I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week!
Students took their Nomenclature & Bonding Test today. Grades should be posted sometime on Friday. Our next unit is the Mole, which includes a lot of calculations. We are in the thick of some of the hardest chemistry we will do all year! It will greatly benefit students if they spend a few minutes reviewing their notes each evening.
We have started our Dynamics unit! Dynamics is the hardest unit we do all year in physics so it's important for students to be present and staying on top of their physics homework. We are beginning the calculation portion of this unit.
General Updates:
Winter Formal is December 2nd at the Great Northern Hotel from 8-11 pm. Tickets are on sale now during lunch outside the counseling center. Tickets are $20 person/$30 couple this week. The price goes up after this week!
Seniors: Are you interested in a job fighting fires for the Forest Service during the summer? Check the job board outside the counseling office for more information on how to apply.
Win a 2009 Ford Focus and help raise money for Toys for Tots who provided nearly 11,000 gifts last year. Tickets are on sale at lunch, 7th period, in Room 6, and from a JMG member. Tickets are $15 or 4 for $50 - limit 4. No more than 500 tickets will be sold.
Student Council and the HHS Counseling Department are once again organizing Holiday Baskets for students and families in need. Please see the page below for more information if you are interested in participating in this great service program!
Holiday Baskets 2017
The HHS Student Council would like to continue Helena High’s tradition of giving by collecting food baskets for the families of needy students at HHS over Holiday break. In the past, baskets have been donated by departments, teams, clubs, classes, and individual staff members.
We ask that baskets contain a meal for the Christmas holiday in addition to items that the families can eat throughout the break, since often times our students are losing their free breakfasts and lunches that they receive when school is in session. A list of suggested items for the basket are below:
Please return completed baskets to Corena Counseling Office by Tuesday December 18th.
If you would like to participate in the holiday basket program this year, please email or return the bottom of this form to Kaitlyn Hess ASAP. Also, it is preferred that items be put in large Tupperware bins instead of cardboard boxes.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!
HHS Student Council
Name of Group:
Contact Person:
Number of Baskets: