Ickford News
I stood in front of the whole school last week and asked all of the children the question, “What is the most important thing about school?”
This was a sleeves rolled up, impromptu, unrehearsed, Wednesday morning post, wake and shake type of assembly that we have when there has been an issue or event that I need to ‘nip in the bud’ or ‘get back on track’ by speaking to the whole school and I fully expected the answers to be on the lines of…”Respecting our teachers; Working hard in lessons; Doing our homework; Taking tests” that I have had before in similar circumstances. However, it was quite the opposite and indeed uplifting when the first child to respond said, “Looking after your friends” and the next, “Being nice to people”.
I had wanted to talk to the children about friendship and the problem of trying to ‘impress’ others into friendship through acts of bravado or disruption and I had imagined that it would take several minutes to get the children to realise that school is not just about lessons. But… as you can see, there was no need, our children really do value their friends and see school as the place where friendships are made and nurtured. When I asked that question, lots raised their hands and I only asked 3 ranging from Reception to Year 6 for their answers and each child put ‘friendship’ as the most important thing about school. In this day and age, I think that is wonderful.
If you read the newspapers and watch the news on T.V you will have known that this was the week of SAT’s. I probably should have taken more notice myself as when a parent asked me on the playground, I had no idea when they were and had to go and ask someone else! I can assure you, it is not that I don’t care about them (and I do not agree with those who rage against testing children or encourage boycotts) it is just that we do not get unduly stressed and we certainly do not want the children to worry about them. I am very happy that Mme Basnett and Mr Owen who teach the SATs classes manage to keep the children in a positive frame of mind and with an attitude that the tests are an opportunity to show how much they learn rather than a judgement about things they have not learned.
So, that’s it. Tests done, and on with more learning and of course, looking after friends.
I met with Mrs O’Kennedy this morning who put some questions to me about becoming an Academy and the future of the school. I hope that she felt reassured I am not about to sell off the land, embezzle the funds and set up in a tax haven somewhere, well not this term at least! If you want to find out what we discussed then I have no doubt she will share this information providing you cross her palm with silver.
Although I am determined to dismiss the matter of our vexatious mystery person once and for all, I must thank everyone for the show of support especially those who took up the pen. I have spoken to Ofsted and they are fully supportive of the school and I did not feel the need to bombard them with mail this time. We have a school where the sun shines and I have learned that wherever sun shines, it is inevitable, there will always be some shadows.
Stepping out of the shadows were Emily Davis and Zeita Scott to whom I owe a huge apology and probably medals for clearing the brambles on the school field. I had thought that the bushes in what the children call “The Forest”, were simply that, ‘bushes’ but, the scratches on my own arms and legs testify that they were pretty lethal brambles that had engulfed the trees and threatened to envelope the whole school if left untouched. The ladies have spent several days, cutting dragging and burning thorn laden branches and having helped (possibly hindered) them a little last weekend, I recognise we are in their debt.
The field has been cleared just in time for The Summer Fayre and May Dancing next Saturday which, Mme Basnett has insisted (she we dare not cross) will be an English country garden theme in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. It is pretty dresses for the girls and shirts and shorts for the boys, how wonderfully non P.C.!
Have a good weekend,
Mr Ronane
19th May / Class 1 & 2 Hot meals trial21st May / May Fayre
24th May / Class 1 Assembly
26th May / Recorder Assembly
24th June
6.30pm / KS2 Summer Music Concert
Boardman Windows
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Ickford Combined School