Dear Students:
This email is to alert you to a number of opportunities for studying classics or related subjects during the summer, both in this country and abroad. The Classics Department has limited funds available to support students interested in programs such as those described below:
I. First, there are programs that the Classics Department may be able to support:
A. The department has identified a number of programs that offer either intensive introductions to Greek and Latin (i.e. the equivalent of our first year 3-credit courses) in a single summer; there are also programs that offer study at the intermediate level. The intensive courses do an amazing job; committed students can get a really solid grounding in the basics and a real fluency as well; but the programs are very intense, and such courses should not be undertaken lightly. The programs we have had most experience and success with are CUNY in New York and Berkeley, and there are programs similar in scope and price at University College Cork (Ireland) , and St. David's College, Lampeter (Wales). The CUNY website is Berkeley website is Cork website is
B. A number of institutions run archaeological excavations and will, usually for a tuition fee, accept volunteer participants.
Here is the main AIA link for students to search for summer
archaeology projects:
AIA site:
We have some experience with the following programs:
Rutgers Upper Sabina Tiberina Project:
Azoria Project (UNC):
Via Consulare Project in Pompeii, run by San Francisco State University:
Agora Project in Athens:
C. Some summer internships that may be of interest:
(these internships are not just for Penn students)
II. The Division of Humanities also has funds available to support summer research in the humanities. The information for this is available here: All students applying for Classics department funding are required to first apply to the Division of Humanities forsummer funding. Those applications are due Feb 8.
If you are interested in Classics Department funding, please complete the attached form and return it (via email) to Deb Sloman (dsloman1) by March 1.
I should emphasize that funding is limited and cannot at this stage be guaranteed. Because the deadlines for some programs are earlier than our March 2nd deadline, please apply to any programs of interest to you first and then apply for our funding by March 2nd. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Grace Ledbetter
Chair, Department of Classics
Classics Department Summer Funding Request: DUE March 1
In order to apply for Classics summer funding you must also apply for funding from the Humanities division. Those applications are due Feb 8.
______I have applied for funding from the Humanities Division
Name:Class ______
Major/Minor (declared or intended):
Name of school/project for summer study:
Name of program and credits:
Cost of tuition:$______Note: please get in touch with the program to determine exactly how much tuition you will be expected to pay; many institutions list tuition as per credit, not per course. It is your responsibility to determine the exact cost of tuition prior to submitting this funding request. Once funding has been awarded, additional funds cannot be made available if you have made a mistake in calculating the costs of tuition, housing, transportation or other costs.
Total amount I am requesting $______
If this amount includes expense other than tuition, please provide an itemized list of those expenses here.
How does this course of study/excavation fit into your academic program? In particular, how will it complement your past and future coursework related to the ancient world?
If you are applying for a summer language program or course, you must be planning to register for a course in that language at Swarthmore for the Fall of 2017. I plan to take the following course in the Fall of 2017:
N.B. Students who receive funding will be asked to report to the department about their experiences when they return.
Please return via email by March 1 to dsloman1