SARB Committee
Minutes – June 15, 2017
I.Meeting called to order at 9:09 by Jim Scribner
a. Members present: Eddye Baker, Victor Perry, Tana Aguiar, Jim Scribner,
Rick Beatty, Bill Wathen, Kylee Paulos, Suzanne Tefs, Charles Tracy, Greg Felton, and Jen Cox.
II. Approve Minutes from 5/4/17 meeting; motion to approve with changes to be made to Section VI by Rick Beatty and second by Victor Perry.
III.Truancy EC 48260 VS Chronic Truancy EC 48263.6 (Effective Jan 1, 2011)
a. Princeton and Walden School Districts asked for clarification on Truancy vs. Chronic Truancy. Jim is looking into more information to give entire group.
b. SARB Committee is not addressing chronic truancy until school refers student to SARB Committee.
IV. SARB/McKinney Vento Training – Eddye Baker & Robin Smith
Thursday, August 17, 2017 *10am-1pm (Lunch Provided) * GCOE, Willows
a. Eddye wants to make sure to get the word out on this training. Making sure that each site has a person that handles the SARB process (attendance clerks) at this training.
b. Charles Tracy suggested to make the training more convenient, look into holding it on September 18th which is already a county wide service training day. Eddye is going to check in the Shirley.
Jim Scribner adjourned to closed session at 9:34 to discuss case #0020177.
The Chairman adjourned to open session at 9:43.
V.SARB member discussion, comments, questions
a. Jim Scribner suggested that the board look into how many times we review each case. After initial review of contract if the student is following their contract, improving in school; the board can make the decision to not have the case put on the agenda.
b. Rick Beatty is still working on the letter that will go to the District Attorney.
c. Eddyewould like to set up a date with the District Attorney to discuss the letter and procedures. Rick would like to get the letter completed, then contact the District Attorney.
Meeting adjourned to closed session for SARB review of case #0020174, #0020175, #0020161, continued hearing for cases #0020170, #00201711, and review on cases #0020176, #0020179, #0020163.
I. Case #0020174, student has made improvements. SARB Committee will review case in September. Case #0020175, citation will be given to student and the SARB Committee will be forwarding case to the District Attorney. Case #0020161, great improvement; no (in person) review until needed. Hearing continued on Cases #00201710 & 00201711, improvement, no need for SARB contracts at this time; review will be done by school no further action by committee.
Chairman adjourned meeting for lunch at 11:52
Chairman reconvened closed session at 12:51 to review last three cases.
II. Case #0020176, student will be given a citation. Case #0020179, student will be given a citation and mom will be referred to the District Attorney. Case #0020163, will be reviewed in September.
The Chairman adjourned to open session at 2:42
Meeting adjourned at 2:43