Ice Breakers and Name Games for Advisement Meetings
Adjective Name Game
The group is formed in a circle, and each group member is required to think of an adjective that describes him/her andbegins with the same letter as the individual’s first name. Each group member will amplify their new creative name, and the rest of the group will repeat that name and all the names of the previous people.
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Post a large outline of the country on the wall. Leave border space for those born outside of the USA. Have participants put their hometown and first name on the map. Then ask them to share about their hometown and how they decided to come to SUNY Oswego.
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Never Have I Ever
Instruct everyone tosit in a circle.To start each round, each player holds out all tenfingers and places them on the floor. Go around the circle andone at a time, each person announces something that they have never done, beginning the sentence with the phrase “Never have I ever…” For example, a person couldsay, “Never have I ever been to Europe.”For each statement that is said, all the other players drop a finger if they have done that statement.So, if three other people have been to Europe before, those three people must put down a finger, leaving them with nine fingers.The goal is to stay in the game the longest (to be the last person withfingers remaining).To win, it’s a good strategy to say statements that most people have done, but you haven’t.
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Beach Ball Questions
Get a large inflatable beach ball and use a permanent marker to write questions on it. Throw the ball around
in the group. The person who catches the ball has to answer the questions touching their left thumb. They
then say their name, answer the question, and throw the ball to someone else.
Sample Questions to Write on Beach Ball:
- If your life was being turned into a feature length movie, who would play you? And why?
- If you were invisible where would you go?
- If you could be a famous actor, writer, athlete, artist or musician, which would you choose and why?
- What is the worst occupation in the world?
- What hobby have you always wanted to pick up?
- If you were any animal, what would you be?
- What three adjectives best describe you?
- What is your favorite pet name?
- What is the best costume you ever wore for Halloween?
- What's the best advice you're ever received?
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