Library Worksheet
497 Introduction to Research Methodology
NOTE: Type your responses directly on this word document.
Label all documents (e.g., Section E, Section F, Section G, etc.).
All material must come from resources found using Milner Library. Any electronic articles submitted must be linked to a library database, and you must include the name of the database from which the citation was retrieved.
General Resources
A. You are to locate each of the following resources in Milner Library and respond to each of the specific question(s) after the title. Indicate floor location and call # for each. *Indicates vendor provided database.
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education - Name three topics
that may be of interest to art educators?
Review of Research in Education- Name a topic related to your interest. Name
the author (if identified), pages, title, association with topic, year published.
Encyclopedia of Educational Research- What do you find to be the major topics
discussed by the authors?
Handbook of Research on Teaching- What topics might be of interest to you?
OVID, ERIC PsycINFO or EBSCO* Find an abstract of a document that would be
of interest to you and provide the bibliographical information.
Dissertations and Theses Database*- Find an abstract of a dissertation that would
be of interest to you and make a copy the abstract.
Art Abstracts (1984-present) and Art Retrospective (1929-1984)*- Find one
reference from each that is of interest to you and document (copy).
B. For four (4) of the journals listed below, respond to the following:
(1) Is it available in Millner Library?
(2) What is the frequency of publication?
(3) Is it refereed?
(4) List the title of an article you might find of interest.
The journals are:
American Educational Research Journal
American Psychologist
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational and Psychological Research
Educational Research
Educational Research Quarterly
Elementary School Journal
Harvard Educational Review
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Experimental Research
Journal of Experimental Education
Journal of Research and Development in Education
Phi Delta Kappan
Psychology in the Schools
Review of Educational Research
Find the following journals in Art Education. Indicate the current publisher, name of current editor(s), whether it is refereed (juried, peer reviewed) or not, number of times published, general focus of the journal, and major topics (not article titles) during the past 2 years. (*Some journals may be available online – please indicate if available and the limitation (some may only have the last 5 years).
Studies in Art Education*
Art Education Policy Review
Art Education (Journal)*
Visual Arts Research
Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education
(missing at MILNER)
Empirical Studies of the Arts
Journal of Aesthetic Education
Arts in Society (limited)
Choose 3 non art education journals (ed psych, sociology, history, education, etc.) that would provide information that could be of value to researchers in art education. Provide the same information as requested in section C.
On a topic(s) of interest to you, locate and copy four (4) research based articles. Type out the following information as a cover page and attach to the articles:
a. The Citation (APA reference style).
b. The Problem
c. The Procedures
d. The Findings
e. The Major Conclusion(s)
NOTE: These need to be research based articles not policy, philosophy or opinion articles
F. On a topic(s) of interest to you, do a computer search (ERIC). Print out search, locate one research based article and make a copy.
G. Search the online library catalog: (a) a topic of interest to you and (b) an author of interest to you. Print out information.
H. Look up in Books in Print* (*this is a database) a citation of an art education book or author. Copy and highlight the selection.
I. Keep a list (Bibliography) of any additional sources for your research in art education.