Dear Parents/Carers

There are currently two vacancies for Parent Governors on the Local Governing Body and I am writing to encourage you to put your name forward. Being a governor can be a very rewarding experience and will provide you with the opportunity to meet new people and gain new skills. Do not worry if you have no experience in education matters as full training and support are available.

Have you thought about becoming a Parent Governor?

Becoming a parent governor offers you an opportunity to make a real contribution to the life and work of our school. Governors play a key role in the leadership of the school and work together with myself and our staff to ensure that our school provides a challenging and supporting environment for students. The Local Governing Body is made up of governors offering different skills and experiences. We welcome all nominations but particularly from parents/carers who may have experience in the fields of marketing, PR, HR, law, IT or finance.

Who can be a Parent Governor?

All parents and carers of registered students are eligible to become a Parent Governor. Please note however that a parent/carer who has paid employment at the school for 500 hours or more per year is not eligible to stand in this election. Further information about eligibility for election is available on our school website.

How long do Parent Governors serve?

The usual term of office is four years from the date of appointment. You can complete your term of office even if your child has left the school.

How are Parent Governors nominated and elected?

If you would like to put your name forward please complete the nomination form attached. The closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday 5th January 2018 at 4pm. If more than two nominations are received an election will be held and the ballot papers for this will be sent to all parents/carers.

If you are interested in becoming a parent governor and would like to find out more, please contact Mrs R Gomm (Associate Assistant Head of School), on or telephone 01932 349 696.

Yours faithfully

Mr James Rodgers

Head of School


Nomination Form for the Election of a Parent Governor

I wish to stand for election as a Parent Governor at Bishop David Brown School. I confirm that I am a parent/carer of a registered student at the school.

Telephone No
Email address
Name of student(s) at the school
Dated / Signed
Please return your completed form to the Head of School, Mr James Rodgers by
4pm on Friday 5th January 2018.

Please note that if successful you will be required to apply for an Enhanced DBS check which the school will arrange on your behalf.

You are invited to provide a brief statement to support your nomination. If a ballot is required this statement will be included on the ballot paper to help other parents/ carers decide on who to vote for. Please try to keep your statement to one hundred words (you may continue overleaf if necessary).