Wednesday, September 20, 7:30 PM
White Oak Room, Thatcher South

I.  Call to Order: Gavin Finch

II.  Worship Thought & Prayer: Laura Chase

III. Punctuality

a.  Gavin: I really need you all here on time. If the majority of us show up late, all of our nights are going to be a whole lot longer. Let’s please be considerate when it comes to punctuality to these meetings.

IV. Email Etiquette: Gavin Finch

a.  Gavin: I will comb through all of your emails, just be sure. I made a promise to the student body last year that the Senate will write them good emails. First, have a clear subject line so that constituents know what they’re receiving. It could be a hook, whatever you want to call it. Name your audience when addressing them, don’t use generalizations such as “guys,” it could be considered sexist. You also want to ensure that you clarify your purpose in the first paragraph. If that’s not there, then they probably won’t read past that. In the second paragraph, you want to list your main ideas. Be clear, give them the main ideas, and keep the emails brief. The majority of the students out there are incredibly busy, so keep it concise. Also, have a good-looking signature, it catches the eye.

b.  Victor: Please go over the sexism part again.

c.  Gavin: People get offended over almost anything, so exercise caution when writing. Think though the scenario, and if you can find something that someone could perceive as offensive, change it.

d.  Alexa: So we keep away from saying “you guys?”

e.  Gavin: Not necessarily, know your audience.

f.  Laura: I really like puns, so last year I’d always include a meme or pun in your email, it makes the message more enjoyable. I appreciate that a lot of you are using different writing and emphasis techniques.

g.  Gavin: Be professional above all else, because if your constituents feel that you’re not serious, then we’ve lost.

V.  Committees

a.  Gavin: Now I’d like for the committees to break up and meet for about 20 minutes to discuss business.

b.  (Gavin introduces Caleb Howard, Finance Director for Student Association. Caleb flashes a smile that can be seen a mile away.)

c.  (Gavin also introduces Alyanna Monta (SA Assistant Finance Director, Doug Frood (he got a whistle), Jake Strauss (SA Social VP), and Bruno Benna (SA PR Director))

d.  Gavin: You’ll have committee meetings outside of Senate, but what we want to happen now is to have discourse and notes taken.

VI. Apparel Announcement: Andrew Cuevas

VII.  Announcements: Gavin Finch

a.  Keynote:

i.  Gavin: I need volunteers to help with refreshments at tomorrow’s keynote. Is anyone interested?

ii.  Esteban: Why not pass a paper around asking for volunteers?

VIII.  Adjournment: Motion brought by Estaban, unanimous vote

Contact Info

Gavin Finch, Executive Vice President:

Laura Chase, Parliamentarian:

Andrew Cuevas, Executive Secretary:

Dennis Negrón, Sponsor:

Kari Shultz, Sponsor:

Doug Frood, Sponsor: