Using “#” key in Quantity & Rate Columns

Global Sheet

Edit Trade/Element Note

Edit Item Note

Change HeadingColour

Display Cents

Project Summary

Calculate Sub-total

Change Price List

Can I copy data from onecell to another, in the calculation sheet?

Markup Quantity

Secondary Unit

Using “#” key in Quantity & Rate Columns

  1. You can use # key to copy above value and maintain linking to that value.

  1. You will see the quantity was showed in pink colour.

  1. You only can use this function to copy the above items value and not below the items value.
  2. This is applicable in the ‘rate breakup sheet’ and also ‘calculation sheet’.

Global Sheet

  1. If you have one quantity and this quantity is repeating in various elements. You can measure this quantity in our ‘Global Sheet’.
  2. Open the ‘Global Sheet’ at the job summary level.

  1. You will see the Global Summary level. You can type in your item description and the Global Code will automatically come out. However, you can type in your own code number. Then you can put in the unit.

Note:You can see there’s ‘quantity’ and ‘rate’ column in the Global Summary level and you only can use either one.

  1. Double click the “quantity” cell and you will go to global calculation sheet. Do your measurement over here. After finished, exit the global sheet by clicking on “view Previous Level” icon.

  1. Go to the BoQ items, and key in the code. Before that you need to key in ‘@@’ first and then the code number.
  1. You will see the quantity shows in pink colour. If you want to edit, right click your mouse and select ‘edit cell’.

Edit Trade/Element Note

  1. You can key in the note for the particular trades/elements.
  1. You will see the following box come out.
  1. You can see the particular element is highlighted.
  1. You can print the “Trade Note”. Go to “Set Job BoQ Options” and select “Page 2”, tick on “Print Trade Note” option.
  1. Go to “Set Job BoQ Options” and select “Page 5”, click on “Work on BoQ Page Setting” and change the “Top Margin” to a minimum of 1, maximum of 3.
  1. Preview the BoQ and you will see the trade note is printing out.
  1. If you want to delete the note, go back to the box and click on ‘Delete’ button and click ‘OK’.
  1. You can see the element is back to original.

Edit Item Note

  1. The procedure is almost the same with above, the only different are you need to go to second level (trade breakup level).
  2. You can choose whatever items you want and go to ‘Edit’ menu and click on ‘Edit Item Note’.

Change Heading Colour

  1. At the “Job Manager” screen, click on “Setting for New Jobs”.
  1. Click on “Colour”.
  1. Click on the headings that you want to change the colour.
  1. Select the colour and click on “OK”.

Display Cents

  1. On the “Job Manager” screen, highlight the job and tick “Display Cents” option on the job manager screen.
  1. Once you tick, it will ask you to recalculate all sublevels after you open the job. You just click “Yes”.
  1. Open the job, and click on “Tools” menu and select “Recalculate All Sublevels”.

Project Summary

  1. On the “Job Manager” screen, click on “Set Project Mode”.
  1. Highlight the project that you want to view the summary and then click on “View Summary” icon.
  1. You will see the following summary screen and you can print out the report.

Calculate Sub-total

  1. On a blank line in the “Job Summary Level”, “Element/Trade Breakup Level”, “Calculation Sheet Level” or “Rate Breakup Sheet Level” clicks with your right mouse button. For example, I go to Calculation Sheet Level.
  1. A small menu will appear. Select the option called "Calculate Subtotal". By selecting this option you can insert a Subtotal with a description of what is being Subtotaled into the Estimate. The Subtotal is not added to the overall estimate total.
  1. You will see the following screen.

Change Price List

  1. Open the Buildsoft program, at the Job Manager screen; highlight the job and the “Price List”.
  2. Press “Up” and “Down” arrow key to select other price list.
  1. After select a price list, highlight the job again and open the job.

Can I copy data from one cell to another, in the calculation sheet?

  1. In the calculation sheet, you can click on the 'Edit' drop down menu and select 'Prompt for Paste Options'.
  1. With this option turned on, each time you paste in a calculation sheet, you will have a number of options of where you wish for the data to be pasted. Please see the link below for the available paste options.

Markup Quantity

  1. Open a “Calculation Sheet”.
  2. Go to last measurement line and select the “Length” cell below the line.
  3. Type “PERC” then together with percentage that you want to markup such as “PERC50” that mean I want to markup 50%.
  4. Press “Enter”.
  1. Then you can see the total had shown. This is marked up total.
  1. However, every time you click on “View Previous Level”, the Warning message will come out and stated that “Value is missing from the ‘width column for a ‘volume’ calc sheet on line 22”.
  2. This is because the item is in cubic meter and I didn’t key in the number for ‘width’ and ‘depth’ cells.
  3. In this case, you can key in ‘1’ in ‘width’ and ‘depth’ cells.

Secondary Unit

  1. Open your calculation sheet and simply type in the dimension. Then double click on the cell under “Rel” column and select the secondary unit type.
  1. Once you go back to trade breakup level, the secondary unit will show beside the description.