Key Questions / Term 2b
Overarching Topic:Our Local Area / Number of weeks: 5
Key Question / What is life like in a coastal village?
Planned Outcome / Children to write their own story based on ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.’
Big Experience Link / Trip to Ilfracombe Aquarium and the RNLI. Trip to the beach.
Subjects / Activities and Independent Learning / NC Links
English / Narrative
Familiar Settings
Can you write a story set at the beach?
The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch
By Ronda and David Armitage /
  • I can use different sentence types: statements, questions and exclamations.
  • In my writing my punctuation is mostly correct.
  • I can use adjectives and noun phrases.
  • I can use the past and present tense.
  • I can write compound sentences.
  • I can make simple corrections to my writing on my own, checking for meaning, word choices, punctuation and use of tenses.

Can you write poems based on the theme of water? /
  • For writing week children will read and critique a variety of poetry with a water theme.
  • We will look at rhyming poems, shape poems, acrostics and riddles.
  • Children will write and produce their own book of water poems and publish it for the writing showcase.

Maths / Multiplicative Reasoning
Which seagull has the most sandwiches:
4 baskets with 5 sandwiches in, or
3 baskets with 10 sandwiches in?
Explain your reasoning.
Bert and Tom share 12 fish equally between them.
How many do they get each? /
  • I know the 2, 5 and 10 times table.
  • I know division facts from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
  • I can use the x, ÷ and =
  • I can explain how multiplication can be done in any order but division cannot.
  • I can explain how multiplication is like adding the same number again and again.
  • I can use arrays to explain multiplication and division.
  • I solve problems using multiplication and division facts.
  • I can explain what odd and even numbers are.

I can show and explain how I know that
our sand tray holds 20 litres more than the class next door when ours holds 75
litres and theirs holds 55 litres, recording a matching number sentence. /
  • I can read scaled divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens.
  • I can measure in centimetres and metres.
  • I can measure capacity in millilitres and litres.
  • I can solve measure word problems.

Science/ Technology / Living things in their habitats
Can you explain how life survives in a rock pool? / Children will:
  • explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive
  • identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
  • identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats
  • describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.

Arts / Can you design and make a lighthouse? / Children design and make a lighthouse. They then make an electric circuit to light the bulb.
Geography/History / Geography
What physical and human features can you see in Combe Martin? / Children will:
  • name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans
  • use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather and key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop

Music / Singing /
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence

PE / Swimming
Dance /
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Computing / Databases /
  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content

RE / Celebrations
Why are some times special? / Children will look at why people celebrate special times of the year.
PHSE / Moral Compass
How can we use our moral compass to make choices?
Being British / British Values
What values do British people share?