Weeks of October 31st and November 7th

I look forward to seeing you at our conference next week.

I have many good things to share with you!

Word Wall Words (reading words): are, like, once, does, they, will.

These will be introduced on Tuesday and we will continue to review and do activities with them throughout the next 2 weeks. Please practice them at home each night using the word ring your child will create in class. Students should be able to recognize and read the words by next Wednesday (11/9).

Spelling Sorts:

The spelling patternis listed on the colored sheet. When studying the spelling pattern with your child, please focus on the sound we are working on or the rule, rather than just memorization. Your child will be tested on some of those words as well as similar words on the spelling test day. I will work with the students on their spelling pattern in small groups over the next 2 weeks.

Spelling test: Wednesday, 11/9


Monday, 10/31Be safe and have fun Trick or Treating

Tuesday, 11/1 Review new spelling sort (cut sort and only glue headings like we do in school, then practice sorting and spelling sort words all week). Test next Wednesday, 11/9

Wednesday, 11/2 Math sheet

Thursday, 11/3 Word wall sheet- Due next Wednesday


Monday, 11/7 Practice spelling sort

Tuesday, 11/8 Math sheet; Word Wall sheet due tomorrow.

Wednesday, 11/9 Enjoy some good books over the break

No School on Thursday and Friday!

Notes and Reminders:

▪Thank you Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Rancier for organizing a fun Halloween party! Also thank you to everyone who sent in items for the party and to all the volunteers who came to help.

▪Dive into Art- Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Cifarelli have volunteered to do our Dive into Art program. We look forward to our first project! Thank you!

▪Class Trip to The Salt Box Museum on November 3rd.

▪Please remember to return the word rings to school each day. We use them at home and at school.

▪School will close at 12:30 onMonday, 11/7, Tuesday, 11/8, and Wednesday, 11/9 due to conferences. No lunch will be served in the cafeteria but we will take a “longer snack” break in the classroom.

▪Coming up: Grandparents visitation is on Tuesday, November 15th in the morning and Parents visitation Tuesday, November 15thin the afternoon and then again on Wednesday, November 16th in the morning and afternoon. More information to follow.

Overview of the next 2 Weeks:

In Reader’s Workshop, we will read several new stories. We will enjoy big books, some Norman Bridwell books (our author of the month), a few fall stories, as well as many leveled books (Just Right books). As we read these stories students will work on comprehension skills with an emphasis on distinguishing between what is real and what is fantasy in a story. We will relate the ideas of realism and fantasy to other stories and to real life. The students will continue to work on what readers can do with a partner and how to figure out unfamiliar words using a variety of reading strategies.

In phonics, the students will work on the short e sound and building words with –en, -ell and –et.

In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue with our Small Moment Unit. The best small moments are told with a storyteller’s voice and not just summarized events or comments on events. During mini-lessons, the students will discuss various examples of small moments, ie blowing out birthday candles, unwrapping a present. The students will practice how to stretch out one moment across several pages by thinking about the details of the story. We will create some class small moment stories. Students will continue to use the repertoire of strategies from the launch unit.

In math, we will continue with Unit 3 Addition Strategies. Students will continue to learn a variety of addition strategies including the following: counting on by 1, 2 & 3 and usingdoubles facts and double plus 1/doubles minus 1 as a strategy to solve addition facts within 20. Students will begin to learn how to use a ten frame to add 10 and an addend less than 10. They will then become familiar with the “make a 10” strategy to find sums within 20.

In Science we will finish up our unit: New Plants. We will continue to observe our grass plants after we gave them a “haircut”, to see if our predictions came true. We predicted whether or not the alfalfa will grow back, and whether or not the grass will grow back.

In social studies, we will begin our unit on Long Ago. Students will make comparisons for “Long Ago and Now” to prepare for our trip to the Salt Box Museum. This unit will lead up to our Thanksgiving Feast , where students will compare and contrast the first Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving today.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Relax and enjoy yourself.