PEDG 5345
Unit Plan Rubric
Planning for Learner-Centered Instruction
Elements / Competent (C) / Exemplary (E)Demonstrating Knowledge / Displays a general knowledge of / Appears to display an intuitive under-
of Content and Pedagogy / content and content-specific pedagogy. / standing of the content and students'
Plans instruction that will assist most / processes in learning content. Plans
students to gain a deeper understanding / for students' active participation in
of the content as well as the structure / lessons that deepen their understanding
of the discipline. / of the structure of the discipline.
Demonstrating Knowledge / Plans are somewhat aligned with the / Plans are aligned with the background
of Students / background of the class though they / of the class, providing the opportunity
may lack relevance to individual / for students to see the relevance of
students. Some provisions are made / the learning activities. Provides for
for varying student skills, approaches / varying student skills, approaches to
to learning, interests, and cultural / learning, interests, and cultural
heritages. / heritages.
Selecting Key Knowledge / Selects key knowledge and skills that / Selects key knowledge and skills that
and Skills / will cause students to apply and/or / will lead students to advanced levels of
analyze new learning. / learning, such as synthesis and
evaluation, and that encourage students
to extend learning beyond the scope
of the lesson.
Demonstrating Knowledge / Plans to use some school, district, or / Plans to use school, district, and
of Materials, Resources, / community resources to enhance / community materials, resources, and
and Technology / learning for students. / technology to provide challenging
learning activities to students with
various levels of need, knowledge, and
Designing Activities That / Plans a variety of activities based on / Planned activities allow students to
Promote Student / consideration of the needs of all / extend their learning beyond the scope
Learning / learners. The planned activities support / of the lesson. Students have the
the key knowledge and skills and / freedom to direct the lesson in ways
engage students in meaningful learning. / that are meaningful to them.
The lesson is coherent and has a clear
Planning to Assess Student / The content identified for assessment, / Student assessment is fully aligned
Learning / the assessment methodology, and the / with the identified knowledge and skills,
criteria for evaluation are tightly aligned / containing clear assessment criteria.
with the identified instructional / The criteria are not only understood by
knowledge, skills, and activities. / students, but also show evidence of
Assessment criteria have been taught / student participation in their
to students. / development.