
1.1The 7th Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) of the COSCAP-North Asia Programme was held in Xian,China, on 19 – 21June 2007 and graciously hosted by the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC), for which the SCM expressed its appreciation.

1.2A total of 37 participants attended the meeting, comprising Directors General and/or Representatives from Member States, representative(s) from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Commission (EC), Transport Canada, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardierand air operators. The list of participants is attached as Annexure I.

1.3DPRK in a letter to the Chairman highlighted their strong support to the programme and provided their regrets at not being able to attend the meeting due to special circumstances. DPRK provided their comments on the DPs which were read during the SCM and taken into account when finalizing the conclusions. EASA relayed its inability to participate in this Meeting but requested EC to represent them at the SCM.

Opening of the Meeting

1.4Opening addresses were provided by the CAAC Director General for Northwestern Region, ICAO Regional Director Asia Pacific Region and the Executive Chairman of COSCAP-NA.

1.5Mr. Liu Xue Song, Northwest Regional Director General of CAAC welcomed participants to Xian to attend the 7th SC Meeting of the COSCAP-NA programme. After providing some background information related to the Northwestern Regional Office, he wished the meeting every success.

1.6The ICAO Regional Director, Asia/Pacific (ICAORD), provided comments from the perspective of ICAO. The COSCAP-NA Programme was a sharply focussed safety oversight intervention of the ICAO to enhance the safety oversight threshold among Member States. ICAO was, therefore, very pleased to have initiated and to now be associated with the operationalisation and implementation of this important programme. In this context, ICAO will take a prominent role in the coordination of efforts and sharing of best practices between the COSCAP programmes.

1.7Mr. Liu Yajun, Executive Chairman,on behalf of Minister Yang, Yuanyuan, GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) opened the Meeting. He indicated that due to conflicting engagement the Minister could not attend the meeting. On behalf of the Chairman he extended a warm welcome to the officials present at the meeting and thanked them for their presence.

Proceedings of the Meeting

2.Self Introduction by the Participants

The Executive Chairman, Mr. Liu Yajun brought the Meeting to order and requested the participants to introduce themselves.

3.Adoption of the Agenda

3.1The Agenda of the Meeting, as circulated, was adopted with minor amendment. ICAO CTA requested that Agenda Item 14 on COSCAP-NA Type Acceptance Certificates be withdrawn as it needed to be reviewed in light of the comments that had been received on the Draft Policy Document the was circulated earlier for comments. The Steering Committee agreed to the deletion of Agenda Item 14.

3.2The Steering Committee requested that the Draft Policy on COSCAP-NA Validation/Familiarization be reviewed and submitted for consideration at the 8th SCM.

4.Review of Record of Discussions – 6thSteering Committee Meeting– IP1

4.1The Conclusions of the 6thSteering Committee were reviewed. The CTA informed the Meeting of the progress made by the Programme in the intervening period as outlined in IP1.

4.2The Meeting acknowledged the efforts being made to arrange various seminars / workshops / training programmes in Cabin Safety, Ground Operations Safety, Maintenance and Integrated Training Systems.

4.3To enable the Asia Pacific region to accrue maximum benefit from the various training programmes / seminars and make it cost effective, the Meeting accepted the proposal to conduct the various events at the Regional level if possible and requested the ICAO Asia Pacific Office to support the events.

4.4The Meeting was advised by the Representative from Transport Canada that CAR 802 establishes the Standards and incorporates by reference Annex 10 which serves as a ‘checklist’ to audit the ATM service provider.

4.5The Meeting was informed that since the distribution of the 7th SC meeting papers (IP-1), the Republic of Korea has also signed the Phase II Project Document.

5.COSCAP-NA Programme Review – DP2

5.1In DP2, the Report on COSCAP-NA Programme was presented by the CTA. The purpose of the paper was to outline the progress made to achieve the Programme Objectives. A number of objectives and outputs were discussed in greater detail later in the meeting, so additional conclusions and decisions will be noted under these agenda items. Upon completion of the review the Steering Committee members provided the following conclusions and decisions:

5.2Noted with satisfaction the progress achieved by the COSCAP-NA Programme to date as regards achieving the objectives and outputs laid down in the Programme Document (Phase I) and the benefits accrued by the Member States.

5.3Noted with appreciation the training report resulting in the provision of a total of 79 courses/workshops provided to 2526 civil aviation and industry personnel of the participating States.

5.4Acknowledged the support provided by the MemberStates, ICAO Headquarters, TCB, APAC Office and the Partners to meet the Programme Objectives.

5.5Reviewed the priority accorded to various Objectives /Outputs in light of the evolving needs of the participating States and requested CTA COSCAP-NA to:

(a)review the priority for Phase II (zero base) as the Programme Objectives and Outputs in the next Phase would be different and the SC Meeting should examine the priorities at the commencement of Phase II;

(b)recommend to the Steering Committee the assignment of priority for Phase II so as to enable the Programme to function with efficiency;

(c)provide OJT to Member States based on needs and if a specific request is received for the same;

(d)maintain the Programme’s focus on providing maximum assistance to member States in the area of USOAP preparation; and

(e)provide advance information on various training activities / seminars scheduled by COSCAP-NA to other COSCAPs in the APAC region to enable them to take advantage of the planned effort in the spirit of cooperation.

5.6CAAC agreed to kindly offer some seats each to Hong Kong and Macau, China out of the 8 seats allotted to ATMB, CAAC in the PBN PANSOPS Procedure Design training course to be conducted inChina.

5.7To utilize resources to the optimum, especially when international experts are invited to the Region to conduct training /seminars, additional courses may be arranged back to back, if feasible.

5.8COSCAP-NA to consider the availability of highly qualified experts within the region, as well as look at recognized institutions to assist with the provision of training to fulfill the Programme needs.

5.9The donors /funding partners are requested to kindly continue to provide training support as convenient.

6.COSCAP-NA Results Reporting – DP3

6.1In DP3 CTA COSCAP-NA provided a presentation to outline the contents of the Results Reporting Policy. For each Steering Committee meeting, COSCAP-NA CTA provides a Programme Progress Report on what has been accomplished by the programme since the previous Steering Committee Meeting. The report is focused on the programmes delivered by COSCAP/Donors and does not contain a report on resulting benefits that have been realized by individual States. This discussion paper outlines a reporting system which, if implemented, would provide MemberStates and donors more feedback on the results of a specific programme. The recommendations related to Results Reporting System were discussed by the SCM prior to giving their approval. The following conclusions and decisions were arrived at:

6.2The Draft COSCAP Programme Results Reporting System Policy which has been developed as a cost effective means to provide results-based feedback to the Steering Committee was approved for implementation.

6.3COSCAP-NA to ensure that the confidentiality on technical matters between MemberStates and COSCAP staff is respected.

7. Preparations for ICAO USOAP Audit Programme CAAC

7.1Mr. Fang Jun of CAAC Aviation Safety Office by way of a presentation outlined the preparations undertaken by China to prepare for the ICAO USOAP Audit. He outlined the importance of strong leadership and coordination that are required to ensure that the ICAO Auditors are provided with required information in a timely manner.

7.2CAAC kindly agreed to provide a copy of its presentation on ‘Preparation for ICAO USOAP Programme’ and a video CD, providing an overview on China’s aviation safety system and safety oversight practices, to the participants.

7.3COSCAP-NA to provide to the Member States a copy of the presentation on SMS made by Transport Canada to the Steering Committee Meeting in November, 2005 (Note: Can be downloaded from the website ( under Steering Committee Meeting 5.

8.Presentation from States and /or Donors:

Transport Canada – Issues from 6th SC Meeting

8.1Transport Canada Representative provided a presentation in response to the issues raised from the 6th COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meeting concerning implementation of SMS in Canada. He advised that all documents developed by Transport Canada on SMS were available on the Transport Canada website and could be downloaded free of charge. In some cases hard copies are also available on payment of a fee. Note: His presentation can be downloaded from the COSCAP-NA website under SC Meetings tab (

Boeing - Global Aviation Safety Roadmap

8.2The Boeing Representative provided a presentation on the Industry Strategic Safety Group (ISSG) and the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap developed by them. The Roadmap has been presented to ICAO for their endorsement and it will also be reviewed at the forthcoming ICAO Assembly Meeting. CTA indicated that the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan was being amended to incorporate many of the aspects from the GASR.

8.3Many of the Safety Enhancements taken up for consideration by NARAST and subsequent implementation by Member States were in consonance with the process/strategies/routes described in the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap.

8.4Boeing Representative is requested to kindly take up the matter with the ISSG and advise if a Part 3 of the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap is envisaged in future; and also advise on how is the ‘linkage ‘ going to be created between the COSCAP Programmes and the strategies outlined in the Roadmap.

8.5CTA to provide a review at the next Steering Committee Meeting on the integration between the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (once it is finalized and presented to the ICAO Assembly) and provide an assessment of the efforts undertaken by COSCAP-NA to satisfy the requirements of the Roadmap.

Bombardier –Implementation of SMS by a Manufacturer

8.6The Bombardier representative by means of a presentation outlined to the Meeting the action that has been taken by Bombardier to date towards establishing a their SMS programme. He emphasized that while Bombardier already had many of the components of an SMS in place, establishment of a formal SMS programme would take a number of years to complete.

European Commission – EU Aviation Safety Policy

8.7The EC representative provided a presentation to update the meeting on the recent developments of the EU Safety Policy. He highlighted the EASA inspection programme and advised participants that the SAFA programme has been transferred to EASA. He also provided an update on the EC list of unsafe airlines and the recent developments related to increase in responsibilities for EASA.

CAAC – RVSM Implementation in China

8.8Mr. Wang Liya of ATMB, CAAC provided an update on China’s plan to implement RVSM in Chinese airspace. In a paper submitted to the meeting he indicated that the target date for implementation of RVSM in the China FIRs is 21 November 2007. The ICAO RVSM Task Force is working with China to assist them with their introduction of RVSM.

9. Update Concerning ICAO Safety Management System (SMS) – DP4

9.1CTA by way of a presentation highlighted the high priority that ICAO has established with respect to implementation of SARPs to mandate the establishment of safety management systems. He highlighted the many safety management system courses and workshops that had been completed under the auspices of the COSCAP-NA programme. He advised that the COSCAP-NA CTA has been certified by ICAO as a qualified SMS instructor. The recommendations related to SMS were discussed by the SCM prior to giving their approval. The following conclusions and decisions were arrived at:

9.2 COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meetings continue to be utilized as a forum to provide Member States with the latest developments concerning SMS.

9.3COSCAP-NA to provide workshops, seminars and courses to assist Member States in meeting the requirements of ICAO SARPs related to SMS Implementation as opposed to concepts.

9.4 If required and subject to availability of resources, COSCAP-NA to engage short term experts in the areas of SMS to provide support related to implementation.

10. Presentation by ICAO CTA on 6th NARAST Meeting Recommendations – DP5

10.1The CTA formally presented to the Steering Committee the Recommendations from the 6thMeeting of the North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST), which was held in BangkokThailandfrom 15 – 17 January 2007. He highlighted that the primary objective of NARAST was to recommend accident prevention interventions to the Steering Committee, and after approval of the same, ensure implementation through the coordinated efforts of the regulatory authorities, airlines and aircraft manufacturers. The CTA stated that in arriving at a consensus on the recommendations, the NARAST relied extensively on the safety interventions developed by CAST (FAA).

10.2CTA highlighted that the COSCAP-NA programme has developed an Implementation Status Report of NARAST Recommendations and Steering Committee Conclusions which was included in DP5 as an Attachment. The Report would be updated on a regular basis and submitted to each SC Meeting for their review and comment.

10.3In consultation with the other COSCAPs in the Region, it was agreed that the 7th NARAST meeting would be held during the week of 12 November 2007. Venue will be the Regional Office Bangkok for convenience of participation by the international /external participants.

10.4 The recommendations from the 6th Meeting of NARAST were discussed by the SCM prior to giving their approval for its implementation. The following conclusions and decisions were arrived at (Note: Numbering system from NARAST Meeting Records.


31. SE-1 CFIT/AP 1.01 - Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS)

31-STATUSRecognizing that all participant States were yet to confirm full implementation of the Steering Committee’s decisions, NARAST decided to keep OPEN the status on SE-1 related to Terrain Avoidance Warning System.

32. SE - 2 CFIT/AP 1.06 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

32-STATUSAction Completed.

33.8H (i) ICAO Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Manager to coordinate PBN implementation with NARAST and APANPIRG to ensure there is no duplication of effort and that implementation is fully compliant with ICAO Global Plan (GPI-5) and uses the guidance provided in the ICAO PBN Manual (DOC9613 revised).

(ii) ICAO is requested to develop a PBN Implementation Checklist and Project Implementation Plan Template that will enable Member States to follow a step-by-step process to assess requirements and implement PBN. Additionally, this will provide ICAO a management tool to monitor the progress of implementation in the States and measure performance of the ICAO PBN programme.

33.7D (i) Efforts related to assisting Member States with the implementation of PBN to be in conformance with the APANPIRG/17 strategies related to PBN (See APANPIRG/17 Report, App C & D, Agenda item 2.2). NARAST focus to be on safety aspects such as elimination of the dive and drive technique in non-precision approaches through implementation of APV approaches (RNP and RNPAR approach), as well as implementation of RNAV departures and arrivals, in accordance with the PBN concept.

(ii) Member States to identify the need to implement RNAV in terminal airspace and to develop APV approaches to all runway ends. A State PBN Project Implementation Plan to be developed using the tools provided by ICAO (see 33.8H(ii)).

33.8K (i) COSCAP-NA to provide support to Member States in the development and implementation of their PBN Project Implementation Plan.

(ii) COSCAP-NA to conduct a survey on the capabilities of Member States to develop PBN flight procedures (approaches, arrivals and departures).

(iii) ICAO is requested to provide information on flight procedure design software that may be available for APV approach development.

33.9L Member States are strongly urged to participate in the PBN Workshops, tentatively scheduled for 3-7 September 2007 in India or 10-14 September 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand; and extend an invitation to appropriate air operator and service provider staff. An ICAO State Letter of invitation will be circulated in due time.

33.8I COSCAP-NA to provide PBN Pans-Ops procedure design training programme where required. DGAC France to be requested to provide this training to the COSCAP-NA programme.

34. SE-10 CFIT / AP 1.08 - Airline Proactive Safety Programs (FOQA & ASAP)

34.4Recognizing that a “Non-punitive Reporting Culture” constitutes an essential component of the Safety Management System (SMS), SE-10 (ASAP) to be viewed in the context of SMS. COSCAP-NA to review the Outputs / elements related to SE-10 and provides information to NARAST Members for the next meeting.

34-STATUSRecognizing that the FDA Programme was yet to be fully implemented in all participant States, NARAST decided to keep OPEN the Status on SE-10.

35. SE-11 CFIT/AP 1.05 - Implementation Plan for Training - CRM

35.3 States to provide further updates on the implementation plan for CRM training.

36. SE-12/AP 1.04 CFIT - Training - CFIT Prevention

36.3 States to follow up and verify implementation by 01 June 2007.

37. SE-14/15/16/AP 2.05 ALAR- Policies for ALAR (Safety Culture)

37.8 Member States are requested to ensure adequate participation at the SMS Seminar being arranged at Hainan China 29 - 31 May 2007, as air operators with strong Safety Management Systems Programme will be invited to make presentations.

37.9 COSCAP-NA to review the Outputs / Elements related to SE-14 against the ICAO SMS model as it matures; in particular the accountabilities attributed to the CEOs.

37.10 COSCAP-NA to provide detailed presentations at the next NARAST meeting on specific ICAO SMS requirements.

2.2 SE-23/AP 2.01 - Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (Flight CrewTraining)

2.2-STATUSOpen, awaiting final implementation by States.

2.3 SE-26/AP 3.03 - Loss of Control (SOPs)

2.3-STATUSOpen, but to be actionned under SE-2.

2.4 SE-27/AP 3.01 Loss of Control (Risk Assessments and Management)

2.4.1 (i) CAST provided three documents which relate to the ‘Role of Analytical Tools in Airline Flight Safety Management Systems’; ‘Guide to Methods and Tools for Airline Flight Safety Analysis’; and “Survey on Analytical Processes and Requirements for AirlineFlightSafety Management”.