Sinking Sand

Matt. 7:26-27. (Pray)

Most Bible students will recognize our text as coming from Christ’s parable of the wise man and the foolish man. The wise man built his house on the rock and no matter what happened, the house stood firm. The foolish man built his house on the sand and when the wind and the floods came, the house fell flat. The purpose of a parable is to teach one particular point. The point Jesus is making here is a truth that only Baptists preach and teach. Christ is the Rock of the Bible (1Cor. 10:4) and the truth that Jesus is teaching here is that salvation can only be founded on Him. (Jn. 14:6) He is the one and only way of salvation. The salvation of your soul must rest solely on Christ and Christ alone. All other ground is sinking sand. Consider four points about sinking sand in the world around us.


1. The heart of secular humanism is atheism. (Ps. 14:1, Rom. 1:18-28)

2. The core doctrine of atheism is evolution. (Gen. 1:1-5, Jn. 1:1-3, 10-14)

3. There is no rock to stand on here. This is all sinking sand.

4. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.


1. It is not my purpose to bash other religions but I must tell you that Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and all other Christ-less religions in the world have no Saviour for the sinner. (Rom. 3:9-23, 6:23) They may teach a fear of hell and promise seventy virgins in paradise. They may teach us to be one with nature and all that. They may offer some sort of transcendental trip of some kind. But they all lack one very important thing. None of them have a remedy for our sins. (Ps. 69:5, 51:5-9, 32:1-2, 25:18, Matt. 1:21, 26:28, Rom. 3:24-25, 5:8-9, Eph. 1:3-7, Col. 1:13-14, Heb. 9:11-14, 22-26.) There is no rock to stand on here. This is all sinking sand.

2. All of the false cults in our modern world that deny a literal burning hell (Matt. 10:28, Lk. 16:23-24) and add to or take away from the scripture (2Tim. 3:16-17, 1Cor. 13:9-10, Rev. 22:18-19) anddeny that Christ is the eternal Son of God (Jn. 17:1-5) and the second person and fulness of the triune Godhead, (1Jn. 5:7, Col. 2:8-9) none of them have any peace to offer the sin sick soul. They may send their young people out on missions two by two. They may peddle the literature of their publishing house door to door in leather satchels with steadfast faithfulness. They may offer quiet reading rooms everywhere nation wide. But alas, there is no rock to stand on here. This is all sinking sand.

3. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.


1. Sectarian Soteriology has to do with church salvation and unfortunately there are many in the ranks of Christendom that are deceived by this damming doctrine of the devil. The biggest and most well known denomination within Christianity blatantly teaches that you cannot be saved unless you have had their sacraments administered to you. This is simply a false doctrine that robs Christ of His Saviour-hood and actually makes their church the savior instead of the Son of God. (Jn. 8:21-24, Acts 4:12)

2.All of the harlot daughters that came out of the great whore in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century brought this same false teaching of baptismal regeneration with them when they departed from the papists of Rome. Another division happened earlier in Christianity when the pure and true New Testament local churches broke fellowship with the church at Rome in AD251. Why did this happen? Rome became the hot bed for the evil seed of universalism that began to grow in some irregular churches and eventually it evolved into the ecclesiastical hierarchy known today as Catholicism or universalism. There is still an awful lot of universalism in Protestantism today and there is no rock to stand on here. It is all sinking sand. (Rom. 1:16, 2Tim. 2:10) You do not have to be in ANY church to be saved, not even a so-called universal invisible church. That is false doctrine. The Bible doesn’t teach salvation in any church. The Bible teaches that salvation is in Christ and Christ alone. (Heb. 5:9, 12:2)

3. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.


1. A modern definition of sophistry is “the use of confusing or illogical reasoning or arguments for the purpose of subtle deception.” This kind of thing is bad enough with almost any subject but it is especially bad when it comes to spiritual things.

2. We are apt and likely to stand against the mechanical errors we see in the things already discussed in this message and rightfully so. There is however also a great danger to the souls of men, women, boys and girls, not just by these obvious outward things that we see and warn against, but there is an ever growing popularity regarding ambiguous spirituality today. (Isa. 8:20, 28:13)

3. It is fairly easy to take a stand against the documented doctrinal error of organized religion. On the other hand, there are enemies of God, Christ and the Bible that are a fairly new breed in recent times. There are some very popular celebrities that are promoting this new train of thought regarding spiritual things and for lack of a better term we will lump them all into what is called the New Age Movement but actually, all it is in reality is “spiritual sophistry”. (Eccl. 1:9)

4. It is hard to know where to start in fighting the errors of this movement because it is anti-Bible and continually comes up with new definitions for Biblical and spiritual terminology. You never know what it will come up with next but one thing it has in common with all the other things discussed so far in this message and that is: there is no rock to stand on here and this is all sinking sand. (Ps. 119:10, 126, 133, 140, 152)

5.On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.

CONCLUSION: God is real and God has spoken. God’s will is revealed to us in the 66 books of the Bible. The Bible tells us that God made man upright but man ruined himself in the fall by transgressing God’s law. Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, all men save one were born with the problem of sin and total depravity. If any were to be saved, God must unconditionally choose to save them. This He did before the world began. The Father in heaven chose His elect and gave them to His eternal Son who covenanted to redeem them at Calvary and He accomplished that when He cried “It is finished.” The Holy Spirit in turn regenerates those for whom Christ died and in God’s time makes the gospel message of Christ effectual in their heart and keeps them unto the end. Can you believe that today? If so, come now and let it be known. AMEN. 12/09.