/ Alliance Theology and Ministry(3)

TH 730.


Winterim, 11

I. Day and Time; Instructor’s e-mail etc.:

  1. The classes are held from Jan 10 to Jan 14. 8:30 am- 5 pm.
  2. E-mail:
  3. Website:
  4. Phone number: (215) 435-3283

II. Learning Goals of this course:

  1. To prepare the students for their consecration or ordination in the Christian and Missionary Alliance;
  2. To develop critical faculty to formulate the student’s own theology through class discussion as well as through personal study.
  3. To equip the students with ability to apply theology to their practical ministry.

III. Learning Tools

To achieve the learning goals, the students will be required to do the following:

  1. To submit reading reports for six books: Give a short summary and a critique of the books you read and tell me how you will apply them to your future ministry. Don’t exceed 2 pages (double space) on each book.

First Tier: All five books

Albert B. Simpson, The Fourfold Gospel (Camp Hill: Christian Publications, 1984). Wilson Circulation Call Number: BX 6700 .Z6 S54 1984 Bailey Circulation copy #1 Temporarily Shelved at On Reserve - Ask at Bailey Circulation Desk Call Number: 232 Si5f

Albert B. Simpson, Wholly Sanctified(Harrisburg: Christian Publications, 1982).Bailey Circulation copy #1 Temporarily Shelved at On Reserve - Ask at Bailey Circulation Desk Call Number: 234.8 Si5, 1991

The Manual of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Available online at the website, Read sections A1-A6, B1, E1-9, E15, and H1-5, in particular. (Korean translation is available, though outdated now, at the Korean District office of the C&MA or at the instructor’s office).

Robert Niklaus, John Sawin, and Samuel J. Stoesz, All for Jesus (Camp Hill: Christian Publications, 1987).Bailey Circulation Call Number: 289.11 N58 Wilson Circulation Call Number: BX6700 .A4 N55x 1986 (Korean translation available at the instructor’s office or Korean District of the C&MA at 550 Durie Ave., Suite 201, Closter, NJ 07624 for $15.-).

A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (Harrisburg: Christian Publications, 1948).Bailey Circulation Call Number: 248.3 T66 ATS Circulation Call Number: BV4817 .T6 1995

Second Tier (Helpful and Optional for Ordination): Select one book among the following.

Keith M. Bailey, The Children’s Bread: Divine Healing (Harrisburg: Christian Publications, 1977).ATS Circulation Call Number: BT732.5 .B35 1977 Bailey Circulation Call Number: 615.852 B15

E.M. Bounds, Power through Prayer (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990). ATS Circulation Call Number: BV210 .B586 1990

Samuel J. Stoesz, Sanctification: An Alliance Distinctive (Camp Hill: Christian Publications, 1992). ATS Circulation Call Number: BT765 .S86 1992 Wilson Circulation Call Number: BT 765 .S86 1992

  1. To submit 5 position papers:

The position papers for this course are the same as the six papers a ministerial candidate must write for ordination or consecration in the C&MA. However, the student is required to write only five position papers for this course. The required papers are Jesus Christ our Savior, Jesus Christ our Sanctifier,Jesus Christ our Healer, Jesus Christ Our Coming King, and Biblical Mission. Position papers should reflect the student’s own beliefs on these subjects. In presenting these truths the student is expected to support his position through sound scriptural exegesis and to show familiarity with the evangelical literature on the subject, and to use a modest amount of quotations from it. The length of each position paper will be 5-7 pages (Double space). Concerning the content of the position papers, refer the instruction file in the Virtual Resources.

The instructor’s grading of these papers will be based on the following four criteria: (1) Does the student use good biblical exegesis?; (2) Does the student treat the subject adequately?; (3) Does the doctrinal content and its form of expression meet the standard of accepted usage in the C&MA?; and (4) Does the paper communicate in clear language and display acceptable English grammar?

  1. Online Resources

Students are strongly encouraged to visit the instructor’s website, in which they will find important resources for the position papers and the reading requirements:

Go to

Click on “English”

Click on “JT Kim at Alliance Theological Seminary”

Scroll down to “Alliance Theology and Ministry”

4. Class attendance and participation in discussion and presentation: There are no unexcused absences. (15% of grade)

5. Late Work

All written worksare due by the beginning of class on the date assigned. See the ATS policy on extensions (ATS Catalog p.46). Incompletes will not be given except in the case of serious illness or emergency.

Date / # / Assignment Due / Activities
Jan 10 / 1 / Introduction to the course; Calling & Knowing the time; Simpson my mentor; The History of the C&MA; Importance of the person – Ethical and life-style issues such as abortion, divorce/re-marriage, homosexual practices, submission to constituted authority, use of addictive substances and issues of moral and financial integrity; Alliance Position papers.
Jan 11 / 2 / Each presenter to submit the presented papers. / 4 Student Presentations of his/her reading reports (2 each on the first two books); 2 Student Presentation of his/her position paper (Jesus Christ Our Savior); Discussion; Student Testimony on his/her salvation; Lecture on Sanctification and the C&MA Distinctive.
Jan 12 / 3 / Each presenter to submit the presented papers. / 4 Student Presentations of his/her reading reports (2 each on the second two books); 2 Student Presentation of his/her position paper (Jesus Christ Sanctifier); Discussion; Student Testimony on his/her sanctification.
Jan13 / 4 / Each presenter to submit the presented papers. / 4 Student Presentations of his/her reading reports (2 each on the third two books); 2 Student Presentation of his/her position paper (Jesus Christ Healer); Discussion; Student Testimony on his/her healing; Lecture on Divine Healing.
Jan 14 / 5 / Each presenter to submit the presented papers. / 2 Student Presentation of his/her position paper (Jesus Christ Our Coming King); Discussion; 2 Student Presentation of his/her position paper on Biblical Mission; Lecture on Eschatology and on Biblical Mission & the C&MA.
Jan 21 / To submit the rest of assignments by email to the instructor.

IV. Learning assessment

  1. Learning assessment tools

Class Attendance15%Participation in Discussion15%

Reading Reports15%Papers40%

Presentation 15%


Grades are assigned based on your competency in performing the assignments referred to in this syllabus.

A (4.0) / 93-100 / A- (3.7) / 90-92
B+ (3.3) / 88-89 / B (3.0) / 83-87
B- (2.7) / 80-82 / C+ (2.3) / 78-79
C (2.0) / 73-77 / C- (1.7) / 70-72
D+ (1.3) / 68-69 / D (1.0) / 63-67
D- (0.7) / 60-62 / F (0.0) / 0-60

V. Honor Policy

Alliance Theological Seminary has an honor policy and a statement of Academic Honesty. Classes at ATS are designed so that students will not only know the truth, but will speak and live the truth in a manner consistent with the vocation of ministry as given by God. ATS policies provide:

1. That students shall neither give nor receive any assistance, whether verbal, written, or electronic, during quizzes or examinations at ATS beyond that specifically permitted by the instructor.

2. That in all coursework, students will not use the words or ideas of another person without so specifying. This statement includes the use of published and unpublished written materials and the assistance of others (writers, editors, etc.) in the production of coursework.

The policy further states the following: “Any students apprehended in cheating, including plagiarism, during his or her college matriculation, is subject to the following discipline:

a. First offense – failure in the course involved.

b. Second offense – dismissal.”

“Cases of cheating are reported to the Dean. Appeals may be made to the Student Government Judiciary Board or the college administrators, with the provision that the instructor involved and the Dean be present when the case is considered.”