Unit 1 Pre


I Wybierz odpowiedni czasownik:

1.My grandmother often (is coming/comes/come) to us on Sunday.11. We (rest/have resting/aren’t resting) in the living room now.

2. George (help/is helping/does not help) mother in the kitchen now.12. She always (come/comes/is coming) late to school.

3. Andrew’s brother (lives/is living/do not live) in a big house.13. My father (reads not/isn’t reading/doesn’t read) a book now.

4. They (don’t make/aren’t making/making) cakes now.14. (Are/Does/Do) they often dance together?

5. A small dog (stands/is standing/stand) in the middle of the picture. 15.You (aren’t having/hasn’t/have not) got any pictures in your room.

6. (Eat you/Do you eat/Are you eating) at the moment?16.Our mother (isn’t watching/watches/doesn’t watch) TV now.

7. This man (is not playing/does not play/plays) with his child now.17. (Is/Are/Does) his brother knocking at the door?

8. Judy often (is talking/talks/don’t talk) with her neighbours.18. What (he does/does he do/is he doing) on Saturdays?

9. Frank (have/is having/has) some fruit on his plate.19. I read books when I (am having/am/have) got time.

10. Do your parents often (visiting/visits/visit) Warsaw?20. When (do/are/have) they usually eat lunch?

II Napisz czasownik w Present Simple lub Present Continuous.

1.In our school there (be) some new computers.6. This book (be) not more interesting than that one.

2. Cindy’s boyfriend (live) in Texas.7. Our father usually (work) at weekends.

3. We often (meet) together in the club.8. The boys (not, play) basketball now.

4. Dr Green (help) people when they are not well.9. There (be) some very old pictures in the museum.

5. My brother (listen) to some music in his room now.10. We normally (not sleep) long.

III Zapytaj o podkreśloną część zdania:

1.Robert’s sister has got 5 cats at home.6. The workers are repairing something in the street.

2. In the wardrobe there are only two jackets.7. Tom’s mother is the nicest teacher in our school.

3. My younger sister is drawing something on paper.8. Our neighbours often write letters to their friends.

4. They often go to the cinemaon Saturdays.9. Mary’s mother is very well.

5. Cindy visits her friends in New York when she has time.10. Monica’s father is painting the living room.

IV Zadaj pytania do podkreślonych części zdań:

1.They go to the cinema once a month.11. I am waiting for Peter.

2. He plays tennis on Wednesdays.12. They are looking at the timetable.

3. He does his homework at school.13. He was travelling by plane.

4. I want to go to the swimming pool.14. He has already found a job.

5. They ate breakfast at 7 o’clock.15. The boys have had their computer for 5 years.

6. John gave me a present.16. I have been a doctor since 2000.

7. He was in London last week.17. He has met an interesting person on the train.

8. I was hungry last night.18. They must get up at 6 tomorrow.

9. Mother cooked a tasty meal yesterday.19. He can’t go out because he is ill.

10. She is walking with her dog right now.20. I am going to pay only $10.

V Przetłumacz na j. angielski:

1.Czy oni mają jakieś prezenty dla nas?6. Ojciec Dicka jest w garażu. Naprawia samochód.

2. Ci ludzie nie są z naszego miasta.7. Czy listonosz często przychodzi do waszego domu?

3. Przynieś mi kilka gazet z pokoju.8. John zwykle chodzi spać później niż jego brat.

4. Jak się ma dzisiaj pan Green?9. Co Frank teraz robi? Maluje obraz w swoim pokoju.

5. Chcesz kilka kanapek?10. W lodówce nie ma żadnych pomarańczy.

VI Wstaw czasownik w Present Simple lub Present Continuous:

1.(you, like) ………….. her?

2. He (not, play) ………….. the drums regularly.

3. No, I (not, like) ………….. the band now. I (listen) ………….. to ‘Muse’ these days. (you, know) ………….. them?

4. He’s so boring. He usually (talk) ………….. about his favourite sports team and I’m not interested in it!

5. My girlfriend (not, understand) ………….. why I like heavy metal.

6. Look, he (fall) ………….. asleep again! I can’t believe it!

7. (he, read) ………….. anything at the moment?

8. His father (prefer) ………….. detective stories.

9. (her husband, come) ………….. from Wales?

10. Jay can’t come to the phone. He (serve) ………….. the customers.

11. No, she (not, belong) ………….. to any club.

12. He feels lonely. His girlfriend (study) ………….. in Scotland this term.

13. (he, come) ………….. here often?

14. Oh, I (see) ………….. now, he’s your brother’s best friend.

15. My brother (never, agree) ………….. with me.

16. (their son, stay) ………….. in Edinburgh at the moment?

17. Paddy (not play) ………….. the violin. He’s a drummer.

18. I (usually, visit) ………….. my grandparents on Friday.

19. Sh! We (listen) ………….. to the radio programme on young people.

20. More and more teenagers (join) ………….. youth groups these days.

21. She (prefer) ………….. baggy trousers because she finds them trendy.

22. This weekend all the scouts (paint) ………….. the room where they have their meeting.

23. Every day my brother (save) ………….. some money for an electric guitar.

24. Our house isn’t ready yet so we (live) ………….. here for the winter.

25. More and more students in my school (work)………….. part-time.

26. I (believe) ………….. our son (understand) ………….. now how dangerous gangs can be.

27. Vicky’s boyfriend (often , take) ………….. her to those heavy metal concerts!

28. My mum (talk) ………….. to my teacher on the phone. I think I might be in trouble.

29. You lied to me yesterday so now I (not believe) ………….. you any more!

30. Could you call me back later? I (watch) ………….. a very interesting documentary now.

31. Anthony has a real gift for languages. He (speak) ………….. Italian, Swedish and Hebrew.

32. We (move) ………….. to a bigger flat. Could you help us transport our furniture?

33. You shouldn’t wear this old-fashioned hat, you (need) ………….. a new one.

34. It (not, snow) ………….. here a lot at this time of year.


Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami: a-j:

a/ What do you like doing in your free time?

b/ Whereabouts?

c/ What are you planning to do afterwards?

d/ What do you do back home then?

e/ Do you know Italy?

f/ Would you like to go and see it tonight?

g/ And what about you, Martin? What do you do?

h/ So what are you doing over here, Lucia?

i/ How are you finding it here?

j/ So, where are you from Lucia?

Martin: Hello, can I introduce myself? I’m Martin from next door.

Lucia: Pleased to meet you. I’m Lucia.

M: 1) …

L: Well, I’m spending the summer with Mr and Mrs Grey. I’m looking after their children and trying to improve my English.

M: I see. 2) …

L: I’m from Italy.

M: How lovely! 3) …

L: From Pisa. You know it’s famous for its Leaning Tower? 4) …

M: No, I don’t but I’d love to go one day. 5) …

L: I’m studying medicine. My parents are both doctors.

M: Wow! A house full of doctors!

L: 6) …

M: Well, I’m in my final year at university, I’m doing a degree in geology.

L: That sounds interesting. 7) …

M: I’d like to get a job in the oil industry. 8) …

L: Well, it’s different – but so far I am enjoying myself.

M: 9) …

L: Well, I enjoy playing volleyball and going to the cinema.

M: Really! The new Twilight movie is on. 10) …

L: That’s really kind. I’d love to, but I have to babysit this evening.

II Zareaguj w podanych sytuacjach:

1.Someone invites you to a party next weekend. Refuse politely. Say you are going away the next weekend.

2. You want to invite someone to a picnic this weekend. Make a polite invitation.

3. You want to find out what a foreign visitor does in their own country. What question do you ask?

4. The person you are speaking to says he is from France. You know to want where exactly. What one-word question can you ask?

5. Someone you meet asks what you like doing in your spare time. How do you reply?

6. Ask a foreign visitor to your country how they feel about their stay.


I Przedstaw się na portalu społecznościowym:

  • Podaj podstawowe informacje o sobie i wspomnij o twojej rodzinie
  • Napisz, jakie masz hobby i dlaczego je masz
  • Napisz, jak spędzasz wolny czas (poza swoim hobby)
  • Zachęć innych, by pisali do ciebie

II Chcesz wziąć udział w imprezie organizowanej przez Centrum Młodzieżowe i byłeś tam by uzyskać informacje. Napisz maila do kolegi.

  • Napisz, gdzie byłeś i po co
  • Opisz oferty Centrum
  • Podaj dobre i złe strony tych ofert
  • Poproś kolegę o jego sugestie i zachęć, by przyłączył się do ciebie

III Napisz artykuł zachęcający młodych ludzi do podjęcia wolontariatu. Podaj, jakie opcje są dostępne w twoim mieście i co taki wolontariat może zaoferować młodym ludziom.

IV Napisz rozprawkę o dobrych i złych stronach wolontariatu.

Use of English

I Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź:

Hi everybody! We are Marion and Tara. We’re twin sisters so we’re both fifteen. But we are different. Marion is crazy 1) (at, about, in, on) everything Japanese. She likes Manga and she thinks the characters and stories are really cool. She’d like 2) (to go, to going, going, go) to Japan so she is learning Japanese from a CD. Tara is interested in science. When she 3) (will leave, is leaving, leaves, leave) school, she’d like to study medicine and 4) (work, works, working, will work) in a poor country. There are some things we have 5) (-, at, on, in) common. We spend our free time together 6) (on listening, on listening to, listening, listening to) heavy metal music. We are big fans of old heavy metal bands. And 7) (we are also into, we are also in, also we are of, we also are at) water sports. We love windsurfing in summer.

II Sparafrazuj zdania:

1.Sarah decided to stop going out with Mark. (up) Sara decided to ….

2. They are really fond of online social networking. (on) They are really …

3. She’s never had a friendly relationship with her sister. (got) She’s never …

4. After moving into a new house, she had to learn gardening. (take) After moving into a new house, she had to …

5. My love of the theatre began when I was 15. (fell) When I was 15, I ….

III Wstaw odpowiednią formę słowa w nawiasie:

1.Peter’s remarkable talent for music became evident in his (child) …

2. Jimmy’s parents are proud of his unique (collect) … of old coins.

3. The rules of the school competition are the same for all (participate) …

4. What’s your (favour) … social website?

5. London is one of the world’s most multicultural cities with a (mix) … of 300 languages.

IV Przetłumacz na język angielski:

1.It (robi się) … dark. Let’s go back to the hostel.

2. Your new dish (pachnie) … promising.

3. ‘Do you fancy going out tonight?’ ‘(Bardzo bym chciał)…, but I am busy.

4. (Czy muszę mieć) … my equipment?

5. (W którym dniu) … of the week is the judo course?

V Uzupełnij luki jednym słowem:

After dinner I usually 1) … text messages to people from school and my friends. Then afterwards, I 2) … chatting to my friends online. I also 3) … to a social network and I have got a lot of new friends. My parents 4) … understand me – they believe the best way to meet people is face 5) … face. Anyway, I don’t usually spend more 6) … a couple of hours 7) … night, so I think it’s all right.

Unit 2 Pre


I Wstaw czasownik w Past Simple lub Past Continuous:

I 1) (meet) ………….. Carmela two years ago when I 2) (be) ………….. in Madrid on a business trip. I 3) (sit) ………….. in a café with some business partners when a beautiful young waitress 4) (come up) ………….. to us to take the order. I 5) (speak) ………….. to her in my broken Spanish and we 6) (fall) ………….. in love with each other at first sight. The next day we 7) (have) ………….. our first date.

II Wstaw czasownik w Past Simple:

1.I (be) ………….. only 3 years old then.

2. When (she, leave) ………….. university?

3. Agatha Christie (not, be) ………….. a good student because she (not, know) ………….. how to spell.

4. I’m not going to put on that sweater! I (wear) ………….. it yesterday!

5. We (write) ………….. a maths test last week. I hope I (not, fail) ………….. it.

6. (they, be) ………….. happy when she (tell) ………….. them the news?

7. I (feel) ………….. stupid when all the kids (laugh) ………….. at me on my first day of school.

8. (you, have) ………….. a uniform when you (be) ………….. a student?

9. (she, be) ………….. present at school yesterday?

10. Her parents (buy) ………….. her a piano when I (do) ………….. that music course.

III Wstaw czasownik w Past Simple lub Past Continuous:

1.We (go) ………….. to France just after the school ended.

2. I couldn’t answer the phone because I (have) ………….. a shower.

3. I (find out) ………….. that my sister was in love with a 50-year-old history professor.

4. When I (see) her ………….. for the first time, she (wear) ………….. a white dress and black high-heeled shoes.

5. They (get) ………….. married two months after they announced their engagement.

6. I’m sorry I couldn’t talk when you called yesterday. I (have) ………….. a big argument with my sister.

7. For the first time we were not late. The performance (begin) ………….. when we arrived at the opera house.

8. We didn’t have much time to talk. He (come) ………….. in just as I (leave) …………..

9. When (he, become) ………….. successful?

10. When I (watch) ………….. TV, my brother (break) ………….. my computer.

11. What (your son, do) ………….. yesterday at 8 pm, Mrs Walker?

12. It (rain) ………….. and the sun (not, shine) …………..

13. What (you, read) ………….. before you (fall) ………….. asleep?

14. While she (complain) ………….. about the noise, he (switch) ………….. on the television.

15. Finally, he (finish) ………….. writing and called it ‘The Cat Waltz’.

16. He (not, finish) ………….. the book before his death.

17. As they (sit) ………….. by the fire, somebody (knock) ………….. on the door.

18. At 7 o’clock my son (surf) ………….. the Internet and I (clean) ………….. the kitchen.

19. No, it (not, snow) ………….. when he (decide) ………….. to leave the house.

20. Eventually, he (give) ………….. me the key to the room.

21. I (paint) ………….. the living room ceiling when I (drop) ………….. my brush on the TV.

22. I (not, do) ………….. my homework last night. I forgot.

23. Where (you, be) ………….. yesterday?

24. I (not, come) ………….. to see you yesterday because I (sleep) ………….. all day.

25. I (be) ………….. tired yesterday and this morning I (wake) ………….. up at 10 o’clock.

26. I’m sorry I (not, see) ………….. you. It’s so dark in here.

IV Wstaw czasownik w odpow. czasie:II Zadaj pytania:

1. Our meeting (begin) at 10 o’clock.1. When he was a boy, he lived in Alabama. Where.....

2. Wait for me! I (go) to school, too.2. Yesterday at midnight, I was still working. What ……

3. There (not, be) any demonstrations last month.3. He has got seven rooms in his house. How many…..

4. When he (change) the wheel on the roadside, she (wait) in the café. 4. Jack invited me to a match on Wednesday. When……

5. Tomorrow afternoon we (go) to the zoo.5. Peter took Eva’s exercise book home. Whose…..

6. Yesterday at 8 p.m. my mother (help) our neighbour in the garden.6. She’s shouting at her younger brother. Who…

7. His alarm clock (not, ring) and he got up too late.7. They’re going to buy a yacht. What ….

8. I (talk) on the phone when they (arrive).8. She was playing the guitar when I returned. What ….

9. The day is fine and everybody (sit) in the sun.9. Jake’s father lives in Philadelphia. Who… Where….

10. When he (be) in France last year, he (learn) to speak French very well.10. We work in a factory. Where……

V Przetłumacz:

  1. Kiedy szedłem do kina, spotkałem Toma, który biegł do apteki.
  2. Ona chce wiedzieć czy Jason mówi po niemiecku.
  3. Julia czekała na Toma przed kinem, ale nie przyszedł.
  4. Gdzie oni jadą w przyszłym roku?
  5. Jak wam się podoba nowe mieszkanie w Pradze?
  6. Na biurku nie ma twoich okularów. Nie wiesz, gdzie są?
  7. Gdy Jack wszedł do pokoju, dzieci rysowały coś na papierze.
  8. Ona nie chciała wracać do domu, więc zjedliśmy lunch w restauracji.
  9. Nie zamierzamy wydawać pieniędzy na drogie hotele.
  10. Dlaczego on zwykle chodzi spać tak późno?

VI Przeczytaj biografię i ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi:

One of my greatest heroes is Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was working at Hewlett Packard when Steve Jobs convinced him to become his business partner. They didn’t have any money so they sold their most valuable possessions to raise their money for their venture. These included Wozniak’s scientific calculator and Jobs’ Volkswagen camper van. Together they founded Apple. Wozniak wrote most of the software for the operating system. He created the Apple I for computer enthusiasts and Apple II, the world’s first personal computer, for the general public. It became one of the most popular personal computers of the 1979s and 1980s. The Apple computer’s big advantage was that it was easy to use. In 1981 Wozniak was flying his plane when he had a bad crash which resulted in memory loss. In 1985 he and Jobs received the National Technology Medal from Ronald Reagan, the American president. He finally left Apple in 1987.

1.Where …………..…………..? Hewlett Packard.

2. What …………..…………..? He convinced Wozniak to go into business with him.

3. Did …………..…………..? No, they didn’t.

4. Who …………..…………..his camper van? Jobs did. Wozniak sold his calculator.

5. Who …………..………….. the software? Wozniak did.

6. Who …………..………….. the Apple I for? Computer enthusiasts.

7. What …………..………….. big advantage? It was easy to use.

8. What …………..………….. in 1981? There was a plane crash.

9. Who …………..…………..? The plane? Wozniak was.

10. What …………..………….. receive? They received the National Technology Medal.

11. Did President Obama …………..…………..? No, it was president Reagan.

12. When …………..………….. Apple? In 1987?

VII Ułóż pytania do tekstów na s. 22 w podręczniku:

I tekst:II tekst:

1.Who / work / in shipyard in Philadelphia?1.What / be / the problem with zip fasteners?

2. Why / he / do / experiments with springs?2. What / he / notice / when he came back from a walk?

3. What / happen / to one of the springs?3. What / he / see / under a microscope?

4. Why / he / decide / to turn the invention into a toy?4. What idea / come / to his mind?

5. Who / invent / the name ‘Slinky’?5. Who / he / develop / Velcro with?

6. How many springs / the company / sell / in 90 minutes?

7. How many springs / the company / make / every year?


I Przeczytaj email, następnie odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z mailem.

Hi Martina, I am back from our trip to the Natural History Museum. What an amazing experience! I loved the huge skeletons of dinosaur but I thought the fossil collection was a bit boring. There was an amazing exhibition about Darwin. I took one of their audio guides – it was excellent. I learned such a lot. They queue for the restaurant was terrible, but it was bright and clean and the food was good value for money. The only thing I didn’t like was the behavior of some of the school children who were visiting. Where were their teachers, I wonder?

Love, Jeremy

1.Which exhibition did you find the most interesting? …………..…………..

2. Which one did you like the least? …………..…………..

3. Did you visit any of the temporary exhibitions? If yes, which one? …………..…………..

4. Did you hire an audio guide? Yes / No. If yes, how did you find it? …………..…………..

5. Did you visit the restaurant? Yes / No. If yes, how did you find it? …………..…………..

6. Overall, how do you rate your visit?a waste of timepoorsatisfactoryvery goodexcellent

7. Further comments …………..…………..

II Przeczytaj informacje o Biskupinie i napisz pytania do ankiety:

Biskupin is Poland’s oldest archaeological site. It is almost 3000 years old. You can travel there by a narrow gauge railway. There is a permanent museum there that shows all aspects of prehistoric life. During the Biskupin festival in September, you can go to concerts, watch tournaments, witness ancient handicrafts and learn more about the mysteries of underwater archaeology.