Dear Parents,

I am very excited to be your child’s Intro to Theatre teacher! Without a doubt, this class will be full of both fun activities and hard work. The following 2 pages are my classroom syllabus, rules, policies, and grading procedure. Make sure to read through this information thoroughly, sign, and have your child return this cover page to me no later than ______! The course content may be added to, or taken away from as I deem necessary throughout the semester.

The academic misconduct and attendance policy of the school will be followed in my classroom. Any student who receives a failing grade during this course is urged to discuss this with me at any time. All requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents. All student laptop usage restrictions will be enforced.

I am always available for questions or comments. You may contact me through my cell phone (679-6687), or via email (this is the best way). My email address is

If you are concerned about assignments or grades, please look at your child’s status on the web site as well – IIOD (Internet Information On Demand).

I am sure that this will be a great semester!


Mrs. Mary Davis

I have read, understand, and agree to the class rules, policies, and grading procedure for this class.

______Student’s Name (Print)

______Student’s Signature and Date

______Parent / Guardian’s Signature and Date

______Parent’s email address and / or phone #



  2. History of Theatre
  3. Theatre terms
  4. Theatre games
  5. Improvisational exercises
  6. Acting techniques
  7. Character development
  8. Pantomiming
  9. Analysis of characters in plays and skits
  10. Genres of Theatre
  2. Pantomime to music
  3. 2 – 5 person skits
  4. Individual acting exercises
  5. Monologue
  6. Prop Scenes
  2. Movie Synopsis
  3. Student dialogues
  4. Theatre critique
  5. Report of play seen by the student
  2. Notebook
  3. Pen / highlighter / pencil
  4. Clothing easy to move in (we work on the floor sometimes)


  1. Speak at appropriate times using an appropriate voice.
  2. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
  3. Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
  4. Bring all needed class materials everyday.
  5. Leave all food and drinks in your locker or bag (gum too!)
  6. Respect the teacher, your peers, and the environment.

*Consequences will be based on the severity of the offence, but will generally follow these guidelines:

**Verbal warning **Break detention **Written assignment **After-school detention **Parent contact **Sent to Administrator

  2. Have fun and strive to do your personal best.
  3. Laugh at yourself, but not at others.
  4. Students will be expected to perform in front of the class almost every day. If there is a scheduled performance, students must present it on the scheduled day, unless we make other arrangements beforehand. Do NOT come to me the day you are expected to perform and beg for an extension. I won’t give it to you!
  5. Performances are due on time! If the student is not prepared, he / she will receive a zero test grade.
  6. Treat every day as a day to learn something new, and as a day to master the skills already learned.
  7. Many daily class activities can’t be made up when a student is absent because of the “hands-on” nature of the class. However, for the daily grades that can be made up, and for all test grades, the student must have an excused absence turned in within three days in order to receive a grade. If the absence is unexcused, a zero will result. All make-up performances must be given – through an appointment made with the teacher by the student – within 10 days.

70% = Test grades: Projects, performances, rehearsals, tests, quizzes

30% = Daily grades: In class activities, homework, class participation