March 10, 2017

Dear Parents,

We will study fairy tales next week. The children will follow a map to show the way Little Red Riding Hood went to her granny’s house, compare two versions of the same fairy tale, sequence pictures to show what happened first, next, and last, and act out several of the fairy tales. We will discuss how fairy tales teach us lessons.

_____Language Arts: Enclosed is a paper with a “writer’s checklist” on it. Have your child use this paper to write a story about a place (park, zoo, beach, mountains, circus, etc.) he/she has been, what he/she saw there, what he/she did there, and what he/she liked best about the trip. Writing about an event is one of our Kindergarten State Standards. Have your child use the checklist to check his/her sentences. Have your child check for capital letters at the beginning of every sentence, spacing between words, and punctuation marks at the end of the sentences. Remind your child that after a period, the very next letter is a capital. Have your child illustrate the story and write his or her name (first and last)neatly. Return the story to school so that we can share them with the rest of the class.

_____Math focus: We have been making “partners” for different numbers. Enclosed is a white paper. Have your child select the number 7, 8, or 9 and write it at the top of the page. Then he/she will make partners for that number. Let your child use pennies or beans or anything to represent that number. He/she will also need a “divider” such as a spoon. I will give you an example. I select the number 10. I write the number 10 at the top of the paper. Then I lay out 10 pennies. I place the spoon to the left of the pennies and I write the partners (0 + 10) on the paper. Then I move the spoon one space to the right. Now I have 1 penny on the left and 9 pennies on the right. I write 1 + 9 on the paper under 0 + 10. I move the spoon 1 more space to the right. Now 2 pennies are on the left and 8 pennies are on the right. I write 2 + 8 under 1 + 9. I would continue until all of the partners for 10 were written. Return this paper to school.

____I read the following books with my child.






_____My child and I read at least 50 minutes (or 5 books) together.

_____Our new words are “away,”“went,” “they.” The book, Go Away!,will put the words back into text. Let your child read this book to you. Add it to the book list. Have your child put the book with the other books I have sent home. Let your child read these books over and over again. This helps your child to build fluency.

____Word Family: Please have your child read the “___ad” words. After your child reads the words and the sentences, please sign and return the paper to me.

____Review: writing first and last name, identifying numbers to 20, counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, counting to 20 by 2’s, counting sets to 20 and writing the corresponding number, writing numbers in order to 20 (without a pattern), and writing capital and lowercase letters without a pattern.


  • Please remember to return the “Communication Connection” so that I can write new observations next week!
  • A big “thank you” to the parents who provided “rock” ingredients for us! The children LOVED making edible rocks!
  • Friday, March 17-Wear green!

Your Partner in Education,

Alyson Fricks

Parent’s signature: Student’s name: