1 Bats are flying mammals. They feed on insects, especially moths that fly at night. They do not have good eyesight. Instead, they use a sort of radar to sense where they are and where their food is flying.
a Write down:
i two adaptations that help bats to catch insects
ii Only one of these adaptations means that they do not need good eyesight. Write down the adaptation.
2 Copy and complete these sentences.
a The difference between the light level at midnight and at midday is …
b Compared with night time, the temperature of a summer’s day is higher because …
c On a seashore, just below the high tide level, plants have to be able to cope with drying out because …
3 The graphs below show the average daytime temperature of a school field and the daily rainfall during the month ofMay.
a What is the link between the level of rainfall and the average daily temperature?
b Suggest a reason for this link.
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
4 Mussels are shellfish that can live on the seashore, between the high and low tide levels. They feed by opening their shells, sticking out a feeding tube and drawing seawater into their bodies. They can do this because their shells are in two halves, with a hinge at the back. They attach themselves to rocks with strong threads.
a Explain why mussels must keep their shells tightly closed when the tide is out.
b How do mussels prevent themselves from being swept out to sea when the tide goes out?
c Why are mussels not found on sandy seashores?
5 A sunflower has a large flower head, in which several dozen seeds grow and ripen in the Sun. The flower head is on the end of a tall stem. The sunflower changes during the day.
morning afternoon
These diagrams show the same sunflower, in the same field, at two different times of the day.
a Describe how the sunflower head has changed during the day.
b Suggest why this behaviour is helpful to the plant.
c At what stage in the development of the seeds might the sunflower stop this behaviour? Explain your answer.
d Suggest why it is useful, to a sunflower, to have such a tall stem.
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
6 Read the information in the table below very carefully.
Animal / Habitat / Food / When seen / Other informationSnail / damp gardens / plants / after rain and at night / dries out if left in the sun
Thrush / gardens and woods / snails, worms / during the day / can fly from place to place
Hedgehog / gardens and woods / snails, worms / at night / hibernates over the winter
Hawk / open country and fields / birds, rabbits / during the day and early evening / has extremely good eyesight
Fox / fields and hedgerows / rabbits, mice / late evening and night / very good eyesight and a good sense of smell
Rabbit / fields and hedgerows / plants / evening and night / can run very fast
Use only the information in the table to explain the following types of behaviour.
a Foxes hunt in the evening and at night.
b Snails are mostly seen after wet weather and at night.
c Hedgehogs do not hunt during the day.
d Hawks are a daytime and early evening predator.
e A thrush cannot hunt successfully after dark.
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.