Biol 330 Exam 3 Study Guide Spring 2008

Biol 330 Plant Development Exam 3

Pollen, embryo sac, embryo development & seed germination & growth

This is the study guide for the next exam.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Everyone will have the option to take the exam from 12:40-1:40 on Wednesday 3/26/08 OR anytime out of class… but not later than Monday, 3/31/08 by 12:40.

The exam will consist of 10 questions taken from the following.

Questions for the Plant Development Exam #3.

Pollen Development

1. Describe the process of male gamete development from sporocyte to
mature pollen grain. Be sure to talk about where the microsporocytes
are located as it relates to flower morphology.

2. What are the developmental events involved in male gamete
production, and what happens in each event?

3. What is a stamen and what is its role in angiosperm development?

4. What factors influence pollen tube growth?

Embryo Sac Development

1. Compare and contrast tetrasporic and monosporic embryo sac development.

2. What is a carpel and what is its role in angiosperm development?

3. Discuss the ploidy levels of cells/stages associated with megaspore and embryo sac formation in tetrasporic development.

Embryo Development

1. Discuss post-fertilization events leading to proembryo (not embryo) formation from a zygote, emphasizing the structure and contributions of the suspensor.

2. Describe embryo development in angiosperms.

3. What is endosperm? Describe variations in endosperm formation (persistent, transient, cellular and free-nuclear) during embryo development.

4. What does apical-basal and radial mean in the context of embryo organization in an angiosperm.

5. Discuss the apical-basal and radial organization of an angiosperm embryo with respect to location in an embryo (at the earliest stage of formation) and the tissues/organs formed along the apical-basal and radial axes.

6. Compare and contrast the organization of a mature dicot (e.g. Capsella) and monocot (e.g. corn) embryo.

Fruit and Seedling Germination & Development

1. Compare and contrast the three layers of the pericarp in a peach and a tomato.

2. Discuss requirements for germination.

3. Describe adaptations provided by a seed.

4. A mature fruit contains 3 different genotypes in one package. Explain.

Integrated questions.

1. Discuss the location, process and products of meiosis in flowering plants.

2. Compare and contrast epigeal germination and hypogeal germination.

3. Compare and contrast microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis in angiosperms.

4. Compare and contrast microgametogenesis and megametogenesis in angiosperms.


Generative cell

Double fertilization




Floral organs: Pedicel, androecium, carpel, corolla, calyx

Intine & exine




Egg apparatus


Paired terms to compare & contrast

Microspore – pollen grain

Nucellus – megasporangium

Ovary – ovule

Fruit – seed

Gametophyte – sporophyte
