Dear Faculty and Staff,

Welcome back. It’s so wonderful to start the spring semester with some positive news. Below are several links on the coverage of CCSF’s 7-year accreditation reaffirmation. Thank you all for your contribution toward this success; our work on SLOs and updating course outlines was a part of this reaffirmation.

Also, we’ve scheduled afaculty meeting on Tuesday, February 28, from 2:00-3:30pmin the large conference room with the tentative topics of: UsingTurn It In(an anti-plagiarism software)& getting information on financial aid from a financial aid counselor. I will send out an email when I have confirmed the presentations.

Below are some updates from our Flex Meeting:

1)Enrollment:Any class under 10 last week in our dept had to be cancelled. All classes must have 15 or over by the end of the first week. We will also leave add codes with counseling in MUB 39 for all classes under 20 to boost enrollment. Please make sure that everyone attending your class is registered. See below for tips from Wil Wu on registration.

2)Faculty and Staff Updates:Lindo Bacon has retired and Cris Zamora’s assignment ended; Please contact Sergio Martinez for Metro program information or presentations. Lindo Bacon is not being replaced since the units were given from Biology. The Department is filling 3 positions this semester: Nutrition Assistant Faculty, Health Care Interpreter Coordinator and Drug & Alcohol Studies Associate Director

3)Emergency Preparedness:The committee is Sergio, Shirlene, Beth and Andrew. The committee is currently coordinating drills with the college. We will provide updates when we have them. We suggest that you include a safety overview on your first day of class, familiarizing your students with emergency procedures (door locks, posted emergency booklets, closest stairway to evacuate, etc.) The team will draft a paragraph this semester to include in your fall syllabus.

4)Annual Plan:Thank you for your work on the Annual Plan last semester. It’s available at includes the departments resource requests as well as SLO and course outline information. The resource requests came from our program review flex meeting in the fall.

5)Faculty Intranet:Is at then select the Faculty and Staff Resources tab. I suggest everyone take some time to review this page. There’s a lot of information and it serves as the department portal for uploading documents.

6)Metro Transfer Academy Update:Metro is fully running at 4 academies: Health, Education and Social Services (HESS); Design, Media, Arts and Communication (DMAC), Science and Mission. Sergio Martinez is coordinating HESS; Julieta Kusnir is coordinating Mission and DMAC and Sarah Wongking is coordinating Science. Metro is using the former CPR space as a resource room, in MUB 338. Metro requested a space and this is the temporary space allowed by the college. The Resource Room hours are M-Th 9:30-4:30p and F 9:30-12 noon. It’s designed for Metro students (especially so that Metro students don’t congregate in the Health Ed Office), but all CCSF students can use the space.

7)Faculty Travel Fund:Allocated from the department in the Fall, travel can be anytime before July 1st. In Spring requests need to go to the school. Dept can award up to $500. School can now award up to $400.

8)Supported instruction in CTE classesis now available through Adult Ed Block Grant funds. These classes have an ESL instructor in the classroom in addition to the regular instructor to help students with writing and understanding the course concepts.

9)CCSF has free access to Zoom video conferencing.We can useZoom for one-on-one help (with audio, video, screen share both ways), and it can also be used for (remote)meetings and more. In Canvas, we also have it available built-in as ConferNow, so there is the potential to do synchronous live meetings/presentations/conferences with online students. Click here to sign up for a free PRO account for CCSF faculty and staff:

10)Social Determinants Resources:Janey Skinner shared her sabbatical project with the department, which includes resources for teaching social determinants of health. She’s doing the final touches on this and will send it out to the listserve when it’s complete.

11)SLOs and Course Outlines:We are almost at 100% SLO submission. 16 courses have completed the full cycle of assessment. By the end of the semester, course coordinators will evaluate the whole course and determine if any changes to the course outline need to be made. We are having an SLO Flex Day on Thursday, April 20thto discuss the new English sequence and the impact of English placement in our general education Health Education courses. More details on this later.

12)Future Flex Meeting Topics:Please email me any suggestions you have for future flex meeting topics. Some things on my list (and let me know your input) include:

·Onedept/1 book or 1 article to discuss

·Common department language around gender identity

·Updates in the field – as topics

·Demonstration of DocuCams

·Other thoughts or ideas?

·Also, if there’s a teaching technique you’d like to share with the department, please let me know.

Wishing everyone a great semester,


Note from Wil Wu- please review

Welcome Back! Hope everyone had a nice break. Here are a few important reminders. Please take a moment to look them over; it’ll save you the effort of asking later.

1.Please, please, please make sure you drop your no shows and those who stop coming to your class. I am currently dealing with a situation where students stopped coming but weren’t dropped. Now a substandard grade has to be issue. Once a student appears on your final grade roster, you cannot ignore it, you have to issue a grade. Help yourself, clear your class roster regularly. As I have said before, it’s easier to reinstate a student than it is to try and drop retroactive later.

2.REMIND YOUR STUDENTS if they decide to stop attending, they better drop themselves otherwise they may end up with a nasty surprise of a fee assessment or a substandard grade notation.

3.I know no one does this but I have to say it. Do not leave inactive students on your roster to keep the enrollment numbers artificially inflated. It will be flagged during the audit and looks bad on everyone.

4.Make sure everyone in the class is officially registered in your class. If necessary, “kick the student out” until the registration is taken care of. If student does not appear on your class roster, he/she should not be appearing physically in your class. This is a serious liability issue for both the district and yourself if something were to happen.

5.If a student is dropped but you want to reinstate him/her, do not give the student an add code. You should use the drop reinstatement form. The code will not work.

Beth Freedman, MPH

Chair, Health Education Department

Program Manager, Metro Transfer Academies


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