I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter: a Teacher Affects Eternity; He Can Never Tell Where

I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter: a Teacher Affects Eternity; He Can Never Tell Where

I. Introduction:
A. Attention Getter: "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Adams
B. Students take a part of the teacher with them as they move forward on their journey.
C. Teachers need an arsenal of strategies to reach all students in the classroom.
D. In classrooms with nearly every race and religion under one roof, teachers should promote tolerance, acceptance, and caring in the classroom
E. With an understanding on Gardner's multiple intelligences theory and SDAIE strategies, teachers can ensure no student is left behind.
II. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory
A. Garnder's multiple intelligences theory explains that students, no matter their background or race, are comprised of 7 different intelligences.
B. "Howard Gardner's work around multiple intelligences has had a profound impact on thinking and practice in education - especially in the United States." (Infed)
C. Gardner explains that all students have a combination of linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, or intrapersonal.
D. No matter the race or religion of the student, their students will be a combination of these types of intelligences.
E. Therefore, teachers that plan lessons that reach all intelligences, all students from every culture can succeed.
III.SDAIE Creates Acceptance and Tolerance
A. With a strong grasp of Gardner, teachers should use SDAIE strategies to erase the language barrier.
B. "In SDAIE classes ALL students can participate: English-only speakers and ELL’s at all stages of language acquisition."(CSUS)
C. SDAIE strategies include think pair share, modeling, peer tutoring, and more.

D. Think pair share is a method where teachers ask the students to think about a response to a question. Then, after giving five to ten seconds to think, students share that response with a partner
E. Modeling is when the teacher shows students exactly how to complete the assignment while scaffolding.

F. Peer tutoring gives students the opportunity to help fellow students instead of the teacher. This is affective because a student that learned a concept can explain the lesson in language the challenged student can understand

G. Using SDAIE strategies in a multicultural and multilingual classroom, every student no matter their fluency level can participate and learn.

Culturally Balanced Bulletin Board

Bulletin boards are used in classrooms to display information for students. In a diverse classroom, culturally balanced bulletin boards should help students learn more about their peers. For example, during December simply having a winter themed bulletin board and ignoring all of the students backgrounds would be silly. Instead, while the teacher plans lessons around the holiday season, a bulletin board could be used to display all religions and the way they celebrate. Including Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and other faiths celebrations would help students accept differences and all enjoy the holiday season. After all, the U.S. Constitution provides freedom of religion not freedom from religion. The bulletin board can be referenced when the teacher uses language arts and social studies lessons to celebrate diversity.


To conclude, teachers in any classroom that use Gardner and SDAIE can reach any student. To use Gardner, teachers need to plan lessons using different modalities because everyone learns differently. SDAIE strategies helps to ensure even the second language learners can keep up with class lessons. These tools, help teachers affect eternity.

Works Cited

" Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education ." contents @ the informal education homepage. 25 Mar. 2009 <

"SDAIE Teaching Strategies." Sacramento State - Leadership begins here.. 25 Mar. 2009 <