You will research information about a person from a Spanish-speaking country or a person of Hispanic heritage. You will present the information in Spanish with at least one photo on a 8½ x 11” poster. Since it is a poster, you must write neatly or type in large letters. The information you will need to include on your poster is as follows:

1. the person’s name

2. profession

3. where he/she is from

4. where he/she lives now

5. what the person likes to do

6. physical description of the person

7. what the person is wearing in the photo you chose

8. the person’s birthday

9. the person’s age

10. at least one photo

11. poster is easy to read (large font) and visually pleasing

You will be assigned one of the following people:

1. Juanes 25. Luis Miguel

2. Óscar Arias 26. Javier López

3. Thalia 27. Miguel Angel Estrada

4. Óscar de la Hoya 28. Juan Pablo Montoya

5. Albert Pujols 29. Rafael Márquez Álvarez

6. Andy García 30. Rafael Nadal

7. Selma Hayek

8. Don Omar

9. Gabriel García Márquez

10. Isabel Allende

11. Sandra Cisneros

12. Carmen Lomas Garza

13. Fernando Botero

14. Felipe, Príncipe de Asturias

15. Vicente Fox

16. Sergio García

17. Fidel Castro

18. Hugo Chávez

19. Jaime Escalante

20. Rigoberta Menchú Tum

21. Michelle Bachelet

22. Ellen Ochoa

23. Óscar de la Renta

24. Shakira