December 5, 2016

I. Call Meeting to Order At: 7:01pm by Jonathan Close

A. Board Members in Attendance: Jonathan Close (Vice President), Joanne Kidd (Treasurer), Melissa Raulerson (Secretary), Eva Cervantes, Ralph Gray, Jacqueline Viskup, and Chip Straley. Guests in Attendance: Christopher Wilson, John Paul Plante, Dannie Ayala, and Terri Grant.

B. Board Members Not in Attendance: Mary Ellen Finch (Family Obligation) and Jay Wachs (Illness)

II. Approval of November 7, 2016 Minutes: July 7 Minutes moved to accept as written by Joanne and seconded Eva. Motion passed.

III. Treasurers Report: Joanne Kidd: Anthony Ornellas has offered to help update the website. Exploring adding a “DONATE NOW” button for PayPal. Wants to sell tickets for Love Letters via this function. Jackie asked how we are receiving the Arizona Community Foundation Grant. It was explained it will be posted to December’s report.

Eva motioned to accept report, and Jackie seconded. Motion passed.

IV. Presidents Report: HYT- Joanne and Mary Ellen met with Pat Quinn of the Art Center, and the news is disappointing. They pointed out the open holes of availability in the current season, and how YCT would love to avail ourselves of such holes in the upcoming season. They explained the board is very willing to work with limited availability, and be flexible with moving sets and “not full” weekends. Pat indicated there are no such “holes” in the upcoming yearly calendar due to numerous “signature” events that have been dumped on their plate. It isn’t necessarily a HYT availability issue, but a staffing availability. IE- the theater may not show as booked for a day/weekend, but the staff is fully occupied elsewhere and thus the facility cannot be manned. That being said, he offered two areas of availability:

FALL SHOW- Move in Monday, 16 October, and perform two full weekends of 20-22 and 27-29 October. Joanne also inquired about a partial weekend (Friday and Sunday) for the 3rd and 5th of November. The 4th is the Anniversary of the Children’s Festival of the Arts, and there is no available staff. Pat did take the request to Lindsey, and it was confirmed it will not work.

SPRING SHOW- Move in on Monday the 12th of March and perform two full weekends of the 16-18th and 23-25th of March.

In addition, Pat provided us the new rental rates for the Theater. He stated the United Building rental would remain the same, but is unsure about tech rates with the new minimum wage rate. Bottom line is a 2 weekend run will run between $6064-6300 depending on estimated tech rates. Board was provided handouts to look at the increase, which is primarily for the fall show.

V. Season Shows 2016-2017

A. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – Joanne. Excited to announce the show made a profit of $4,364.48. Eva asked for the $58.52 for the baby monitors to be made a capital outlay. Eva made motion, Jackie seconded. Motion passed. Chip needs to submit a receipt and Patty gave back a check for costuming. Joanne will update the report for the next meeting. Encore performance we took in $1388 at First Christian Church. Attendance overall increased.

B. The Foreigner - in rehearsals. Chip has a strong cast, and won’t be rehearsing much through December, but will go into high gear come the new year. Going to be a fun show! Working on making the set a log cabin. Chip was able to secure 8 day sponsorships (which is when we get radio spots during the day to advertise for our shows) of AM and FM on KAWC. Chip offered for some of board to take some of the spots ($44.45 per day sponsorship). Discussion ensued. Producers of upcoming shows to speak with Chip after the meeting about his offer.

VI. Standing Committee Reports

A.  Our Building (2874 E. 16th St.) – Joanne said the swamp cooler needs to be installed, the 2nd AC for the costume room needs to be installed, and we need to remove the garage door to put in a new door. Only items need to be bought are for the door. Ralph suggested to put AC in back wall when finished. Ralph and Eric Raulerson to help get in place before March/April 2017. It was then asked what it would take to bring the building up to code for a formal gathering. Joanne answered. We need to address water, get a fire hydrant, pave parking lot, put in drainage system, light it, bring restrooms up to code, etc. Discussion ensued. Fundraising and marketing was briefly discussed to begin. Jackie mentioned pursuing grants. Once we can show profit, then our odds are better. Estimation of 5 years down the road before we begin to change property, and only after we pay off the mortgage. Old First Christian Church was suggested as a place to possibly perform. Discussion ensued. High School District 70 owns it. Suggested Ralph talk to Mary Ellen for details. Wants to be put on the agenda for the January 2017 meeting. Keys: Deadbolt wasn’t locked. Please make sure you properly lock the building. Porch lights also need to be turned off. Melissa asked for keys for the On Deck Players to use the building on Friday and Saturdays for rehearsals for upcoming shows. Get with Mary Ellen to get a copy of keys. Check out list will be made for keys. Currently the key holders are Ralph, Mark (does not include back garage), Joanne, Chip (for the show) and Mary Ellen.

B.  Fundraising: Eva asked if we can do a family movie night, and what needs to be done to the building to bring it to code. Joanne explained it needs to be members only, and we need to be careful about advertising. No charge, but can sell concessions and take donations. Possibility to be further researched.

a.  Love Letters. We need to start soliciting dessert donations. Will also ask board members to bring desserts. Will also start soliciting for alcohol and memberships. Auditions will be in January. Jackie also has a flyer for it to be held at St. Paul’s. Show to be February 12, 2017 at 2pm. $25 per ticket for the GALA.

b.  Telling Project Proposal. Concept is to bring military experience to the stage. Jackie will start gathering veterans for the performances. Interviews will begin in January for those in the show at which point a loose script is created based on the stories. Expressed Veterans are preferred over active duty. Ages 21 and over. Jackie to send out info for website and for Facebook. Performances to be in May, and it will be a touring opportunity. $7,750 in grants have been secured. $1050 from spouses club on MCAS,. $6,000 of the money to go directly to telling project. Joanne and Jackie to discuss the grant since only a $2,000 check has been received at this point. Discussion ensued.

c.  Advertising: Jackie reminded the Board of the small opportunities to promote our organization throughout the year. She will periodically continue to do so.

d.  New Ideas: Eva presented ideas from her, Melissa, Terri, and Dannie. 1. Encouraging Patrons to buy and wear shirts to performances to receive a small discount. 2. Doing a film festival during the summer program. Ask for donations for concessions for viewing. 3. Dannie in charge of YumaCon. She offered free booth to showcase YCT. Event will be March 11, 2017 from 11am-9pm. Ad spaces in program will also be available. 4. Host Thespian Conference for Yuma County Kids (everyone be a member by donation only). We could solicit partnerships with theater teachers to do this. 5. Scholarships and internships opportunities. Chip brought up having student ASM and AD. Discussion ensued.

Melissa asked for new ideas to be discussed by the Fundraising Committee and formerly presented to the board.

VII. Old Business

A.  YCT Board/Committee Duties: Melissa handed out rough drafts of new position responsibilities that were created by Jackie, Eva, and herself. She pointed out a few new ideas on some of the positions. Jackie to send out in one email to all the ones completed thus far. Once we get the okay from all, we will meet again to finish the rest and formerly present to Board for approval.

B.  YCT and YPG- take off agenda until we need to revisit.

C.  2017-2018 Season Dates: Melissa asked board to revisit Gila Ridge. With turnover in District, Melissa asked if Mary Ellen and Joanne could set up a meeting to discuss possibly returning. Discussion ensued.

D.  Shoe Drive- Tabled

E.  Restaurant Takeovers- Tabled

F.  Loan of Set Items-Tabled and take off agenda (Jackie).

G.  NextGen Educator Tickets- 6 tickets utilized. Joanne will have $120 to go back into the Narnia Show Report.

VIII. New Business

A.  Proposals: Joanne to propose fall show at the next meeting geared towards children and families. Chip mentioned bringing back Oliver. Melissa presented The Marquis Ladies Society First Attempt At Murder. Proposing for the Spring Season slot. Discussion ensued. Dannie Ayala proposed Fiddler on the Roof as a 2nd show slot. The issue at this point would be location. Chip mentioned doing it outdoor at the Quarter Master. Ralph expressed his concern that a show like this would really need 3 weekends to turn a profit. Eva offered to ask Darrin at First Christian Church if they could have a show there and do another Freewill Offering. Discussion ensued. Summer proposals are due by the January board meeting in order to let HYT know if we want to perform (for their advertising). Standard proposals are due by 31 Jan. Please update your proposals based on the new information shared about rental rates. Season shows will be decided at the February Board Meeting. Eva and Jackie may propose a summer show.

B.  AWC/YCT Collaborations- Ann Wilkinson, AWC Theater Director. Reminded everyone of Twisted Shakespeare. Gateway Players have partnered with them for this. Targeting younger audience as well to introduce them to Shakespeare. Ann wants to collaborate for next year’s shows and split costs, as well as profits. She proposed shows already- Dates looking at are 1st 3 weekends of November. Spring, last 3 weekends in March or April. Middle show would pose a problem. An idea was proposed to have the fall show later in November, break for Thanksgiving, and carry it in to early December. Discussion ensued. Joanne asked if she would be willing to rent us stage space for our shows, or if she just wanted to collaborate with her students on additional shows. She is not offering to let us rent the stage at this time, and her proposal is for the latter of pure collaboration in addition to our own season

C.  2017 Summer Extravaganza with City of Yuma- proposals due by January meeting

D.  Loan of Set Pieces to Potters House- Eva. Dates 15th of December to pick up set and return by December 20th at the convenience of the board members. Want 8 flats and would be responsible for any damages. Stored in sanctuary. Chip says he isn’t starting set construction until after 19th, so loaning items would not interfere with his show. Joanne raised a few questions: Outright loan or rental? Deposit? If so, how much? Board would want a written contract. Jonathan says he is in favor of loaning (non profit to non profit). Chip suggested $50 per flat. Refundable. Eva to write contract and email out to board members for approval. Eva made motion of the contractual information for the loan of items to be approved. Joanne seconded. Motion passed.

IX. Good of the Order – Jackie had a baby! Melissa asked for good thoughts as her daughter broke collar bone and was to see Ortho. Joanne is excited to go see a Christmas Carol. Chip mentioned the upcoming Dickens Read Friday and Sat at 7pm at St Pauls Episcopal Church. Sunday the 18th a 3pm, free admission but donations welcomed.

Next board meeting January 2, 2017 @ Yuma Community Theater Building, 2874 E. 16th St @ 7:00 P.M.

Meeting adjourned at 9:13pm.