West Catholic High School Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

West Catholic High School

September 21, 2016

Attendees: John Brechting; Mike Dorato; Don Duba; Jean King; Kevin McGrath; Grey Meyer; Sr. Colleen Ann Nagle; Bill Roth; Miles Schmidt; Dave Veneklase; Diane Vermeesch.

Absent: Lucian Leone; Fr. Tony Russo; Msgr. Lou Stasker; Tim Thimmesch; Mary Kay VanDriel.

Resources: Cindy Kneibel, WC Principal; Jill Vanderende, WC Development Director.

Guests: Dave Faber, Canonical Administrator and Superintendent

Agenda Item / Discussion/Conclusion/Action / Responsibility
1.1Call to order and welcome
1.2 Opening prayer
1.3 Roll Call / Roth called the meeting to order 6:00pm.
Schmidt led opening prayer.
Duba called roll. Quorum met. / Roth
Comments from the Floor:
2.1 None. / None. / N/A
3.1 Canonical Administrator / Faber, Canonical Administrator and Diocesan schools Superintendent, attended the board meeting and provided extensive and comprehensive reports, summarized as
i) Faber opened with recognition of the second year of independent board existence; expressed gratitude for our board members’ service and congratulated the board on its wise decisions.
ii) Faber described the board of limited jurisdiction model; provided board training materials including a one hour training video located at at the Governance tab.
iii) Distributed and reviewed end-of-year 2016 diocese wide board self-surveys and results of the WC board self-analysis. Faber fielded questions on the survey format which was derived from the National Catholic Education program; Faber fielded questions on the expected timeline for conclusion to the financial balance sheet separation process.
iv) Faber disclosed and presented the September 21, 2016 Bishop’s Catholic Schools Initiative (BCSI) and emphasized the Bishop’s vision of utilizing Catholic schools for evangelization. Faber fielded various questions regarding the same.
v) Faber presented a working draft plan for Catholic School Vitality and worked through the diocesan planning process for the same. Materials were provided. / Faber
3.2 Bishop Meeting Recap
3.3 2016-17 Principal Final Goals
3.4 Development Update
3.5 Construction Update
3.6 Foundation Update
3.7 WC Microsite
3.8 Long Range Plan
3.9 Closed Session / Roth, Schmidt and Kneibel updated the board on topics and direction provided from a September 2, 2016 extensive meeting with Bishop Walkowiak. Topics discussed include the diocese’ position on support for unexpected cash flow shortages, diocese’ position on gym debt payment moved to Spring, and discussion on diocese’ position on WC self-funding tuition assistance needs.
Kneibel distributed a written High Level Goals for the 2016-17 school year. Goal One is to improve communications to all stakeholders. Kneibel explained that the goals were derived and developed through alignment with the strategic plan and community input. The board suggested a timeline for accomplishment of goals and measurement of the same.
Vanderende provided a development update which included confirmation of a successful conclusion to the Fifty Year campaign as of August 31, 2016. A record contribution total of cash and pledges of $6,224,639.38 was received. The board congratulated Vanderende on her successes. Vanderende reported the physical plant projects to be completed Summer 2017 include Alumni Plaza and the Makarewicz Academic Learning Center. Vanderende reminded the board of several options for giving and participation including the October 5All A’s Walk; October 19 Falcon Awards Night (Honorees: McGrath; Abid; VanDriel; Misner); April 21 Auction; Annual Appeal and Student Services Accounts donations. A development 2020 plan is in the works.
Brechting reported that the Alumni Plaza and the Learning Center are combined projects, each with a Spring 2017 start date. Development drawings are 90% complete. Through Dan Blundy, WC supporter, the Dan Vos Construction estimating team will provide real time construction cost estimates. Mike Hoffman, of Light, LLC, continues with the drawing process. Highlights include gas heat and direct sewer line connection features for Alumni Plaza.
Schmidt and Roth provided comments regarding a possible proposal forthcoming regarding modification or internal or external separation of the Catholic Secondary School’s foundation that may be proposed by Catholic Central. Discussions are ongoing.
King, on behalf of the marketing subcommittee, unveiled the new recruiting micro-website The board reviewed the site and participated in a discussion on how to get the site out to target enrollment opportunities. Suggestions included the ability of site visitors to get to the WC website from the microsite and other comments.
Veneklase provided a brief overview of an August 31, 2017 presentation on the WC long range plan that will included a SWOT analysis from all subcommittees. The target is January, 2017 for launch of a new long range plan via the SMART format.
The board participated in a closed session with the board, Kneibel and Faber. / Roth, Schmidt
Committee and Other Reports:
4.1 Review and Approve Minutes
4.2 2016-17 Budget / Duba would provide the June 22, 2016 board minutes via email. Support and approval of the same will be sought via that method.
Schmidt reported the 2016-17 Budget remains on track with a modest additional expense as a result of additional teachers necessary for 2016-17 school year. The forecast reveals a prospective positive cash flow budget. / Duba
Consent Items
5.1 Finance
5.2 Development
5.3 Facilities
5.4 Technology
5.5 Catholic Culture
5.6 Marketing and Enrollment
5.7 Collaboration Committee
5.8 Staffing Plan
5.9 Principal’s Report / Committee work was provided via board portal.
Committee work was provided via board portal.
Committee work was provided via board portal.
Committee work was provided via board portal.
Committee work was provided via board portal.
Committee work was provided via board portal.
No activity.
Kneibel provided staffing update and plan via board portal.
Kneibel provided a written report via board portal. / Schmidt
6.1 Closing Prayer
6.2 Adjournment
6.3 Dates to Remember / Roth led closing prayer
Roth adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm
Thursday, October 18, 2016 – Special Board Meeting Regarding Construction Projects;
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 – Falcon Awards Night / Roth

S:\5263\West Catholic High School\Minutes\September 2015.docx