Hello Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend!

I have only had 9 parents sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. It is important that you make time to meet with me so you know how your child is doing in kindergarten. Please sign up on the link below. Conferences will be held next week. I look forward to meeting with you!

1) Sunshine Angels Toiletry Drive ends tomorrow, Oct. 14th. Thank you for those of you who have sent in items!

2) Picture Retakes on October 14th. If you need your child's picture taken again please let me know.

3)Parent/Teacher Conferences the week of October 19th. Please sign up today on the link below.

4)Early Release on Thursday and Friday October 22nd and 23rd at 11:35 a.m.

5)Tolmachoff Farm Field Trip on Friday, October 30th.We willleave school at 9:00 a.m. and return around 1:30 p.m. Moreinfo to come...

6)Book Fair November 13th... more information to come!

7)Math and Literacy Night on November 18th!Make plans to bringyour family for a fun night of games, eating, andvisiting with other GP families and teachers.



Unit 2 Week 4 Bear Snores On

The Big Question: How are animals and plants unique?

Question of the Week:What unique thing does a bear do in the winter?

Text- Based Comprehension: Realism and Fantasy

Amazing Words:sleep, cave, storm, winter, woods, blustery

High Frequency Words:we, my, like

Phonics: /k/ Spelled Cc


Two-Dimensional Flat Shapes

Find and describe flat triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, and circles using informal language without naming.

Explain decisions about classifications of triangles into categories using variants and non-examples. Identify shapes as triangles.

Explain decisions about classifications of rectangles into categories using variants and non-examples. Identify shapes as rectangles.

Explain decisions about classifications of hexagons and circles and identify them by name. Make observations using variants and non-examples.

Describe and communicate positions of all flat shapes using the words

Looking forward to a great week,

Ms. Gade