provides for quality fire protection and control services, and covers labor disputes.
Section 2.1Recognition
- The Local 157 is recognized by the city as the exclusive Bargaining Agent.
- Employees hired before January 1, 1998 are covered by the contract.
- Employees hired after January 1, 1998 and who have not complete FireTrainingAcademy are NOT covered by the contract.
Section 2.2Probationary Permanent Employees
- Probationary employee time off shall not exceed 6 shifts per quarterly rotation.
Section 2.2.01Service Required for Certain Benefits
- 12 months of service must be complete to participate in tuition reimbursement, transfer system, and payment of sick leave on termination.
- Use of vacation time requires at least 6 months of service.
Section 2.2.02Grievance Procedure for Probationary Permanent Employees
- Grievances for probationary permanent employees must be submitted to Chief's office within 10 calendar days of occurrence.
Section 2.2.03Performance Evaluations for Probationary Permanent Employees
- A decision for continued employment for probationary permanent employees is based on evaluations from all 3 rotations.
Section 2.2.04Standard Review of Performance Review
- Probationary permanent employees may be terminated at any time if performance standards are not met.
- The bargaining agreement results from negotiations between Employer and Bargaining Agent.
- The bargaining agreement is in effect from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003.
- The contract shall not exceed 1 year.
- The Bargaining Agent must submit matters requiring appropriations of monies by the Employer (rate of pay, wages), to the Employer at least 120 days before June 30.
- Employer must arrange to meet with Bargaining Agent within 10 days of request to meet for collective bargaining purposes.
- If Bargaining Agent and Employer are unable to reach an agreement by the 1st Monday in June, arbitration will be submitted, as required by law.
- Members of OCFD, that are not Union members, shall be entitled to all rights of the contract.
- The Employer reserves the right to plan, direct, and control operations of OCFD.
- The Employer shall be the sole judge of qualifications for employees.
- Rights, powers, and authority of the Employer remains the same unless changed by the agreement.
- The City retains rights in accordance to State and City of OKC ordinances, policies, rules, regulations, and laws.
- Bargaining Agent representatives may be granted time of by Fire Chief for bona fide Bargaining Agent business.
- Employer deducts, bi-weekly, any dues/assessments certified to be correct by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Bargaining Agent.
- Beginning January 1st, employees have the option to withdraw from Union membership within 10 calendar days by written notification to the Union, and signed authorization card to the Benefits Division.
- The IAFF must pay for expenses/extra work incurred by the City because of requests or delays in furnishing information, materials, or supplies by the IAFF.
- The IAFF pays $250.00 annually in 12 monthly installments (paid by the 5th of each month) to the City for expenses related to IAFF business.
- Sales presentations for Union-sponsored insurance/benefits are not allowed on city property.
- Employees may view their personnel file during normal business hours at Administration under the supervision of a FD Administrative Staff member.
- Employees are provided a copy of any criticism or commendation.
- Disagreements of criticisms may be placed in employees file within 30 days of criticism.
- Letters of reprimand may be removed, at request of employee, 2 years after placement in file.
- OCFD may not go on strike.
- The Bargaining Agent is required to take steps to prevent a job action (strike) if it occurs.
- Bargaining Agents/Employer is responsible for adherence to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & 1991 and Family Medical Leave Act of 1993.
- Grievances must be filed within 30 days of occurrence.
- Grievances should be discussed with the immediate Officer in Charge who will remit an answer orally to the employee(s) within 10 calendar days.
- Grievances not settled within 1st 10 calendar days will be submitted within 7 calendar days, in writing, to the Bargaining Agent Grievance Committee, who will determine (within 10 days) if the grievance exists within the terms of the Agreement.
- If a grievance does exist, Committee must submit the grievance within 5 calendar days, in writing, to the Fire Chief who will submit an answer to the employee(s) within 7 calendar days.
- Grievances not settled within time limits will be submitted to the Personnel Director for review.
- Presentations by mediators is limited to 1 hour each.
- Facts/findings of mediators will be submitted to involved parties within 10 days of conclusion of hearing.
- The last step of the grievance procedures (STEP IV) may be entered when grievance is unresolved within 7 calendar days of mediator's findings or Personnel Director's decision.
- After mediation/Personnel Director's decision, grievance may be submitted to the City Manager within 7 calendar days for review.
- City Manager is required to submit answer to Fire Chief, Employee(s), and Bargaining Agent Grievance Committee, within 10 calendar days.
- If City Manager and Committee do not settle the grievance, the Bargaining Agent has 20 calendar days to submit a grievance to arbitration.
- Bargaining Agent and Employer have 7 calendar days to agree on an arbitrator.
- If an arbitrator is not agreed upon within 10 calendar days, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service will provide a list of5 arbitrators, which will be striken alternately from the list by each party until 1 arbitrator remains.
- The remaining arbitrator calls a hearing within 20 calendar days and must give at least 7 calendar days notice, in writing, to the Bargaining Agent and Employer.
- Hearings conducted by arbitrators must be concluded within 10 calendar days of commencement.
- A written opinion of hearing findings will be issued, in writing, by the arbitrator within 20 calendar days of conclusion of hearing.
- Findings/recommendations of arbitrators are considered final.
- The cost of an arbitrator is shared equally between Employer and Bargaining Agent.
- Transcripts of proceedings will be paid for by the requesting party.
- When filing a grievance, all records of the employee shall be made available, on request, to participants in the grievance process.
- The Personnel Director has administrative control of promotions, while authority is delegated by the Fire Chief.
- The Promotion Board consist of a rep from the City Manager's Office, the Personnel Dept., the Fire Chief's Office, and the Bargaining Agent. (4 people)
- Support Services establishes rosters of qualified eligibles for certification/recommendation to the Fire Chief.
- The Training Work Section is responsible for ensuring current study materials are available at work sites.
- Rulings on appeals submitted to the Promotion Board are final.
- Promotional vacancies must be filled within 90 days if an existing sequence list exists.
- Time on the job is the only requirement for consideration of eligibility for promotional tests.
Suppression Requirements for PromotionRank / PayRange / Promotion Requirements / Assess. Center
CPL / 920 / 3 years service, NFPA FF2 certification, completed AOA, and current/valid OK driver's license / N/A
SGT / 922 / Corporal for 1 year in Suppression, five years service, compete in 100 question written exam, placement on sequence list. / 25
LT / 923 / Sergeant for 1 year in Suppression, completed lieutenant academy / N/A
CPT / 928 / Lieutenant for 2 years in Suppression, compete in 100 question written exam, placement on sequence list / 15
MAJ / 929 / Captain for 2 years in Suppression, complete majors academy / N/A
Dist. Chief / 930 / Major for 2 years in Suppression, 15 consecutive years service, 30 hours college, compete in 100 question written exam, special officers training academy / 12
Batt. Chief / 931 / District Chief for 1 year in Suppression, associates degree or 60 hours or more toward degree / N/A
- Corporals, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Majors, and District Chiefs must complete 2 week training academies.
- Sergeants test questions should include operating procedures, general knowledge, driving techniques, and fire fighting operations.
- Placement on sequence list for promotion will be based on combination of written test score, seniority points, and academy score.
- Sergeants academies should include driving techniques, equipment operation, and Fire Department policies and procedures.
- Lieutenants academies should include basic computer skills, supervisory skills, and fireground tactics.
- Captains test questions should include fire fighting strategy, effective company command, personnel management, and general knowledge.
- Captains academies should include advanced computer skills, basic fire instructor, fire command, and management skills.
- Majors academies should include advanced fire officer and interpersonal relations.
- District Chief test questions should include fire fighting strategy, effective chief officer command, personnel management, and general knowledge.
- District Chief candidates accumulate seniority points at 0.25 points per quarter beginning at the time they become eligible for the respective promotional exam, with a maximum of 6.25 points.
- The entry level rank for Fire Dispatch Work Section is "Dispatcher".
- Entry level pay scale for dispatcher is same step currently in or if rank is above corporal, pay will be top step corporal.
- Pay for members transferred to Dispatch per obligations of Article 7, shall not have pay reduced. Pay will be z'd (frozen) until pay exceeds z'd rate of pay.
- Employees hired after July 1, 1995 are subject to assignment in Dispatch if no other candidates from Suppression apply. Random selection of pool of ID numbers is taken from the last recruit academy.
- Employees assigned to Dispatch are required to serve a 2 year period.
- Employees entering Dispatch after October 3, 1995 may be assigned to Suppression operations to maintain certifications and attend academies for career development.
- A group of 12 or less personnel from Suppression are identified to assist in Dispatch in the event of short term vacancies.
Fire Dispatch Work Section Promotion Requirements
Rank / PayRange / Requirements
Dispatcher / See notes above / 1 year service
Senior Dispatcher / 920 / 3 years service, Communications certification (CLEET or APCO) or meet Corporal requirements
Lead Dispatcher / 922 / 2 years as a Dispatcher, Corporal for 1 year, 5 years service, EMD certified, Communications certification (CLEET or APCO)
Senior Lead Dispatcher / 923 / Lead Dispatcher for 1 year, Instructor I, Supervisory I
Shift Supervisor / 928 / Senior Lead Dispatcher for 2 years, ICS, Fire Service Instructional Techniques I
Senior Shift Supervisor / 929 / Shift Supervisor for 2 years, Interpersonal Relations
Communications Chief / 930 / Complete 1 year or more in 929 pay range, 30 hours college
Communications Chief II / 931 / Asst. Communications Chief for 1 year, 60 hours college
Communications Maintenance Work Section - Promotions
Communications Maintenance Work Section Promotion RequirementsRank / PayRange / Requirements
Radio Technician IV / 920 / 3 years in Fire Communication Maintenance work section, NARTE Technician Class IV certification with RF endorsements (land-mobile systems)
Radio Technician III / 922 / Radio Technician IV for 1 year, 5 years service, NARTE Class III certification
Radio Technician II / 923 / Radio Technician III for 1 year, NARTE Technician Class II cert.
Base/Mobile Supervisor / 928 / Previous Radio Technician II or III, NARTE Technician Class I certification, Supervisory I
Senior Supervisor / 929 / Base/Mobile Supervisor for 2 years
Asst. Communications Chief / 930 / 1 year at 929 pay range or above in any non-suppression division/work section, 30 hours college
Asst. Communications Chief II / 931 / Asst. Communications Chief for 1 year, Assoc. degree or 60 hours college
Fleet Maintenance Work Section - Promotions
Fleet Maintenance Work Section Promotion RequirementsRank / PayRange / Requirements
Floor Supervisor / 922 / IAFC Fire Apparatus Mechanics Level III certification
Lead Supervisor / 923 / Floor Supervisor for 3 years, Supervisory I, Basic Computer Skills certification
Maintenance Officer / 928 / Lead Supervisor for 2 years, IAFC Fire Apparatus Mechanics Level IV, Advanced Computer Skills certification
Senior Maintenance Officer / 929 / Maintenance Officer for 2 years, IAFC Fire Apparatus Mechanics Level V
Assistant Maintenance Chief / 930 / 1 year at 929 pay range or above in any non-suppression division/work section, 30 hours college
Assistant Maintenance Chief II / 931 / Assistant Maintenance Chief for 1 year, Associates degree or 60 hours college
Fire Prevention Services - Promotions
- Captains and Majors in Suppression who compete and are selected for Fire Prevention Services Division will not lose their base pay.
- Inspector/Investigators must pass CLEET certification once promoted to become a certified Peace Officer.
Fire Prevention Services Division Promotion Requirements
Rank / PayRange / Requirements
Inspector/Investigator / 928 / Sergeant rank or above in Suppression, pass criminal background check, pass psychological evaluation (CLEET after promotion)
Senior Inspector/Investigator / 929 / 2 years as Inspector/Investigator, Majors academy
Deputy Fire Marshall / 932 / 1 year as Senior Inspector/Investigator, 30 hours college
Assistant Fire Marshall / 930 / 1 year in 929 pay range or above in any non-suppression division/work section, 30 hours college
Assistant Fire Marshall II / 931 / 1 year as Assistant Fire Marshal, Associates Degree or 60 hours college
Public Education Work Section - Promotion
Public Education Work Section Promotion RequirementsRank / PayRange / Requirements
Public Education Instructor / 928 / Sergeant rank or above in Suppression
Senior Public Education Instructor / 929 / 2 years as Public Education Instructor, Public Education Instructor Officer certification
Deputy Public Education Officer / 932 / 1 year as Senior Public Education Officer, 30 hours college
Assistant Fire Marshall / 930 / 1 year at 929 pay range or above in any non-suppression division/work section, 30 hours college
Assistant Fire Marshall II / 931 / 1 year as Assistant Fire Marshall, Associates degree or 60 hours college
- The Fire Chief lists eligibility requirements for Fire Safety Officer and similar Administrative Officers not listed in the contract.
- Changes in eligibility requirements by the Fire Chief will be submitted by "draft copy" to the Bargaining Agent 5 business days prior to posting of vacancy.
- Promotions to positions in pay ranges 940 and above shall be by assessment center and/or interview (determined by Fire Chief).
- 1 year as a District Chief is required for promotion to a Deputy Chief of Suppression position.
- 1 year as a Major in non-suppression division or work section is required for all non-suppression 940 positions.
- Sergeants and Captains will be placed on a descending order sequence list which remains in effect until depleted.
- Exam material is published at least 30 days prior to exam.
- The exam date is the cut-off date for determining eligibility for the test.
- Employees on temporary work review must complete that work before being promoted.
- Leave and assignments (except termination and AWOL) are not counted as broken service toward eligibility.
- Protest period for written exams is 1pm-5pm the day of test and 8am-12pm noon the following business day.
- Protests must be in writing to the Chief Officer of Support Services or designee.
- After closing of the protest period, adjustments made be reviewed.
- Adjustment review period is from 1pm-5pm the day the protest period closes and 8am-12pm noon the following business day.
- Answers may only be reviewed for accuracy of grading after the adjustment review period closes.
- Grading review period is from 1pm-5pm the day the adjustment review period closes and 8am-12pm noon the following business day.
- A list of academy candidates will be published after all protest/review periods have ended.
- With a tie, the specified number plus ties will go to the next step.
- Items used in tie breakers are (in order): 1) Seniority in classification, 2) Seniority on FD, 3) highest score on exam, 4) highest score in academy (if applicable), 5) education incentive points (0.5 per level), 6) specialty pay points (0.5 for each-HM, Paramedic, EMS instructor, Diver, Dispatcher, EMT-D), 7) highest overall average in Recruit Academy.
- Education incentive and specialty pay points do NOT calculate into sequence list scores (used only to break ties).
- Candidates meeting eligibility requirements compete in a 100 questions exam.
- (District Chief/Support Positions) Top 8 candidates are referred to an assessment center.
- (District Chief/Support Positions) If less that 8 apply, no written test is given.
- (District Chief/Support Positions) Assessment score alone will determine a list of five candidates.
- (District Chief/Support Positions) With more than 1 position available, list will be expanded 1 person for each additional position.
- (District Chief/Support Positions) With less than 5 applying, an oral board interview may be used in place of an assessment center.
- 0.5 points per quarter (maximum of 12.5) is accumulated beginning at the time employee becomes eligible for a position. (exception District Chief-see District Chief Eligibility section)
- 1/2 of seniority points goes toward the written exam and the other 1/2 towards the academy score to determine sequencing on the list.
- Academies are 2 weeks long, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm (40 hour weeks).
- Time accounting during academies is the same as attendance at NationalFireAcademy.
- 24 hour shift employees may be released from duty at 1900 hours on Sunday preceding academy and return to duty at 1900 hours on Saturday following end of academy.
- Time in grade will not be stopped while waiting on career development academies.
- Employees should provide the Human Resources Work Section with documentation of completed requirements for career development positions.
- When employees are within 30 days of completing the time-in-grade requirement, request should be made to the Training Work Section to initiate certification process.
- Promotions change an employee's pay anniversary date.
- Extension of rank is from Firefighter to Corporal, Sergeant to Lieutenant, Captain to Major, and District Chief to Battalion Chief.
- Employees requesting transfer out of their current division must return to the division/work section they came from at the pay range of the assigned rank.
- When individuals 929 pay range or above in support division compete for lower pay range positions, no base pay will be lost, however, on pay ranges that are more than 1 range below current pay, employee will drop in pay to the top step of the pay range for the position in which they are selected.
- Pay may be frozen (z'd), but rank and title must match the position.