“Uniting Hearts & Paws” / 1150 BaydaCres
Regina, SK S4N 6Y8

Adoption Contract - Adult Dog

ADOPTERName: ______

Address:______City:______Postal Code:______

Phone: (____)______Phone work: (____)______Cell: (____)______


Y / N Would you like to be contacted by email about The Pack Project’s fundraising events? Your email and personal information will not be shared.

DOG’S RescueName: ______New Name After Adoption:______

Breed: ______Color/Markings:______

Approx. Age/Birthdate: ______Sex:______

Microchip #______Tattoo #______

(contact microchip solutions @ 1-877-738-4384 to transfer the microchip)

The Pack Project Inc. Vet Clinic:______

Date Sterilized: ______Date Next Vaccinations Due: ______

ADOPTION date: ______

ADOPTION FEE: $______(collected Y / N)

Declaration: I, the Adopter, hereby acknowledge that I am adopting the above described animal, that I have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms of Adoption as described in Pages 2 and 3 of this document, and that I am contractually obligated to follow the directives contained within this contract.

Signature of Adopter: ______Date:______

Signature of TPP Witness: ______Date:______

Name of TPP Witness (Print): ______

Terms of Adoption

The Adopter must thoroughly read and agree to all terms of the adoption.

THE ADOPTER WILL (please initial beside each point):

  1. ______provide nutritious food, adequate shelter, care, grooming and medical attention to this animal at all times, as per the Animal Protection Act of Saskatchewan (or the relevant statute in your province), and the provisions of the Cruelty to Animals section of The Criminal Code of Canada. Note: The Pack Project Inc. does not recommend surgical alteration of any animal for purely cosmetic purposes.
  1. ______follow the animal bylaws of the city or town the Adopter lives in and license this dog according to those bylaws. The Adopter agrees to have this dog wear identification at all times, whether through ID tags, microchip or tattoo, and notify The Pack Project Inc. if this dog is lost or stolen.
  1. ______notify The Pack Project Inc. immediately at if the Adopter is unable to keep the dog. The Adopter will not abandon, give, sell, loan, or trade this dog to another person, shelter, or rescue without the express permission of The Pack Project Inc. If the Adopter returns the dog to The Pack Project Inc., the Adopter agreesthat it will be at their own expense and understands that the adoption fee paid for this dog is non-refundable.
  1. ______adopt this dog as a family pet and treat him/her humanely at all times, and provide him/her with love and attention.
  1. ______agree to never leave this dog unattended in presence of children.
  1. ______never allow this dog to be transported in the open bed of a pickup truck or convertible, and to never leave this dog in a vehicle unattended.
  2. ______notify The Pack Project Inc. prior to euthanasia if, for any reason other than severe illness, there is cause for this dog to be destroyed.
  1. ______accept follow-up inquires on the status of this dog from The Pack Project Inc. volunteers and respond to them in a timely manner. The Adopter agrees to allow a volunteer from The Pack Project Inc. to make home visits after adoption to ensure the Terms of Adoption continue to be met.
  1. ______notify The Pack Project Inc. in a timely manner at or by phone if the Adopted changes their address, email address or other contact information; or, if the dog becomes ill within 30 days of the adoption date.
  1. ______agree that The Pack Project Inc. is unable to make any guarantees of this dog’s health, age, breed or temperament, and that The Pack Project Inc. is not liable for veterinarian bills should medical problems arise after adoption.
  1. ______agree that The Pack Project Inc. and any representatives and anyone associated in the adoption will not be held accountable or liable for any damages caused by this dog to property, persons or other animals pursuant to adoption.
  1. ______agree that if this dog is found abused or neglected, or if the Adopter misrepresented himself or herself during the adoption process, the Adopter will transfer ownership to The Pack Project Inc. at their expense and the adoption fee will not be refunded.
  1. ______agree to pay the adoption fee as set forth in page 1 of this document.

The Pack Project Inc.


Phone: 306-580-7225

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