/ Physical Education
Coach Nunnery, Rm. (U10)
314.435.3649 Email:
Office hours by appointment only.

I. Course Description

This course will serve as an introductory course to Physical Education and fitness, which will lead to students learning self-discipline as it pertains to fitness. It will prepare students for the fitness test while also allowing the resources for them to incorporate fitness and healthy choices permanently within their daily lifestyles. Students will gain a better understanding of what it takes to develop healthy habits mentally and physically through fitness, nutrition and weight training. The Noble Network is committed to a culture that promotes a healthy lifestyle for our students. This class is to encourage our Noble students to become active, eat better and live quality lives by engaging in a plethora of different activities.

II. Required Text and Materials

Required Muchin uniform

-Muchin P.E. shirts (gray)

-Muchin P.E. shorts (black)

-Muchin P.E. athletic pant (gray)

-notebook that will be used as a journal

III. Grading Information

97-100 A+ 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+ 0-59 F

93-96 A 83-86 B 73-76 C 63-66 D

90-92 A- 80-82 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 D-

Category / planned #/sem / planned assignment frequency / ideal points /assign / (category points) / (% total points) / goal %:
Classwork & Participation/ FitnessGram / 40 / daily / 10 / 400 / 50% / 50%
Homework / 10 / biweekly / 8 / 80 / 10% / 10%
Exit Tickets / 20 / biweekly / 6 / 120 / 15% / 15%
Quizzes/Projects / 4 / monthly / 50 / 200 / 25% / 25%

Students must pass a written health test and a physical test to be promoted to the next grade level and to graduate: the requirements for the fitness test for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors in order are given below: Students who do not pass the health and/or fitness test during the school year, must take a gym class during the summer where they will prepare to pass either or both of the tests.

(1 min) / CURL UPS
(1 min) / 1 MILE
(1 min) / 20 METER PACER
9th / 7 / 18 / 10:45 / 32
10th / 7 / 18 / 10:15 / 32
11th / 7 / 18 / 10:00 / 41
12th / 7 / 18 / 10:00 / 41
(1 min) / CURL UPS
(1 min) / 1 MILE
(1 min) / 20 METER PACER
9th / 16 / 24 / 9:45 / 51
10th / 18 / 24 / 8:45 / 61
11th / 18 / 24 / 8:30 / 61
12th / 18 / 24 / 8:30 / 61

·  35 push-ups (Honors) 45 push-ups (Elite)

·  47 curl-ups (Honors) 57 curl-ups (Elite)

·  7:00 mile (Honors) 6:00 mile (Elite)

Proactive Intervention Plan

The Proactive Improvement Plan will be used to ensure that all students stay on track and excel throughout the course of the semester. This is meant to HELP students who may be having trouble with content or skills and should not be seen as a consequence.


-  Mastery is defined as 70% or higher on weekly quizzes and 70% of higher on unit exams.

-  Homework should be 100% complete each night assigned

Red Flags

-  Less than 70% on a quiz

-  Less than 70% on a Unit Exam

-  Several incomplete homework assignments

-  Frequent absences

-  Inconsistent submission of portfolios

-  Low portfolio performance


-  Mandatory Office Hours for quiz or test analysis

-  Personal Training

-  Small group re-teaching or study team in office hours

-  Individual Action Plan for study skills and/or organization

-  Conference with student and advisor/parent

Students can avoid interventions by actively participating in class and preparing for exams and quizzes well in advance. Additionally, students should be sure to take all assignments seriously and approach each training session ready to work. Lastly, students can attend office hours for individual help on writing portfolios or homework.

IV. Student Expectations

Tardy Policy (not in seat when bell rings): Less than 1 minute = 1D, 1 – 3 minutes = 2D, More than 3 minutes = 4 D

Absences: Absence in class will reflect heavily on your grade and your preparedness for weekly fitness test and the final fitness test. Students must return absent work within the same number of days as they were absent. When absent, please do the following:

1.  Check the class Wiki for missed handouts and / or homework: http://muchincollegeprep.wikispaces.com/

2.  Talk to a classmate to get notes and missed assignments.

3.  Email your teacher with questions during absence.

4.  Speak with your teacher after class or school in a timely manner.

If a journal is due on the date of absence, the assignment must be given to the teacher, by you, no later than 8am upon your return or will be counted as late. Late journal assignments will receive a 50% deduction after the due date and may be turned in up to one week late for no more than 50%.

Homework: Students will receive some form of homework on a daily basis. The students will track fitness progress via daily journal entries, in addition to any other homework given. All late work must be handed in the next class day and will only receive half-credit. Late work will only be accepted at the beginning of the following class day, earning zero credit after that point.

Classroom Rewards / Classroom Consequences
Students who meet the expectations of the class will be rewarded in several ways, including:
- Praise and recognition
- Merits
- Positive communication to parents
-Classroom verbal praise
-Mastery charts will be displayed on with fitness assessment results (individual and group based)
-Leads (individual) / Students who choose to break a rule or not meet the expectations of class will be responsible for the following consequences, depending on the severity of the behavior:
- Demerits, LaSalle, or Detention
- Conference with parents/guardians
- Possible suspension or expulsion from school

V. Classroom Procedures

Start of Class: Entering the classroom all students are expected to be in their locker room BEFORE the bell rings. You have 3:30 minutes to put on your P.E. uniform and prepare yourselves for class. You are not to exceed this allotted time. If you take more than 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you will be given demerits based off of how late you are and according to the student handbook. Each class will begin with a pre-workout stretch. If homework is given, it is your responsibility to submit it upon exiting the locker room and before you enter the classroom. Upon entering class, you are expected to follow the student-lead and begin pre-workout then listen to instruction before any activity. If you have any infractions which warrant demerit, you will be given the demerits. No exceptions.

Hand Raising: In order to receive full participation points, students must raise their hand to be acknowledged by the teacher to speak.

Bathroom Policy: NO Bathroom Passes will be granted. Bathroom must be used during designated locker room times before and after class. No exceptions!!!

Dismissal: You will be released 5 minutes prior to the end of class. During this time, you are expected to enter the locker room and take care of whatever personal needs that you may have. Do not get ready to leave unless the teacher, not the bell, has signaled you to do so.

Integrity: Due to the physical nature of this class, students must display a high level of discipline and active listening skills, in which case classmates are expected to act with respect and integrity. If this is violated, students will be administered the necessary number of demerits and infractions. This includes talking when instructions are handed out, not tracking coaches, uniform infractions, lack of participation, laughing at another classmate’s mistake, etc. Offenses will be treated harshly to maintain a safe, fit and productive classroom environment.

Students are also expected to pass end of semester physical and health fitness exams. Student’s grades will automatically drop a letter grade after 5 uniform/participation infractions. Any form of plagiarism is a punishable offense that will affect your academic standing for the remainder of the course.

VI. Important Due Dates – Understand that these dates are subject to change. Each unit will also include a pre and post fitness assessment. Student’s progress will be tracked through classroom monitoring charts displayed within the weight room.

Test / Testing Timeframe / Data Deadline / Retakes
Fitness Pre-Test / Tue, Sep 2 – Fri, Sep 26 / Fri, Sep 26, 5:00pm / No retakes
Fitness Q1 Interim / Mon, Nov 3 – Tue, Nov 25 / Tue, Nov 25, 5:00pm / No retakes
Fitness Q2 Interim / Mon, Jan 26 – Fri, Feb 20 / Fri, Feb 20. 5:00pm / No retakes
Fitness Post Test / Mon, Apr 13 – Fri, May 29 / Fri, May 29, 5:00pm / No limit on retakes
Health Assessment / Mon, Apr 13 – Fri, May 29 / Fri, May 29, 5:00pm / One retake permitted

Physical Education

Student Agreement

I certify that I have thoroughly read and understand the Physical Education syllabus. I agree to abide by the expectations and procedures described above. Additionally, I understand that dates outlined in the calendar above are subject to change (with ample notice). I also understand that there will be certain rigor associated with this course that will challenge me to physically push myself with the expectation that I will garner the necessary knowledge to independently take responsibility for my fitness.


Student Name Printed


Student Signature Date

Parent / Guardian Agreement

I certify that I have thoroughly read and understand the Physical Education syllabus. I agree to the classroom expectations and procedures described above. I understand that this class will require my student to engage in physical activity through advanced course work.

I will encourage my students throughout his/her Physical Education preparation and will contact the teacher if I have any questions or concerns.


Parent / Guardian Name Printed


Parent / Guardian Signature Date