Senate Minutes

Monday, February 24, 2014

I.  Call to Order: Jeff Simmons

II.  Pledge: Senator Randi Olivier

III.  Invocation Senator Vince Diez

IV.  Roll Call: Alexis Quackenbush

V.  Approval of Minutes: February 17, 2013

a. Zellner motions to approve minutes

i. 30-0-0

VI.  Reports:

i.  President: Greg Crovetto

a. Thank you to everyone who helped with Rock N Roar

b. Elections and Big Events applications on the SGA website

c. Big Event on March 15

d. Promote all social media pages for election applications

ii.  Coordinator: Mrs. Cherie Kay LaRocca

a. Congratulations to all of the new senators

b. DSA Ambassador applications are out

c. Big Event job site applications direct them to our website to fill them out

iii.  Faculty Liaison: Dr. George Gibson

a. N/A

iv.  Chief Justice: Mary Takewell

a. Debate for elections are coming up, please attend

v.  Senate Chairman: Jeff Simmons

a. Get your legislation done

b. Any questions email me or come by my office

c. Make sure you email Aaron Johnson to get points

d. 20 points a semester are required

VII. Programs:

Question of the Day (2 Points)

a. Who does the Executive Board consist of? All 6

i. Page 25 of 29 of the Bylaws

ii. Chase Cole receives

VIII.  Unfinished Business:

SP14-21 Travel Grant Elizabeth Kimball

a. Rogers calls to question

i. 27-1-2

SP14-22 Travel Grant Tri Beta

a. Zellner calls to question

i. 29-0-1

SP14-23 Travel Grant Early Childhood Development

a. Diez calls to question

i. 30-0-0

IX.  New Business

SP14-25 Travel Grant National Broadcast

SP14-26 Departmental Grant Biology Department – Super Speaker

SP14-27 Departmental Grant English Department – Common Read

SP14-28 Departmental Grant Research, Creative, & Scholarly Activities Showcase

X.  Announcements and Remarks

XI.  Adjournment

a. Garner motions to adjourn @ 5:36