Delaware Athletic Boosters
January 11, 2016
Room – 605
I. Call to order – Colleen Rush
Meeting called to order at6:31pm by President Colleen Rush.
Executive Board members present:
Colleen Rush – President
Doug Woller – President Elect
Julie Horvath – Vice President
Stephanie Jebode- Treasurer
Linda Rehm – Secretary
Other Attendees-
Julie Horvath, Women's Golf
Ted Backus, Board of Education
Steve Glesenkamp, Athletic Director
Andy Cross, baseball
Karie Rittenour, Cross Country
Alan Brown, Men's basketball
Stacy Ullom, Men's tennis
Dennis Palmquist, Women's lacrosse
Becky Travis, Women's track
Diane Godrey, Men's golf
Stacy Groth, Men's lacrosse
Melissa Gilligan, Concessions
Rhonda McGeath, Men's soccer
Sarah Olsen, Women's soccer
II. Approval of the Minutes
Minutes fromNovember 16, 2015 were read.
Motion was made by Sarah Olsen and Rhonda McGeathseconded to approve the minutes of theNovember 16, 2016 meeting. Motion carried. Minutes were approved.
III. Board of Education – Ted Backus
Renewal of levy on the March primary. This is considered a substitution levy. The substitution is where those that move into the district will also pay on the levy even though buildings were not here when the levy was passed (ex. new builds, new apartments). Please encourage those to support and vote on this.
-Levy passed last time at about 67%.
-Per pupil costs are below the state average for Delaware.
-Costs are about $10,00 to run a campaign. Will the booster club consider making a donation to help support the campaign as we have in previous campaigns?
IV. Treasurer's report – Stephanie Jebode
Stephanie handed out reports to representatives.
As of January 9, 2016, $93,504.83 in the general checking. Belonging to the various sports programs is $81,327.76.
$2,074.86 is committed to the weight room.
Accounts receivable of $1,177.09 owed to boosters from the baseball club. Boosters paid up front for a bill for them.
Pacer inventory is still there.
Accounts payable are related to bingo & concessions.
Progressive are bingo & jackpots
Profit & loss year starts June 1st to January 10th. Net income just over $10,000.
V. Bingo
Bingo has recovered. Doing well. Numbers have been down but deposits have been pretty regular.
VI. Athletic Director – Steve Glesenkamp
Have hired Don Burroughs for Men's volleyball coach.
Still working on getting a Women's tennis coach.
Renovation now moving forward. Moving some classrooms around currently.
Hayes is speaking with a corporate sponsor that is interested in a relationship with Athletics.
Track & field equipment don't meet some standards. Trying to get bids for high jump, pole vault pit, and hurdles.
Still working on booster club documents.
Will begin to look at what we will need for Lincoln field which we will begin to use.
Lacrosse is coming on the 2016-2017 school year.
VII. Fundraising – Julie Horvath
Tickets printed for "Second Chance" prom. $75 per couple.
Every 8th or 10th person will get golden ticket. This golden ticket will get 20 raffle tickets free of charge.
Will have booth beer and wine for bar.
Will have a DJ, photo both, ice cream bar.
Couple contests: ugly prom pictures.
Raffle tickets will cover for the baskets the sports teams are putting together.
Basketball tournament still in talks for 2017.
VIII. Concessions – Melissa Gilligan
Concessions doing ok. Workers are showing up.
Renee & Melissa will be resigning after this school year.
IX. Old business
For Bingo we need to make sure insurance covers us for the ATM before we sign contract.
Baskets aren't ready for most groups. February 20th would be perfect to drop off.
Local business have been willing to donate. Please take information of those that have so we can acknowledge sponsors.
X. New Business
Next month we want to move the meeting to February 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm in room 605/606 since the normal meeting will be after the "Second chance" prom.
Need to figure out how to handle concessions with both Melissa & Renee leaving.
-Some suggestions being since we can't find people to do this for free with 26 varsity programs that we go to a pay system that will be paid by boosters.
-Have vendors to setup.
-Have a paid manager (like the bingo manager)
Cindy Protheroe would like to have a 2nd bingo manager for when she is not available. This person will learn everything she does in order to fill in. Starting in April she will possibly be working on an occasional Saturday.
Also looking for a 2nd person to help with the Booster's treasurer position. Someone preferably with an accounting background. Stephanie will be done August 1, 2017.
Try to get into each building's newsletter about the concessions positions and booster treasurer. Need to contact Jen Ruhe (sp?).
Motion was made by Colleen Rush and Doug Woller seconded to donate $500 to the levy campaign. Motion carried.
XI.Meeting adjourned
Motion was made by Colleen Rush and Julie Horvath seconded for meeting to adjourn at 7:36 pm. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.