Arlington Music Teachers Association
General Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016
9:41am at Bob Duncan Activity Center
I.Meeting called to order at 9:37 with 19 members in attendance
II.Reading and approval of minutes from Oct meeting – Erica moved to approve as read, Amanda seconded.
III. Reading and approval of treasurer's report – Karen reported that Checking acct. has a balance of $9545.47 and Savings has $7254.88 The report was approved by Resa and seconded by Dee.
IV.Old Business
a) Theory Test wrap up – Jennifer reported 130 signed up and biggest change is that teachers have to go to TMTA to view grades, but the site is easy to use. She passed out tests that had been returned. Discussed buying a set of Bluetooth speakers.
b) Cyclical Contest –Next Sat. Erica reported 169 students are entered with 3 judges. Reminded to send out letter to parents. Tried to stagger rooms and groups within teacher entries.
c) Yearbook – Cheryl plans to have yearbook out in Dec.
d) Ensemble Music for Sale – Michele reported that she has sold all but one pieceWinsboro Cotton Mill Blues and teachers would need to order on their own if they needed additional music.
e) Blaze Fundraiser – Will occur Feb. 11 is available which is day of theory test. Mina will design flyer. And make arrangements.
V.New Business
a)Composition Contest – Deadline Dec. 18, 2016
b)Performance Contest – no entries as of yet
c)Scholarship Application update –Scholarship committee updated application to increase enrollment. This was approved by the board Nov. 27th . The new version in yearbook will read:
4. Applicant must have participated junior or senior years in one contest, either Cyclical or Jazz/Pop.
5. Applicant must have participated in at least three total AMTA events (one of which is the above contest) during his/her 10th-12th grade years.The events that meet this requirement are: solo-duet, sonatina, ensemble and composition. Also acceptable (enclose program) is performing a concerto with a high school orchestra, or performing a junior or senior recital.
VI. Announcements and Adjournment –
Visitor Joy Ellis of Laura Vincent.
Special thanks to Mickey for organizing meal and Amanda for putting together program.
Resa asked about group sale for music. Perhaps at scholarship recital next month?
Susan Witherspoon mentioned being new that she would want to volunteer to serve to understand how the event works.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 followed by a teacher program and delicious meal
Karen Shugart