NAI Awards,
Newspapers Association of India
We wish to participate in the event as a …………………...sponsor (please print relevant Category) indicated above on the occasion of the NAI Awards.
I/We enclose herewith my/our cheque/DDno……………………………...dated…………………
Drawn on …………………………………...... bank for Rs……………………..towards payment
Of advertisement charges in favour of Newspapers Association of India payable at Delhi.
Name of the individual/ Company: ……………………
Address & Contact details: …………………………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………..
*The duly completed form should reach our office at the stated address on
Or before 30th September, 2013.
*payment to be made by DD, NEFT or RTGS Only.
Terms & condition:
*The confirmation amount will be 100% of the agreed sponsorship slot.
*D.D to be made in the name of Newspapers Association of India, payable in
Delhi and should be forwarded to the following address:
A-115, Vakil Chamber, Top Floor VikasMarg, Shakarpur, Delhi-92
*Payment should be exclusive of all bank & other charges, if any.
PLATINUM.( Rs. 2lac )
Naming rights: Right to incorporate company's logo and name within the event title NAIAwards.
Exclusivity:All competitors will be locked out of this event.
Sponsor would be free (for 5 minutes) to play his corporate film in the Auditorium Projector.
Sponsor's name and logoin will print both infront and also on the backdrop of the stage.
Sponsors get Major media exposureon a nationallevel through T.V, News PRINT, fashion and lifestyle magazines and the internet.They also get Free Advertisements On our Souvenir
On- site premier placementof hoardings, signage, souvenirs, event posters, F &B Staff uniforms (t- shirt and caps).
Off- site premier placementson all promotional materials e.g. invitation, entry pass, pamphlets, mailers, flyers, brochures, and news letter.
Company recognition at the event and post media" Thank you" advertisement.
GOLD SPONSORSHIP. ( Rs. 1.11 lac )
Major media exposureon nationallevel through T.V, News andPrint .
Exclusivity:All competitors will be locked out of this event.
Sponsor would be free (for 5 minutes) to play his corporate film in Auditorium Projector.
Sponsor's name and logoON THE SIDE PANEL or Backdrop of the stage
On- site preferredplacementof hoardings, signage, souvenirs, event posters, flags, F &B Staff uniforms (t- shirt and caps), eating and drinking utensils.
Off- site preferred placementson all promotional materials e.g. invitation, entry pass, pamphlets, mailers, flyers, brochures, and news letter.Free Adv. On Souvenir
Company recognition at the event and post media" Thank You"advertisement.
Media exposureon national and international level throughT.V, News , Print & Internet
Exclusivity:All competitors will be locked out of this event.
Sponsor's name and logoON THE SIDE PANEL or Backdrop of stage.
On- siteplacementof hoardings and Banners.
Off- siteplacementson all promotional materials e.g. invitation, entry pass, pamphlets, mailers, flyers, brochures, and news letter. Free Adv. On Souvenir
Company recognition at the event and post media" Thank you"advertisement.
Benefits to all sponsors:
- Facility to include promotional material in the souvenir kit or to distribute during the event.
- Vantage inclusion of ‘Think You Sponsor’ in the souvenir kit.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor in the souvenir.
- Logo and name will be displayed as a respective sponsor at vantage locations during the event. Size shall be in accordance to the sponsorship.
- Logo to be featured in the event literature and souvenir. Size shall be in accordance to the sponsorship.
- Photograph and message from the sponsor’s representative in the event souvenir.
Note: - Minimum Sponsorship is 45,000Rs Category of Silver Sponsor
Logo and Adv. You can send by mail or C.D in JPEG or Coral Open File Format
NAI Awards,
Newspapers Association of India
Dear Sir,
Please reserve …………………… …………………...(Please print relevant Category) advertisement as indicated above in the souvenir to be published on the occasion of the NAI Awards.
I/We enclose herewith my/our D.Dno……………………………...dated…………………
Drawn on …………………………………...... bank for Rs……………………..towards payment
Of advertisement charges in favour of Newspapers Association of India payable at Delhi.
Name of the individual/ Company: ……………………
Address & Contact details: …………………………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………..
*The duly completed form should reach our office at the stated address on
or before 30th September, 2013.
*Payment to be made by DD, NEFT or RTGS only.
Terms & condition:
*The confirmation amount will be 100% of the agreed sponsorship slot.
* D.D to be made in the name of Newspapers Association of India, payable in
Delhi and should be forwarded to the following address:
A-115, Vakil Chamber, Top Floor VikasMarg, Shakarpur, Delhi-92
* Payment should be exclusive of all bank & other charges, if any.
Minimum Souvenir Adv. 5100 for B/W Adv. Size 5X4
30% Discount for only Publishers in any type Adv.
* Material Specification:
- Advertisement material should be in compatible (eps/pdf/tiff) format.
- All printing will be done in 4 Colour and Black & White.
- Images in CMYK/ JPEG High resolution 300 dpi.
Logo and Adv. You can send by mail or C.D in JPEG or Coral Open File Format