Weak, Slow, and
Immature Work
Arithmetic, 1. Language Arts, 2. General, 3.
Citizenship, 6. Work Habits, 7. Attitude, 11. Relations with Peers, 13. General, 14.
_____has a good attitude toward the work at this grade
level. It would help______'s speed in arithmetic if he spent
time each evening on the multiplication facts through the 4s.
______is a shy child and it would benefit him if he did
more oral reporting in social studies.
is a sweet child and enjoys our room and likes to keep it clean. I feel that a conference with you would be beneficial at this time, we should discuss her progress and determine if we could give her more guidance in arithmetic.
______has a good attitude toward the work of this grade
level. As this report shows, she is having a great deal of trouble with arithmetic, however. She needs to study every evening, starting with two-column addition. Then she could start practicing with regrouping in subtraction. Could you help her with these problems at home?
______is a fine citizen and is anxious to please and do
good work. However, her progress in arithmetic is not consistent. She still needs review every evening on the multiplication facts through the 9s and help with the long division process.
Weak, Slow, and Immature Work 3
2 Teachers' Messages for Report Cards
______has shown improvement in her relationship, with
others. She continues to need our encouragement along these
lines ______still does not understand the concepts in any
of the arithmetic skills for this grade level. Perhaps a conference would enable us to see what we could do to aid
______is showing growth in her reading ability. How
ever, as this report indicates, she needs help in other areas. Could you see that she has practice with regrouping in subtraction and with multiplication facts each evening (3s and 4s)? She is easily distracted in school and talks frequently. I'm sure she could do a better job if she would use her time better.
Thank you for your visit to our room. Oral reading is above grade-level expectations. However, she needs to study all the multiplication and division facts every night.
Thank you for your interest in our room. It would he helpful if practiced the multiplication facts (3, 4, 5, 6) each
evening. ______is a good citizen in the room.
Thank you for your cooperation with______However,
as is indicated by this report, ______'s conduct is affecting
his work academically. I would suggest that you have
______study hard on his multiplication facts. He also does
not understand the concept of long division. I'm sure that if he would attend to his work, he could do much better.
______'s spelling work has improved. It is evident that
you are helping him at home. However, he is still having trouble with all of the arithmetic skills. There seems to be no consistency to his work. I think we can discuss his work on the telephone rather than having another conference. I'll call you next week.
Language Arts
______'s difficulty in writing seems to be largely a prob
lem of muscular coordination. He will have to make a constant effort to improve, and improvement may come slowly.
______talks very well before the group. However, she
does need to improve her written language. With greater effort and more careful writing, there should be improvement.
______is showing good growth in her basic skills al
though______should be more careful in her written work.
It would help if she would learn to slow down and be neater in her writing._
______brings so many interesting things to show his class.
He talks very well before the group. However, must concentrate on improving his written language. I feel sure that with greater effort and more careful attention to details there could be much improvement.
______is very responsible in performing her duties as
hostess. She is a very sweet girl. Her reading has improved considerably, but she needs to do extra work in spelling. Could you help her at home? Please call me so that we can talk about how best to help her.
______has shown an increased interest in the study of
maps and current events. I hope you will continue having
______drill on his spelling words at home.
Thank you for your visit to our room. ______is quite
serious about his work. Reading library books may improve his vocabulary. Be sure he studies his spelling list every night and reviews his addition and subtraction facts.
Thank you for your note. Would you be able to visit our room soon to observe during a reading lesson? I
believe we can work out plans together to help —______
I am very proud of______and his conscientious efforts to improve his work. His progress, however, is slow, which makes it very difficult for him to keep up with the rest of the class. We need to give him all the help and encouragement
we can. Would you please call me and make an appointment so that we might work out a home program to go along with my work at school?
______is beginning to enjoy working at school. He seems
to feel that he is one of the group, and is able to listen and to understand directions given to the class. He is continuing with reading readiness (or any subject area) work. He is slow in understanding new work but is making progress.
He is very responsible about ______I appreciate the help
you have given me in understanding his problems and hope we can continue to work together.
______'s strongest work is in ______I think he is able
to do better work in ______Can you talk with me about
______is very responsible in his (patrol) duties. His
(arithmetic) has improved considerably, but he needs extra
work in ______Could you help him at home? I will be
glad to talk with you about it.
______is very cooperative about our school and class
rules, but he does need help in strengthening his schoolwork. He does not always put forth his best efforts. Do you find that he needs to be urged to do his best work at home?
All ______'s basic subjects are at grade level standards,
but he is not working to the best of his ability.
______has shown an increased interest in ______She
continues to need encouragement. I will be glad to talk with you about her progress.
______tries very hard and he is making steady progress.
However, his rate of achievement makes it difficult for him to keep up with his class. We need to give him all the help and encouragement we can.
Thank you for our conference. ______tries hard, but,
as this report indicates, he finds it difficult to stick to the task at hand and is easily distracted. The work is hard for 'and he still needs consistent help every night on
spelling, the arithmetic skills noted above, and oral reading. He should realize by now that school is a place where we work and study.
Thank you for our conference ______tries hard, but
the work is difficult for him. It would help if you implemented the suggestions we discussed in our conference.
______takes pride in helping to make our room pleasant.
However, he has a tendency to want to manage other people, and this causes him unhappiness at times in school.
Thank you for your message. Would you he able to visit class soon to observe a lesson? I think we can work
out plans together to help ______
______is very responsible in his ______duties. His
reading has improved considerably, but he needs extra work
in ______Could you help him at home?
______'s goals need to be: a prompt start, concentration
on the work to be done, rereading what she has written, and a smooth transition to the next assignment.
______'s effort has been good. However, she is struggling
in ______She seeks help from her neighbor more and
more. I feel that she needs to improve her study habits.
______'s conduct has improved. However, it appears that
as we learn more of the new skills, his interest in school is lagging. He needs much supervision now in order to work well. Otherwise, he rushes through his work and then wanders around the room or talks to his neighbor. As a result, he is not doing his work as well as he could.
Thank you for your visits to our school. Let us continue our course that we started with tries very
hard in school and is very skilled in all fields of physical education, although he still needs much help in being a better sport.
In addition, it would be beneficial to ______to review the
multiplication facts through the 4s each evening.
Behavior Problems
______is trying hard to practice good citizenship habits.
Realizing that conforming has meant the exertion of considerable effort on his part, I feel that he should be commended for this. He still needs to remember to keep his hands to himself and to wait his turn.
Thank you for your discussion about ______He tries
to be a good citizen in the school room but often talks out loud disturbing the whole class. He has been in trouble frequently in the boys' line and in playground activities. I am sure he realizes he must follow our school rules, but he needs to be reminded quite often.
Thank you for your cooperation with______He is trying
very hard to be a better citizen, but he will continue to need
our guidance ______also needs to remember to slow down
and do neater work.
______does the best he can in the basic skills area. He
is also trying much harder to be a better citizen.
______experienced great difficulty in adjusting to school
after her vacation. However, she is again trying very hard
to be a good citizen ______should be encouraged to read
orally at home each evening to develop more confidence in herself.
______has made an effort to be a fairly good citizen
in the room, but he has gotten into trouble for being noisy
in the (cafeteria, bathroom, etc.). I am sure ______realizes
he must follow, our school rules for the good of everyone, but he needs to be reminded quite often.
I enjoyed our recent visit and our discussion about
______She is always willing to help and has become a
better citizen. As we discussed, ______could do better
academically if she applied herself more. Arithmetic, in all processes, is extremely difficult for her.
______is becoming one of our most dependable girls in
assuming responsibility for her behavior in class and on the playground. Occasionally she does forget, but it is not often.
______can be depended upon to fulfill her
duties without a reminder.
Work Habits
Thank you for your interest in our room. As we have discussed, the markings under work habits and citizenship on the reverse side of this card are one means of evaluating the quality of the work done by He needs to remember
that school is a place where we work.
When ______settles down, he does better work. How
ever, his study habits are fairly flighty, and he often seeks the attention of his classmates through some form of noise, usually a loud cough or sigh.
Thank you for coming in for a conference. ______has
made some progress in his personality problems, but he still needs a great deal of guidance and supervision in order to work well. I suggest you set aside a time each evening when
8 Teachers' Messages for Report Cards
______drills on multiplication facts. Let us continue to
use the "note" system.
Thank you for your visit to our room on Open House night.
______is not working up to his ability at this time. He
is still too interested in his neighbor's business and does not concentrate on doing his own work. As a result, he is not performing as well as he could.
______has had some difficulty, as you know, because
she enjoys minding other students' business more than attending to the work assigned to her. She is capable of doing better work.
As you know from my reports, ______does not utilize
his time well in school. He still has to learn that we study in school and play only at specific times. He is capable of better work.
______is easily distracted in school and needs to improve
her work habits. I'm sure she could do a better job if she would use her time more efficiently. I would like a conference with you immediately to discuss her behavior in school.
Thank you for your visits and the help you give to our room. As you suggested, finds it hard to concentrate on
the work at this level. He needs constant supervision in order to finish what he has started out to accomplish. Please continue to see that he works on regrouping in subtraction and
the multiplication facts ______will continue to need praise
and encouragement.
______still permits his attention to wander when he
should be concentrating on his work. His difficulties in his relationships with other pupils continue to affect his work habits and to cause him unhappiness at school. It would help
______if he studied his ______at home every evening.
______seems to have difficulty settling down to the school
situation. She tends to be quite impatient and gets upset easily. However, with her enthusiasm and sincerity, I'm sure she will develop greater stability. I appreciate the patience and understanding you have had.
______has been progressing nicely. His greatest problem
has been his inability to listen attentively and keep his mind on what is happening. He is inclined to daydream, which makes it necessary for me to repeat directions. His general
knowledge in. However,___ should be recognized and praised,
______does grade-level work. However, am certain
she is capable of doing better if she would concentrate more on her studies. She tends to he too interested in her neighbors' affairs. She has a happy attitude in school and is gaining more confidence in herself.
has learned to speak out loud only when it is her turn. However, she still talks to her neighbors and is often inattentive. She needs to learn to concentrate on the right things at the right time. The reading of easy library hooks at home will help her achieve fluency in oral reading.
has trouble because he frequently talks out loud and disturbs the class. However, he listens to me and tries to correct this bad habit. He is a likable child, and I'm sure you'll see more progress in his work in future years.
______enjoys reading and is doing nicely in the basic skills areas. However, he still talks out loud, disturbing the whole class. He is trying to improve in this area.
______works hard on her assignments and is anxious to
please. She needs to be reminded frequently of our class rules because she tends to be talkative and bothers those around her.
______has been doing good work generally, although she has not been consistent. She is a happy person but very talkative and restless in class. I'm sure her work would improve if she kept her mind on the job at hand. She'll continue to need our guidance along these lines.
I() Teachers' Messages for Report Cards
Behavior Problems II
______has fine mental ability and does her work quickly
and accurately. However, she needs to be more considerate of other people, even teachers. She has a tendency to want to manage other people too much.
______is now doing good work in ______His inde
pendent work is usually done correctly but is not often completed because he spends so much time talking to others. I am trying to help him form better study habits and would appreciate your help in working out this problem without
discouraging his fine enthusiasm and interest in ______
______still daydreams, and because her attention is else
where, she depends upon others to tell her what she should be doing. When she learns to attend to her schoolwork, she will be capable of finishing assignments in the allotted time.
Thank you for your cooperation in trying to help
become more independent. He seems to be happier with other children now and is beginning to take some responsibility for getting his work done. He has met several new events without
______(crying, pouting, showing off, etc.), and I hope that
with your constant help we can solve this problem.
______is now finishing her worksheets in reading. She
is showing some improvement in her ability to work by herself. Could we have a talk soon about helping her get more rest and simplifying her outside activities so that she will be more relaxed at school?
______is doing good work in the basic skills areas. How
ever, she is not showing the desired growth in social maturity. She is often out of her seat wanting attention about trivial matters. Frequently she is unfair in games and then pouts if reprimanded. I would like a conference with you soon.
______wastes much time preparing to do his work. He
also wastes much time thinking up ways to get the class's attention away from their studies. However, I am very muchpleased with 's social growth. He is realizing that
it is better to be noticed because of his good behavior.
______certainly enjoys artistic endeavors. However, as
is reflected in this reporting period, ______has to realize that we work in school and then have art time. I would likea conference with you to discuss 's work and study habits before they become real problems.
I am very, proud of ______'s fine art work, but I wish