Chapter 9: Roman Civilization

Note-Taking Packet

Name: _Miss Ball Answer Key__

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Name: ______________ Period #: _______

Chapter 9: Roman Civilization

Outline Notes Packet

9.1 Life in Ancient Rome (p. 303-310)

I. Roman Culture

1) How are Roman statues different than Greek statues? Greek statues are perfect- Roman statues are more realistic

2) Roman architects copied the Greeks in many ways, but what was something new they created?

Arches and Domes

3) Why are Roman buildings so strong?

They used concrete! They were the first to use concrete in the Ancient World

4) Name and describe two famous Roman buildings that still stand today

A) Colosseum- sports arena

B) Pantheon- Religion temple to honor the Roman gods

5) What language did Romans speak? What modern languages come from that? Romans spoke Latin- lead to the Romance Languages (Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc)

6) How were Livy and Tacitus different? Livy viewed Rome in a positive way, Tacitus view Rome in a negative way.

7) Name and describe one Roman science that was important: Anatomy- study of human body structure

II Daily Life in Rome

1) What was the Roman Forum? Center of the city- meeting and market place

2) What did the government provide to keep the people from rioting? “Bread and Circuses”

3) Who were the Gladiators? (describe who they were and what they did) Gladiators were usually prisoners or slaves who fought each other and animals to the death

4) Who/ what is the “Paterfamilias”? Leader of the family- head of the house

5) How did most wealthy boys and girls receive an education? Private tutors

6) Who was Spartacus and what did he do? A slave and gladiator who lead a great slave rebellion and even defeated the Roman army in certain battles!

7) How were Roman and Greek gods similar? How were they different? Same gods and powers- but with Roman names.

9.2 The Fall of Rome (p. 317- 326)

I. Decline of Rome

a. Who ruled Rome after Aurelius’s death? His son Commodus (who is known for fighting as a gladiator)

b. Describe 3 major issues that led to the fall of Rome:

A) Poor Leadership

B) Declining Economy

C) Attacks from Germanic Groups

3) Why did Romans distrust the money? It started to become very low quality- not using real gold to make coins!

4) What did Emperor Constantine do in order to try and stop the empire’s decline? Created many political reforms which did not work- moved the capital city to Byzantium (Constantinople)

II. Rome Falls

1) How did Emperor Theodosius divide the Roman Empire and what were the two new capitals? (answer in box below)

1) __Western_ Roman Empire 2) __Eastern____ Roman Empire

Capital City: __Rome______ Capital City: ___Constantinople_____

2) What Germanic group rebelled against Rome? In what Battle did they defeat the Romans? The Visigoths rebelled against Rome. They defeated the Roman army at the Battle of Adrianople.

3) Why did the Visigoths rebel against the Romans? Because they had made a deal with the Romans yet the Romans treated them harshly- charged very high prices for food and even sold many Visigoths into slavery.

4) Who was Alaric and what did he do to Rome? Alaric was the leader of the Visigoths and he lead his army into Rome and took over!

5) Who was the last Roman Emperor? What Germanic Leader took over? Romulus Augustus was the last Roman Emperor. The Germanic Leader Odoacer took control of Rome ***Rome is no longer an Empire***

6) Although the Western Roman Empire fell to Germanic invaders, what happened to the Eastern Roman Empire? The Eastern Roman Empire prospered for another 1,000 and was called “The Byzantine Empire” (more to come in 9.3)

II. The Legacy of Rome

A. Roman Ideas and Government Today

1) Describe 2 ideas that the U.S. legal system borrowed from the Roman System:

A) Innocent until proven guilty

B) Judges treat everyone equally

B. Roman Influence on Culture & Christianity

1) Describe 2 ways that Roman culture has influenced our culture:

A) Building styles- domes

B) Spread Christianity

9.3 The Byzantine Empire (p. 327-334)

I. The Rise of the Byzantines

1) What is another name for the Eastern Roman Empire? Byzantine Empire

2) What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and where was it located? Constantinople. Between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea.

A) Why was this city a prime location for a capital? Connected Europe and Asia- great for trade.

3) Early on, Byzantines followed Roman ways: They spoke __Latin__ and followed Roman laws.

Eventually they became influenced by _Greece_. They spoke __Greek____ and drew upon Greek culture.

II. Emperor Justinian

1) Who were the strong Emperor and Empress of the Byzantine Empire?

Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora

2) How did Theodora advise Justinian? Theodora advised Justinian to give women more rights

3) What general lead Justinian’s army? Belisarius

III. Byzantine Civilization

1) How long did the Byzantine Empire last? What was the largest city? The Byzantine Empire lasted 1,000 years; The largest city was Constantinople.

2) What was the religious center for the Byzantine Empire? The Hagia Sophia Church

3) What are mosaics and what did they depict? Mosaics are pictures made from bits of colored glass or stone- they showed saints (Christian Holy People)

4) What rights did Byzantine women have?

They could be involved in politics, serve as a regent (place holder for Emperor)

5) What was the topic of most Byzantine literature? The Christian Religion

10.1 The First Christians Vocabulary (p.342-350)

Directions: write a clear definition for the following vocabulary words. Your definitions should be very clear so that you will be able to identify these terms on the Chapter 9 Test.

1) Jerusalem: The capital of Israel

2) Messiah: Deliverer sent by god

3) Jesus: A Jew who began preaching and gained followers

4) Nazareth: Jesus’ birthplace

5) Galilee: Region North of Judea… Jesus traveled throughout Galilee and Judea.

6) Disciples: Jesus’ 12 close followers

7) Parables: Stories from everyday life that express spiritual ideas (told by Jesus)

8) Resurrection: Rising from he dead- Jesus reported to have been resurrected- this started Christianity

9) Apostles: Early Christian leaders who set up churches and spread the message of Jesus

10) Peter and Paul: The two most important Apostles

11) Salvation: To be saved from sin and allowed to enter Heaven

Colosseum Movie Questions





“A Wild Goose Chase”: The Story of Philemon and Baucis

(P.311- 316)

1) Scene: Where and when does this story take place?

Ancient Rome- The legendary time when gods visited the Earth to interact wit humans in person.

2) Do you think that Philemon and Baucis offered hospitality because they suspected their visitors were gods? Why or why not, use evidence from the text! No; “Philemon and Baucis did not know the two men on their doorstep”. The story also states that they always welcome everyone!

3) What social class do you think Philemon and Baucis belong to based on their description? Explain why! Plebeians- they were common people because they had no food in their house.

4) Analyze: Why did Philemon and Baucis not ask the gods for fame and power? They are content with their lives and happy with what they already have!