Minutes from October 17, 2011



I.  Secretary’s Report – WE ARE IN NEED OF A NEW SECRETARY. Would anyone be interested?

II.  Treasurer’s Report – Jon Savage distributed a sheet on behalf of Maggie Savage. The sheet explained our receipts compared to our expenses. According to Maggie, our expenses exceed our receipts, so modification of expenses is necessary. If you have any questions about the FCMEA funds, please contact Maggie Savage.

III.  The All-County Festival will be hosted by Gloversville High School. The following are the groups involved and their corresponding chairpeople.

  1. Elementary Choir – Pam Hammer (Chair/Conductor)
  2. “The Kazoo Concerto” purchased by individual schools…#1805134 (FCMEA will provide kazoos)
  3. “One Word” will be purchased by FCMEA
  4. Senior High Choir – Amanda Pitcher (no conductor yet) Please send names to Amanda in Northville or by email:
  5. Concert Band – Jen Casey (no information was given regarding this group)
  6. Jazz Ensemble – Noel Wing – Please send your names to Noel at Mayfield Central School.

IV.  Other Responsibilities

  1. Programs – Cindy Fiorenza will do the program this year.
  2. Festival Tickets – Gloversville
  3. Publicity & Flowers – Andy LaCoppola (nominated by Pam to be our new V.P. and seconded by Sue VanVoorst…Andy accepted and all present were in favor)
  4. Catering (teacher lunch) – Lunch will not be catered this year. However, chairpeople will be provided a menu to show their guest conductors and accompanists. Guests will be allowed to preorder their lunch to be paid for by FCMEA. All other teachers must bring their own lunch.
  5. Accompanists – Sue VanVoorst offered to accompany the Elementary Chorus and Jim McGarvey offered to accompany the Senior High Chorus.
  6. T-shirts – Kristy McKnight-Matthews will be in charge of the shirts….same look…same price.
  7. Recordings – John Savage will record the concert
  8. Website – John Savage will continue to update the website. For those of you who are new, you can access the FCMEA website by navigating to www.gloversvilleschools.org. Then, you click on the “Teacher Pages” tab. From there, you click on “Music Department.” You will find a link to the FCMEA website. Here you will find important documents such as conductor contracts, t-shirt order forms, etc.
  9. Directory – Kristy McKnight-Matthews is working on updating the FCMEA member directory

V.  Other

  1. Claire Flanigan retired last year. She is offering private lessons in violin, piano, as well as other instruments. She can be reached at 332-1833
  2. February 13, 2012 will be our final meeting for the school year. It is not necessary to have a March meeting.


Motion to adjourn at 4:45 by Ann Trojan; seconded by Pam Hammer