Newsletter 17 18 January 2018


Our statement to live by this week not only reflects the way that we work together in school, it also reflects the support that we have as a school and as families for each other. Sometimes it can be difficult to agree with decisions. A great example is this week with the bad weather – decisions are made and they may not suit everyone, but when we are united, when we are supportive of each other as God asks us to be and when we work together, then we appreciate each other. Thank you for your continued support in all that we do to give your children the best education in a safe, happy and united school.

Wow! You have beaten the target! Well done!
Well done! You have achieved the target.
Nearly there – try harder next week!
Poor attendance – make sure you come to school every day.
TARGET 97% / Attendance to date this year / Attendance 10 – 16 Jan
F2 / 91.3 % / 92.1 %
Class 1 / 94.5 % / 95.3 %
Class 2 / 94.6 % / 90.6 %
Class 3 / 96.6 % / 100 %
Class 4 / 93.9 % / 86.3 %
Class 5 / 96.5 % / 99.4 %
Class 6 / 97.2 % / 97.5 %
Average / 95 % / 94.7 %

BRILLIANT – WE HAVE A PURPLE BOX WINNER!!! WELL DONE CLASS 3 J And well done to Class 5 for fabulous attendance J


On Friday, 66 children received a Bronze Award for 100% attendance last term. This is the most we’ve had. Fantastic! Keep up the great work!


Your children are awarded Monster points or Dojos for great things they do, especially to do with their learning. This week children had the opportunity to spend their points or save them for bigger awards next time at the Merit Shop. Look at the variety of objects your child can choose with their points …

Fri 19th / 9.15am Class 6 Worship
Thurs 25th / KS2 Online Safety workshops
Fri 26th / 9.15am Star Pupil Worship
2.00pm Parents session – Online Safety
Fri 2nd / 9.15am Worship with John Froud
5th – 9th / Safer Internet Week & Judaism Week
Thurs 8th / Parents’ evening
Fri 9th / NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe assemblies
3.30pm Break Up
Mon 19th / School re-opens
Start of Take One Book fortnight
Tues 20th / Pm Class 6 Red Cross workshop
Fri 23rd / Visiting author day
Fri 2nd / 9.15am Take One Book worship
Fri 9th / 9.15am Class 2 Worship
Fri 16th / 9.15am Star Pupil Worship
Fri 23rd / 9.15am Class 1 Worship
Weds 28th / 2.00pm Break Up