IAEA, TECDOC, Chapter 8
Boris Jeremi´c Draft Writeup (in progress, total up to 10 pages)
version: 27. September, 2016, 22:16
8Available Software (10 Pages) (Jeremic)3
8.1Examples of Commercially Available, Open Source, Open Use and Public Domain, etc. .3
8.1.1Available Software ...... 4
8.2Software support ...... 5
8.2.1Documentation...... 5
8.2.2Online Support...... 6
8.3Education and Training ...... 6
8.4Quality Assurance ...... 6
8.4.1Verification & Validation (V&V) Introduction ...... 6
8.4.2Introduction to Verification and Validation ...... 7
Detailed Look at Verification and Validation ...... 8
Verification...... 9
Prediction ...... 11
Verification and Validation Examples ...... 11
8.4.3Examples of V&V ...... 11
Chapter 8
Available Software (10 Pages) (Jeremic)
Budnitz and Mieler (2016)
8.1Examples of Commercially Available, Open Source, Open Use and Public Domain, etc.
A number of different licenses that are used to distribute software (source code and/or executables) are described:
•Commercial Software: Purchased from a commercial company, features and capabilities usually determined by the commercial license. Commercial programs usually only guarantees accurate working of (in the manual) provided examples. Commercial programs also usually do not provide verification and validation (V&V) suites.
•Open Source: An open source license (OSL) (for example General Public License (GPL), or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), or Creative Commons (CC)) is controlling software source code distribution. The OSL guarantees that software source code and derivative source code will be always available through similar OSL. The OSL programs usually do not guarantee quality to external users/developers due to legal reasons (liability). Locally, within development team, they usually have strict quality control.
•Restricted Source: A restricted version of an open source license is usually used. The difference is that developers/owners can restrict source code distribution, so a revised OSL license is used (usually a revised version of CC license).
•Open Use: A freely available version of program executables are available. There are usually no guaranties of quality, not V&V. Open use
•Public Domain: Source code and/or executables are distributed with no restrictions whatsoever. Original developer/owner relinquishes all or his/her rights with respect to sources and/or executables.
8.1.1Available Software
Listed are programs that can perform full SSI analysis. For completeness, we also list 1D site response codes as they are also used in SSI analysis to provide input motions.
•Commercial Software:
(web page:
(web page:
–ALGOR/AutoDesk Simulation
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
–SASSI (various versions available (?!)
∗SASSI 2010
(web page:
(web page:
(web page: ftp://ftp.cray.com/applications/dir_apps_software/STRUCTURES/ANALYSIS/
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
•Open Source, Restricted Source and Open Use:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
(web page:
–Real ESSI
(web page: –
•Public Domain:
(web page:
(web page: )
(web page: )
(web page: )
(web page: )
A bit of details about each, that is distinguish between (a) Linear elastic and equivalent linear elastic, and (b) Incrementally nonlinear, and incrementally inelastic (elasticplastic).
8.2Software support
•Theory Manuals
•Implementation Manuals
•Example Manuals
•Educational Material
8.2.2Online Support
•Email Support
•News Groups
•Message Boards
•Web Logs (blogs)
8.3Education and Training
Need to talk to Jim Johnson about this some more!
Educational and Training Documentation
Short Courses, in person
Short Courses, online
Refresher Courses (Just in Time, JiT)
8.4Quality Assurance
8.4.1Verification & Validation (V&V) Introduction
Verification and Validation description is based on Jeremi´c (2016) and Jeremi´c et al. (1989-2016).
A number of verification activities are recommended.
The main findings are related to verification procedures that are recommended (and they should probably be mandatory!) for modeling and simulation, and for validation procedures that are recommended (as there is a general lack of quality validation data!). A list of procedures is provided below that cover all the components of modeling and simulation and is applicable any numerical analysis of NPP systems, structures and components. It is noted that verification and validation procedures are designed in time domain domain, and that for numerical analysis tools that operate in frequency domain, it is required that V&V procedures need to prove/demonstrate adequacy in time domain, since real earthquake soil structure interaction behavior takes place in time domain.
•Source code verification has to be provided in order to prove that the program is free of any bugs and inconsistencies that can diminish results. Modeling and simulation program, written in any programming language (C, C++, FORTRAN, etc/) need to perform source code verification with all the necessary steps.
•Verification and validation for constitutive problems addresses issues related to material modeling and integration of constitutive integration algorithms for nonlinear/inelastic material modeling. Constitutive integration algorithms need to be verified in detailed, while material modeling needs to be validated in detail. In addition, seismic energy dissipation is verified at constitutive level calculations.
•Verification and validation for static and dynamic finite element level solution advancement algorithms address issues related to static and dynamic incremental iterative algorithms that advance (drive) the incremental modeling process forward. This algorithms can introduce (unwanted or wanted) numerical damping/energy production, and as such need to be fully tested against available analytic or very accurate solutions.
•Verification and validation for static and dynamic behavior of single phase, solid elements addresses modeling using solid finite elements. Addressed is accuracy of modeling of various states of stress (uniaxial, multiaxial) and resulting accuracy of stresses, forces and displacements for different models where very accurate or analytic solutions exist.
•Verification and validation for static and dynamic behavior of structural elements addresses similar set of issues as previous activity, where forces and displacements for structural elements (truss, beam, shell) are verified against very accurate and/or analytic solutions for trusses, beams and shells (plates, wall elements and combinations).
•Verification and Validation for Static and Dynamic Behavior of Special Elements addresses issues with contact elements, for both dry and saturated conditions. Of particular interest here is the accuracy of modeling of axial (normal force – gap) and frictional/slipping behavior, as these element are known to misbehave for combination of axial and shear loads.
•Verification and Validation for Coupled, Porous Solid – Pore Fluid Problems addresses issues with solid finite element that model both porous solid and pore fluid, as is very important for soil and rock. In addition, these coupled elements form a basis for modeling coupled contact, where the contact zone (concrete foundation – soil/rock beneath) is beneath water table.
•Verification and Validation for Seismic Wave Propagation Problems address issues of proper propagation of seismic waves of predetermined frequency range through finite element models. In addition this activity addresses accuracy and adequacy of seismic input, that encompasses body and surface waves, into finite element models.
In addition to comparison with very accurate and analytic solutions, errors tables/plots are also developed. These error table/plots are important as they are used to emphasize that numerical methods used in modeling and simulations are based on approximate methods and that all the obtained results do contain errors. Numerical modelers and analysts need to be aware of these errors and need to address them in presenting their results.
8.4.2Introduction to Verification and Validation
Verification and validation (V&V) for numerical modeling and simulation represents a basic development task without which no results of such modeling and simulation should be presented. It is important to set the definitions for V&V (Oberkampf et al., 2002):
•Verification: The process of determining that a model implementation accurately represents the developer’s conceptual description and specification. It is a mathematics issue. Verification provides evidence that the model is solved correctly.
•Validation: The process of determining the degree to which a model is accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model. It is a physics issue.
Validation provides evidence that the correct model is solved.
With the development of advanced modeling and simulation numerical tools, there is an increased interest in V&V activities, (Roache, 1998; Oberkampf et al., 2002; Oberkampf, 2003; Oden et al., 2005; Babuˇska and Oden, 2004; Oden et al., 2010a,b; Roy and Oberkampf, 2011)
Importance of V&V activities cannot be overstated! V&V activities and procedures are the primary means of assessing accuracy in modeling and computational simulations. V&V activities and procedures are the tools with which we build confidence and credibility in modeling and computational simulations. Without proper V&V, numerical modeling and simulation results can not/should not be used for design, licensing or any other activity that relies on those results. Errors, inconsistencies and bug in numerical modeling and simulation programs are present and need to be removed and/or documented. A well known study by Hatton and Roberts (1994); Hatton (1997) reveals that all the software (in engineering, databases, control, etc.) contains errors, that can be removed if proper program development procedures are followed. More importantly, the first step is a realization that software/program probably/likely has some errors, bugs and that finding those errors and bugs needs to be done before the program start being used in decision making (design, licensing, etc.). In addition, numerical modeling and simulation are based on approximations and thus approximation errors are always present in results. Those errors need to be documented and information about those errors needs to be presented to potential users of numerical modeling and simulation programs.
The role of V&V activities can be explained by simple graphs. For example graph in Figure 8.1 (developed after Oberkampf et al. (2002)) shows that mathematical models and computer implementation try to mimic reality.
Figure 8.1: Role of Verification and Validation per Oberkampf et al. (2002).
Slightly different view V&V activities is presented by Oden et al. (2010a), as shown in Figure Oden et al. (2010a). In this view, V&V must be available as it is a prerequisite for proper numerical modeling and simulation. Results from such V&V-ed modeling and simulations, are then used to gain knowledge about behavior of infrastructure objects. Such knowledge is then used to make (design, licensing, etc.) decisions.
Figure 8.2: Role of Verification and Validation per Oden et al. (2010a).
Detailed Look at Verification and Validation
A detailed view of V&V is presented in Figure 8.3. It is important to note that the ”Real World” is
Figure 8.3: Detailed view of V&V.
meant to represent a high fidelity knowledge about the realistic behavior of our infrastructure objects. Such behavior is represented by conceptual model that is then used as a basis for verification. Physical testing of unit problems or small components of the complete model are used for validation.
Verification. The process of determining that a model implementation accurately represents the developer’s conceptual description and specification.
Main goals of verification are to:
•Identify and remove errors in computer coding
–Numerical algorithm verification
–Software quality assurance practice
•Quantification of the numerical errors in computed solution
Figure 8.4: Detailed view of Verification.
Validation: The process of determining the degree to which a model is accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model.
Main goals of validation are to:
•Tactical goal: Identification and minimization of uncertainties and errors in the computational model
•Strategic goal: Increase confidence in the quantitative predictive capability of the computational model
Numerical prediction then uses computational model to foretell the state of a physical system under consideration under conditions for which the computational model has not been validated. Validation does not directly make a claim about the accuracy of a prediction as:
•Computational models are easily misused (unintentionally or intentionally),
•It will depend on how closely related are the conditions of the prediction and specific cases in validation database, and
•How well is physics of the problem understood.
Verification and Validation Examples
A large number of verification and (not so large set of) validation examples are available in Jeremi´c (2016) and Jeremi´c et al. (1989-2016).
Figure 8.5: Detailed view of Validation.
8.4.3Examples of V&V
Recently, a number of Earthquake Soil Structure Interaction modeling and simulation programs have published Verification and Validation suites. We note two such examples:
•SASSI V&V Project Need references, will ask DOE or perhaps Jim knows. ALSO which version of SASSI? is it SASSI2000?.
•Real ESSI V&V Suite is a set of scripts and routines that document stability, accuracy and approximation accuracy (errors) of the Real ESSI Simulator (Jeremi´c et al., 2016).
I. Babuˇska and J. T. Oden. Verification and validation in computational engineering and science: basic concepts. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193(36-38):4057–4066, Sept
R. J. Budnitz and M. W. Mieler. Toward a more risk-informed and performance-based framework for the regulation of the seismic safety of nuclear power plants. NUREG/CR 7214, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, May 2016.
L. Hatton. The T experiments: Errors in scientific software. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, 4(2):27–38, April–June 1997.
L. Hatton and A. Roberts. How accurate is scientific software? IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, 20(10):185–797, October 1994.
B. Jeremi´c. Development of analytical tools for soil-structure analysis. Technical Report R444.2, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – Comissioncanadiene de suˆret´enucl´eaire, Ottawa, Canada, 2016.
B. Jeremi´c, Z. Yang, Z. Cheng, G. Jie, K. Sett, N. Tafazzoli, P. Tasiopoulou, J. A. A. Mena, F. Pisan`o, K. Watanabe, Y. Feng, and S. K. Sinha. Lecture notes on computationalgeomechanics: Inelastic finite elements for pressure sensitive materials. Technical Report UCD-CompGeoMech–01–2004, University of California, Davis, 1989-2016.
B. Jeremi´c, G. Jie, Z. Cheng, N. Tafazzoli, J. A. Abell, Y. Feng, and S. K. Sinha. The Real ESSI Simulator System. University of California, Davis and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2016.
W. Oberkampf. Material from the short course on verification and validation in computational mechanics.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2003.
W. L. Oberkampf, T. G. Trucano, and C. Hirsch. Verification, validation and predictive capability in computational engineering and physics. In Proceedings of the Foundations for Verification and Validation on the 21st Century Workshop, pages 1–74, Laurel, Maryland, October 22-23 2002. Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory.
J. T. Oden, I. Babuˇska, F. Nobile, Y. Feng, and R. Tempone. Theory and methodology for estimation and control of errors due to modeling, approximation, and uncertainty. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194(2-5):195–204, February 2005.
T. Oden, R. Moser, and O. Ghattas. Computer predictions with quantified uncertainty, part i. SIAM News,, 43(9), November 2010a.
T. Oden, R. Moser, and O. Ghattas. Computer predictions with quantified uncertainty, part ii.SIAM News,, 43(10), December 2010b.
P. J. Roache. Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering. Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1998. ISBN 0-913478-08-3.
C. J. Roy and W. L. Oberkampf. A comprehensive framework for verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification in scientific computing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200(25-28):2131 – 2144, 2011. ISSN 0045-7825. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2011.03.016. URL http: